Pirate: I was dug out by Robin

Pirate: I was dug out by Robin Chapter 277

Everyone in the room showed incomprehension.

Seeing Robin with the changeable expression on the face of the empress Hancock, Wei Wei and the other little girls were taken aback for a moment, and then a trace of bad intuition was subconsciously born in their heart.

"Hey...!!!, marry your concubine!!!"

The empress Hancock spoke straightforwardly and boldly.

'Ding Ling Dang Dang'...

Chapter 328 Shura Field!Crane is here too?2/4 Ordering

"Hey...!!!, marry your concubine!"

The Pirate Empress Boahancock opened her red lips lightly and opened her mouth full of joy.

Bold and straightforward.

Just one sentence.

Suddenly Thunder turned the audience.

'Ding Ling Dang Dang' is the sound of various objects in the hands of people in the small building falling to the ground.

It's the sound of people in the building falling to the ground.

Accompanied by the bold confession of the Empress Hancock.

Whether it was the cadres of the Nine Snakes, Robin, Nami, etc., everyone was shocked.

All that is left on each face is extreme shock and disbelief.

Seen in front of me.

What you hear in your ears.

It was more shocking than the appearance and performance of the flying big sea pirate Golden Lion Shiji just now.


Sandassonia's voice increased more than octave.

"My sister, do you know what you are talking about"

Mary Groud also cried out.

"Master Snake Hime"

"Sir, Snake Ji's illness is not healed?

"It's over, Master Snake Ji is confused about what to do now."

The other cadres and members of the Nine Snake were also shocked or anxious.

"No way, no way, no way"

Weiwei's pretty face appeared anxious, and hurriedly ran forward, between Luo Lin and the empress Hancock.

"Obviously we came first."

Nami is also close behind.

Then Robin, Kerla's little girl, once again formed a united front, completely separating Luo Lin from the empress Hancock.

The ominous premonition in their hearts really came true.

This Pirate Empress Boya Hancock is really not a simple commodity.

It turned out to be... so bold! I confessed in front of all of them, still under such a scene in full view.

Just open your mouth... get married.

This step is too big.

Really shameless.

The atmosphere in the venue was suddenly tense.

It's like a Shura field.

Facing Robin, Nami and others' united hostile front.

The haughty empress Hancock has no anger on her face.

"Really...can't it?"

The female emperor Hancock bit her red lip with her teeth, tilted her head slightly, and assumed a lovely and moving posture.

With beautiful eyes like autumn water, he looked at Robin and others innocently.

Under the gaze of the empress Hancock that day.

The hostility on the faces of the little girls gradually faded.

Unknowingly, she will fall into the charm of the sweet fruit of female Cook.

"Okay, let's stop now."

Luo Lin's calm and indifferent voice sounded.

Like a breeze, blowing through the hearts of everyone in the room.

As a result, the little girls who were about to fall into the beauty of the Empress trembles slightly, and they are full of spirits and come back to their senses.

The ups and downs of the members of the Nine Snakes such as Sandassonia also gradually subsided.

"Brother Luoling"

Nami and Weiwei turned their heads and pouted aggrievedly.

"Okay, OK, don't think too much about it."

Luo Lin smiled and touched the hair of Weiwei and Nami with his big hands.

"And so are you, Little Hancock, getting married is not as simple as you said."

"how come"

Listening to Luo Lin's tactful rejection.

The empress Hancock was hit immediately.

He staggered, backed up again and again, and finally fell on the body of Salome, the python pet.

"Concubine body... was rejected for the first time..."

Boyahancuk murmured unconsciously.

Halfway through the conversation, I felt my head rumbling, and the line of sight in front of me turned around.

Then, as before, he fainted again.


Sandassonia and others suddenly shouted nervously again.

"Kuleha, Mr. Kolokas, why did your sister faint again"

Mariglud looked at Kurokas anxiously.

Kurokas and Kureiha looked at each other.

Then he shook his head helplessly.

"Little girl, I can't cure your sister's disease."

Kurokas shook his head.

"how come.……"

Everyone in the Nine Snake was afraid.

"This was originally a heart disease. If you want to cure it, just find that guy."

Kureihanu nodded and pointed to Luo Lin.

"Heart Disease Doctor Dolier, what kind of disease is the heart disease?"

Chopper asked naively.

"My silly son, you are still young now, you don't need to know so much, let's go."

Kureiha greeted and took Chopper away.

"Raleigh, don't be envious, it's useless to be envious."

Kurokas patted Raleigh on the shoulder.


An expression of grief and anger suddenly appeared on Raleigh's old face.

The air around him was filled with a hint of sour lemon.

"Go away"

Raleigh waved his hand irritably.

Looking at Luo Lin, who was surrounded by young girls and fighting, he became more and more angry, and more and more...Envy.

Simply not seeing is pure.


Seeing Raleigh's envious little expression, Kuro Caston couldn't help but laugh out loud.

Smiling and laughing...Kulokas is also... sour.

Because he suddenly thought that Lei Li had at least a confidante like Xia Qi.

And he himself seems to have been playing bachelor for seventy years.


Kurokas waved away angrily.

"The Pirate Empress is really a weird person."

On the other side, Robin looked at the fainted empress Hancock, silent.

From the previous situation, she also understood the real reason why the Empress Hancock was in a coma twice.

This competition is really getting stronger and stronger.

Robin couldn't help but feel a sense of urgency.

"Grandma Zai"

Still confused, to the doctors' words, Sandassonia and the others saw the return of Guro Liosa, and they suddenly grasped the straw.

"Sonia, Mary, don't worry, Snake Ji has some cure for this disease."

Guroliosa spoke.


Everyone was happy.

"Of course, but there is another premise."

"What premise?"

"Don't go back during this time, let Snake Ji stay here."



The turmoil at Nine Snake House has temporarily come to an end.

As people left one after another, the noise in the small building gradually subsided.

Night fell.

Rooftop of Hwaseong headquarters building.

"Zefa, at this time, what can I do if you come over here? Isn't it an undercover meeting, do you need to choose the rooftop?"

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