Pirate: I was dug out by Robin

Pirate: I was dug out by Robin Chapter 272

"Little Alice, we are the guards of Hwaseong Fortress. The pirates are here. We have the obligation and duty to watch."

"With the boss's high salary, why can't we make a little effort?"

"The other party is the Pirate Empress from one of the Seven Wuhai Seas. It's not that you're afraid that you can't stand the girl alone, but you will sit here for the little girl and kill the Pirate Empress."

"Yes, yes, we are definitely not here for beautiful women."

'Pop' "You can't speak, you are stupid!"



Mu Lian and others spoke righteously for the disrespectful navy veterans.


Wearing a black suit, Sanji with curly eyebrows like a dog blew a whistle.

The eyes have already turned into the shape of love, popped out of the eye sockets, and stuck to the lens of the observation mirror, staring unblinkingly at the Perfume Snake Pirate Ship in the distance.

"Here is coming, Emperor of Nine Snakes! Coming soon!"

Sanji with curly eyebrows, who belonged to the four yellows, said to himself expectantly.

at this time.

Only the sound of water came out.

A shadow suddenly ran across Sanji's sight.

"Who is calling the old body"

The little old woman Guro Liosa, who first arrived at Hwaseong Fortress, stood in front of Sanji who was lying on her stomach.

Looking at the sour plum face that suddenly appeared in his sight.

A flash of horror flashed across Sanji's face, and he quickly yelled back.

Everywhere in the harbor, people lazily basking in the sun are also alert.

The powerful aura that burst out from the union caused Guro Liosa to change his expression instantly.

A pair of old eyes swept across the square.

An old face was instantly occupied by a strong shock.

Because she has recognized it.

Those... old people who are casually dressed, flowered shirts, big pants and slippers, are the navy elites who used to be active on the ocean stage.

"Isn't this Guroliosa"

Another old voice rang from not far away, attracting the attention of Guroliosa.

Groliosa, still in shock, turned his head stiffly.

When he saw the old man with white hair and white beard smiling and saying hello not far away, his old eyes widened again.

"Raleigh, you are here!!!"

Guroliosa exclaimed.

"Well, because of various reasons."

Raleigh spread his hands.

"What? It turned out to be an acquaintance of Uncle Leily, then it's fine."

Luffy, who was watched by the long-nosed Usopra, put away his alert state.

Continue to chat with Sabo and Ace boringly.

The eyes of the people on the square also shifted, and they continued to pay attention to the pirate ship approaching at sea.

'Walala' is under the gaze of people.

The Perfume Snakes representing the Nine Snakes and Pirates broke through the sea and sailed into Crescent Bay.

"Everyone pays attention to the image, and the most important point. Be careful not to keep staring at that...the empress, who can be petrified, especially Sanji and Mr.

Alice in the peak cap kindly reminded her.

However, it was still a step too late.

"What a nice view"

Sanji and Brook looked at the beautiful figure on the bow of the perfume snake, and they spoke in unison.

Finish this sentence.

The bodies of the two were Qi Qi'Petrochemical', and then fell to the ground involuntarily.

Not because of the female emperor's sweet fruit ability, but because of the petrification on the level of spiritual consciousness.

"Um..., that's the Pirate Empress!"

"Sure enough, it's as beautiful as the rumors!"


The veterans everywhere in the square also spoke in admiration.

Listen to the praise from all over the square.

The chin of the empress Hancock on the top of the snake's head became more and more high, and it was almost facing the sky.

Full of confidence and pride.

However, the righteous empress Hancock is ready to assume the iconic proud pose.

When giving orders to those stinky men in the square...who was fascinated by her.

In the next moment, something that Ling's empress Hancock was dumbfounded happened...

Chapter 323 is not as good as the empress of the lizard?[1/4 seeking subscription]

Hwaseong Crescent Bay.

The venomous snakes slowly dragged the red Chinese-style boat.

On the turquoise snake head, the pirate female Emperor Boya Hancuk in a red cheongsam stood proudly.

The graceful posture that has amazed the world has made the beautiful words everywhere in the square.

Listen to the compliments from the...male creatures familiar from the square.

The corner of the mouth of the female emperor Boya Hancock on the head of the snake snake outlines a beautiful arc of touching.

The smooth and white chin is getting higher and higher:

The delicate face that can't find the slightest flaw is almost face to face with the sun in the sky.

Full of pride and confidence.

This is also taken for granted.

The smelly men in the world are all the same.

No one can be immune to the beauty of a concubine.

Because the concubine's body is as beautiful as a god! The Pirate Empress Boya Hancock thought confidently.

The thin white fingers fell.

Red lips lightly lifted.

It is necessary to give orders to those who are fascinated by her beauty.

But the next moment.

The surprise of Hancock, the empress of Ling, happened.

"Slid away!"

"Let's go, let's go old folks, continue to go back to the wine, there is nothing to look at!"

"Old guys, they are all very old, you won't really be overwhelmed, right"

"Why do you become Laozi?"


On the square, the veterans headed by Colonel Mu Lian of the ruffian spoke all the while talking.

Regardless of……

Is it true or false.

At least on the surface, they don't have the slightest nostalgia for...the peerless appearance of the empress Hancock.

After all, they are veterans of decades.

After so many years of fighting on the battlefield, the will that I exercised is not... just talk about it.

The world's largest beauty, the Pirate Empress Boya Hancock is beautiful and beautiful.

It's okay to watch the fun.

It's all right after reading it.

After all, no matter how beautiful the little girl is, she can't be eaten as a meal.

They are already big and big old guys, and they are not young and young.

If you don't even have this concentration, it would be too shameful.

If the boss saw it, he wouldn't even want to lift his head in the future.

The veterans on the square here hooked their shoulders and left without reluctance.

There were talking and laughing along the way, and I had to go for another 300 rounds.

the other side.

Kurokas and the murloc Sambell had two faces, and the other hand dragged the'humiliating' legend Brooke left with one foot.

The same'petrified' Sanji is Lucio also the murloc youth Nobel.

It didn't take a moment.

There were a few people in twos and threes in a huge Hwaseong Square.

This sudden change caused the empress Hancock on the head of the snake to be instantly astonished.

What's the matter with these men? Why don't they leave without paying attention? Concubines are the number one beauty in the world! It's not just the Empress Boya Hancock.

The members of the Hydra on the Perfume Snake are also shocked and shocked at this moment.

"This is my sister! My beautiful sister!"

Mary Groud yelled in her heart.

"In this world, there shouldn't be many men who can be immune to Lord Snake Ji's beauty!"

The mouths of gentian, cosmos and others are all formed.

"Even if your sister's sweet fruit ability is not actively activated, passive attraction alone cannot be resisted by ordinary men, unless..."

Sandassonia realized the source of the problem.

The shocking color on his face suddenly became even worse.

"Sister Sonia, those old people... all of them are too scary."

Marigruder also felt a certain cryptic oppression in the veterans.

Those old people will definitely not be ordinary old people.

One or two are all powerful men who have experienced battles! "It's not just those old people, Mary, everyone in this square, whether old or young, is not ordinary, there is also that person... Mr. Raleigh!!!"

Boyasanda Sonia's eyes swept across the square, and the doubts in his heart finally became clear.

This is simply...the monsters' lair! "Even the Hades King Raleigh is here! Could this city be even more terrifying than the... Locks Pirates that I knew this morning"

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