Pirate: I was dug out by Robin

Pirate: I was dug out by Robin Chapter 274

"Sir, the guest of Hydra has arrived."

A report from the girl Alice came from outside the door.

"come in."

Luo Lin spoke calmly.

The heavy office door opened.

The four Hydras 4 headed by Empress Hancock stepped in.

I waited to see the vigilant little girls in the office.

Sandassonia and Mary Groud are both confused and puzzled.

With a dead skinny face, Gu Luo Liosa, who must follow up, saw the person sitting at the desk... who was exactly the same as in the memory, the whole person was completely petrified.

"you are.……"

The sight of Meisou was also locked on Luo Lin for the first time, as well as the empress Hancock.

At the first sight of Luo Lin.

Empress Hancock knew it.

This man is the one he wants to meet over thousands of mountains and rivers!!!...

Chapter 325 The Empress’s Admiration!Hancock fainted?3/4

Hwaseong headquarters building.

Top office.

The three sisters of Hydra Boya Hancock and the old woman Guro Liosa arrived under the guidance of the girl Alice.

Close up, see the peerless appearance of the world-famous Pirate Empress.

The six little girls in the office, including Robin, Nami, and Weiwei, all breathed unconsciously.

Even they are such outstanding girls, they have to admit that the Pirate Empress Boya Hancock is outstanding.

Especially the certain temperament that naturally exudes from her.

Don't say it's a man.

That is... the women who are also women can't help but be captured and fall into it.

After a moment of trance.

Kerla shook her head suddenly.

Robin, Nami and others are also close behind.

Recovered from the amazement of the peerless appearance of the empress Hancock.

The eyes of the pair of beautiful eyes gradually sharpened.

Look at the Empress Hancock like a class enemy.

Their circle is very small.

It is so small that it can hardly accommodate other people.

If there are other people who want to join, they must pass their level first and get their approval.

Even if you are the pirate empress, you have to wait a little bit and wait in line.

Feel the attitude change of Robin and others.

Sundarthonia and Mary Groud, who came with them, were suddenly puzzled like the second monk.

I don't know this...Where did the "hostility" of the outstanding girls come from but here.

They dare not say even if they are confused.

I don't even dare to ask.

I only dared to peek at my sister.

However this look.

The mist that enveloped their hearts instantly became deeper.

"Sister...What's wrong with this again"

There were several big question marks on the heads of Boya's sisters.

At this moment.

For... the vigilant and hostile gaze from Robin and others.

The Pirate Empress Boya Hancock didn't even notice it.

From the moment you enter the door.

Empress Hancock's sight was firmly locked on Luo Lin who was sitting in the middle of the office.

Even if I have never met before.

The empress Hancock was very sure in her heart.

This man is the one she wanted to find from the distant Hydra to Alabastan.

It's... that... the one who produced the taste that made her obsessed.

There is the foreshadowing of that...favorite taste.

Hancock, the female emperor who should hate the opposite sex the most, now naturally develops infinite admiration for the man in front of him.

As a result, even the expression on his face gradually became morbidly ruddy.


Just when the repressed admiration and longing of the empress Boahancock was about to reach a critical point.

A sudden harsh shout broke the silence in the office.

"It turned out to be you!!!"

Same as Boya Hancock.

From the moment he entered the door, the sight of the little old woman Guro Liosa was firmly locked on the only man in the field, Luo Lin.

It's just different from Boya Hancock's admiration.

From beginning to end.

Groliosa's face is always extremely shocked and difficult, even when he encountered the inauspicious duo in Hydra, Guroliosa had already guessed something.

But when really confirmed.

The legend that disappeared thirty-six years ago really reappeared.

Who can calmly wait for the great shock hidden in the small body of Guro Liosa has overflowed.

It turned into a shout full of shock, resounding through the audience.

"Yo, Groliosa, it's been a long time since I saw you."

Luo Lin greeted with a smile on his face.

For...the little old woman Guro Liosa, Rollin knew it.

A few decades ago, she was a beautiful and fair-skinned beauty.

Now, decades have passed.

Under this pig-killing knife named Suiyue, it was completely changed.

The change is so great that it can compete with the old fish cocoa.

"Navy hero Luo Lin, you are really alive!"

After the shock.

Groliosa's mood gradually fluctuated and became excited.

Gritting his teeth and staring at Luo Lin.


I heard this title from Guroliosa.

The eyes of Sandassonia and Mary Groud suddenly widened again.

They thought that the man 36 years ago should be an old man now.

The young man in front of him is the grandson of the...'hero'.

Never thought.

The young man I saw in front of me was really the deity! For so many years, he has maintained such a young appearance.

This is simply unreasonable! "Don't be so excited, Guro Liosa, you guys should have brought what I want this time."

Luo Lin spoke calmly.

"Mary, Sonia"

Guro Liosa yelled deeply.


"Take it"

Sandassonia and Mary Groud recovered from the shock to the young deity.

Solemnly took out a simple mechanism box from the carry-on package.

What's inside is exactly what the ancestors of the Nine Snake Fighting nation found out, suitable for women, and a convenient way to practice domineering.

"Bring Yuanyuan here."

Looking at the mechanism box in front of him.

Luo Lin raised his brows slightly, not without accident.

"This is our sincerity."

Sandassonia nodded humbly.

"Not bad."

Luo Lin nodded.

Take out the'cheat book' from the opened mechanism box and deliver it to Robin beside him.

Robin opened it carefully.

Waiting to see the above content, the pretty face suddenly appeared shaking.

"Sister Robin, Sister Robin, what is written on it"

Nami, Weiwei and other girls asked curiously.

"This is the domineering cultivation method of the Nine Snake. Uncle did it for us."

Robin moved.



"Woo, Luo Lin, you are so kind!"

Hearing what Robin had said about Nami, Vivi and others, he was immediately moved.

Holding Luo Lin is... acting like a baby.

"The two... I too..."

Looking at the two of Nami who are in such close contact with the person I miss.

The empress Hancock's face turned pale.

As if he had received a huge blow, he weakly leaned on his sister Sonia.

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