Pirate: I was dug out by Robin

Pirate: I was dug out by Robin Chapter 270

Belo Beatty was nervous, too excited to speak.

"Did it happen when you went to Donghai more than three months ago?"

North Army Commander Callas asked.


The leader dragon nodded.

"Nasabo and Kerla, are they now with our revolutionary teacher?"

Karas seemed to have thought of something, and the shock on his face was even worse.

"Everything is as you think."

The unsmiling leader Long, at this moment, has a rare smile on his firm face.

"Three months ago in the East China Sea incident, Qibukai Krokdal's abnormal behavior, Saab who appeared in the South China Sea War, and that... the mysterious city that repeatedly broke big news-Hwaseong"

Belo Beatty took a few deep breaths and calmed down the shock.


Everything is connected in series.

"The'Hwaseong City' in Alabastan, the mysterious existence behind Qiwuhai Krokdal, the initiator of the series of events in the sea in the recent past, is our...revolutionary mentor!"

Lindbergh looked dull and murmured unconsciously.

Immediately afterwards, an emotion named excitement emerged uncontrollably from Lindbergh's face.

"Fuhahaha, Mr. Long, you are really scared, that... Revolutionary teacher, I don't know if I have seen it before, he must be an incredible figure."

The giant shemale Morrie spoke.

"Dragon, if it is really that...revolutionary mentor, don't you think it is even worse? The powerful secret of the former sea lord Lockes is revealed, that'city' will become a target of public criticism."

"The worst has happened. The Four Emperors Luo Te Lingling and Kaido are even on the road."

Karas spoke worriedly.

"So what about Callas."

Long asked calmly.

"That's two sea emperors!"

Lindbergh was also shocked.

"How about the Four Emperors, what they are facing! Thirty-six years ago, they were panicked like bereaved dogs, and this time is no exception."

The leader Long spoke with a fanatical and confident expression.

"Comrades, the original lights of the revolution have been ignited, and preparations are ready. The day when war is declared to the world government will not be too far away!!!"


It lay across the world like a sharp blade, dividing the world into two.

This is the red earth continent.

Except for... the Holy Land Mary Joa.

There are hundreds of millions of people living on the red earth continent, which occupies the world's largest land area.

As a result, large cities and various businesses have been derived.

For example, use the unique and infinite creatures of the red earth continent to transport people to and from the new world and paradise.

On the barren red land.

A huge hippopotamus with a body length of about fifteen meters is running fast.

A coffin boat is fixed on the hippo's back.

There are three people on board 3.

"Hahaha, Hawkeye, look and see, this is really amazing!"

Jesus pointed to the news report on his hand, and laughed and invited.

"Not interested in."

Hawkeye Mihawk, known as the world's largest swordsman, said indifferently.

However, the color of vibration in his sharp eyes cannot be completely concealed.

At the moment the newsbird dropped the newspaper.

His eyes are the big news above.

"Don't be so indifferent, Hawkeye, how can we say that we have had a few banquets together, big deal..."

Sitting on the edge of the coffin boat, Lazilu gritted his teeth.

Take a large piece of flesh from his pocket.

"It's a big deal, I'll give you a piece."

Little Fatty Lazilu said with a pain on his face.

Hawkeye Mihawk's muscles twitched slightly.

He has always been alone, and he likes quietness the most, but he spread these two red-haired treasures.

For Hawkeye, this is simply...a disaster.

the other side.

Seeing that Hawkeye did not respond for a long time.

The little fat man Laqilu immediately retracted his hand happily, and ate himself happily.

"Hey, Lu, look over there."

At this moment, Jesus Bud suddenly screamed and pointed his finger at a galloping blue line of fire in the sky.

"That's... it seems to belong to the white beard's family..."

Lazilu's eyes widened, and he recognized the identity of the blue line of fire.

"Hey, pineapple head from Baibeard's family"

Jesus blew his throat and greeted loudly.

At the call of Jesus cloth.

The blue line of fire in the sky paused.

The real phoenix among them appeared.

"That's... the redhead has Hawkeye."

As the captain of the White Beard Pirate Group's first squad, a look of surprise flashed across the face of the Phoenix.

"Hey, Marco from Whitebeard's family, so anxious, do you want to go to Alabastan?"

Little Fatty Lazilu shouted loudly.

"Are you guys too"

The phoenix in the sky spread its wings.

After a while, it fell on the huge hippopotamus, and the blue flames around it gradually disappeared.

"Hey, from Baibeard's family, have you seen this"

Laqilu showed off the newspaper in his hand.

"this is.……"

Marco glanced across the newspaper.

A pair of narrow eyes suddenly widened.

"Ocean Lord Locks!!!"


Looking at Marco's little shocked expression.

Finally found someone to share this shocking Jesus and Laqilu suddenly laughed happily.

"Although they have different camps, if the destination is the same this time, do you want to be together?"

Jesus preached.


Marko, still in shock, nodded unconsciously.

The coffin boat, which was already cramped and narrow, suddenly became more and more crowded.

At this moment, the small expression on Mihawk's face in Hawkeye.

"This is simply a disaster!!!"

Hawkeye Mihawk, the world's largest swordsman, couldn't help thinking...

Chapter 321 The Shock of the Empress and the Nine Snakes [3/4 Request]

Time went back a few hours ago.

The Great Airway Shengting Island Climate Circle.

Somewhere in the sea about twenty miles away from the Kingdom of Alabastan.

The vast ocean is endless.

A Chinese cruise ship with a big red color tone, driven by two giant sea snakes, is heading in the direction of Alabastan.

"The Pirate Queen"

"It's the Pirate Empress!"

"The Pirate Empress, please plunder me!"


The pirates who gathered to Alabastan had recognized the origin of this Chinese cruise ship because of the emergence of the golden clock tower.

Suddenly, excitement screams everywhere.

"Let the arrow"

Perfume Snake Pirate Ship.

The Nine Snake cadre Boyasanda Sonia coldly ordered.

next moment.

A dense rain of armed arrows shot from all over the ship.


Under the threat of death brought by the rain of armed arrows.

The pirates on the pirate ship who had been dazzled by the beauty came to their senses.

Want to escape.

But it was too late.

'Boom boom boom' roar.

The pirate ship, which was of average quality, fell apart in an instant under the bombardment of the rain of armed arrows.

"My sister, I have already cleaned it up, and we will be there in about half an hour."

Boya Mariglud came to the cabin with bead curtains on the second floor and reported.


In the cabin.

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