Pirate: I was dug out by Robin

Pirate: I was dug out by Robin Chapter 281


Tina came back to her senses afterwards.

Obediently sat down beside Crane: Just bury your head in the porridge, don't dare to look up and talk more.

"Sister Crane"

"Sister He, you finally opened the door."

"Sister, we have been so busy these two days."

At this moment, women suddenly heard voices of joy or relief outside the door of the small building.

The old senior female soldiers who have always been the same sisters as Heqing did not... see the outside.

"Sister Crane..."



All the female soldiers who followed the crane from the last era to the present day did not say anything, but suddenly stopped.

Because they saw the man in the house.

It's even more because they recognized each other.

"Luo Luo Luo... Lieutenant General Luo Lin!!!"


Chapter 332 Marko and Jesus are here [2/4 for subscription]

"Luo Luo Luo... Lieutenant General Luo Lin!!!"

When seeing Luo Lin sitting at the dining table, the veteran female navy soldiers who filed in opened their eyes wide.

The extremely incredible and unbelievable suddenly appeared on the faces of each and every one.

The emotion named shock occupies their whole body from the inside out.

In the end, it turned into this shout and blurted out.

The elegant and quiet Xiaolou also trembled under their shouts.

Startled a flying bird fled outside the house.

After this shocking shout.

The elegant small building is quiet again.

It's like freezing.

The five senior female soldiers at the door all stared at Luo Lin with wide and shocking eyes, as if they had been petrified.

"Oh, little... Troops, big girls, long time no see."

At the dinner table, Luo Lin had the same bright smile on his face as he always did, and he greeted the sluggish female soldiers.

The solidification between the fields was broken.

Time passed again.

The stiff bodies of the female soldiers were able to move, and then fell to the ground without exception.

"Loruo Luo... Lieutenant General Luo Lin, is it really you?"

"Lieutenant General Luo Lin, you are really back!"

"So the rumors in the headquarters these days are true!"

"We should have thought of it long ago!"

"In this world, only Lieutenant General Luo Lin can create such a miracle of war!"


The five female soldiers who have been following the crane since the girls' generation, and have witnessed the birth of the hero together, have red eyes.

Looking at the face that was like 36 years ago, tears of excitement filled his eyes.

Decades ago.

Luo Lin, Karp...In the naval legends of that generation, they were also their idols.

Even as time flies.

Even now they have changed from girls to aunts.

The belief in their hearts has not changed.

"Okay, okay, what do you all look like sitting on the ground, stand up."

Just like, Lieutenant General He, a 20-year-old girl with a bright smile on his face, lifted the five people 5 who had fallen on the ground one by one.

"Sister He, you are because of Lieutenant General Luo Lin these two days..."

"Sister He, what is Lieutenant General Luo Lin..."

"Sister, can you tell us now that in the end..."


The five senior female soldiers took a few deep breaths, but they couldn't suppress the shock and excitement in their hearts.

One after another rushed to speak.

Reveal all the doubts in their hearts.

"Well, well, sit down and ask if you want to ask, anyway... Lieutenant General Luo Lin is also very free today, I can help you out, right."

The mentality seemed to have returned to the 20-year-old Lieutenant General He turned his head, and winked at Luo Lin at the table playfully.


Luo Lin was... speechless.

Originally, he was going to go back to Hwaseong after breakfast to see the little thief in the night before.

It's just... looking at the hopeful and excited expressions of the former navy fans.

Luo Lin really couldn't refuse.

I just nodded.


Everyone was happy.

The interior and exterior of the small building was instantly filled with joy.

The sound of insects in the flowers seems to be more enthusiastic...

at the same time.

Alabastan, thousands of miles away.

The situation became more tense and intense.

With the fermentation of the sea overlord Locks event.

Pirate powerhouses from all over the world who covet the'smashed' fruits of the overlord have arrived one after another.

The pirates on the sea have never been law-abiding people.

They have always believed in the truth that the weak eat the strong.

For...what you want, naturally you have to grab it.

Following the earliest action the previous night, after directly attacking Moria in Hwaseong.

In the first half, the pirates not far from Shengting Island landed in Alabastan one after another.

Among them, there was a brash man who was more iron than Moria, and directly attacked Hwaseong City in broad daylight.

There are also treacherous people who secretly landed from Na Roha Port, wanting to take a city and use it as a threat.

Before showing sufficient deterrence, the pirates acted unscrupulously.

The situation in the entire Kingdom of Alabastan was tense.

In this situation.

King Cobra of Alabastan made a decisive decision.

It was announced that citizens near the port city would shrink and retreat inland.

At the same time, Xia Qi, Robin and others in Hwaseong also gave a series of assistance methods.

For example, transporting the panicked people of Alabastan to the sky island for temporary residence.

In addition, Qiwuhai Krokdal, the three straw hat brothers and so on...The young monsters ran around and calmed the chaos.

In less than a day.

The chaos caused by the coalition of multiple pirates is calm and suppressed.

Even without Luo Lin, the people of Hwaseong can still solve everything perfectly.

This city is like a sleeping dragon, even with his eyes closed.

It just runs autonomously, and the little energy that escapes at will is enough to sweep the surroundings and suppress all enemies in the sea...

At this moment.

It is about twenty nautical miles away from Hwaseong Fortress.

A small dhow sailed straight in the direction of Alabastan.

There are only three people on board 3.

Marko, the captain of the first division of the Four Emperors White Beard Pirates, and the cadres of the Four Emperors Red Hair Pirates, Jesus Bu and Lazilu.

When they met on the Red Earth Continent, they had a fierce discussion about the sea overlord Locks.

Although they belong to different emperor camps.

It has even fought hostilely before.

However, in this sea, friends and enemies are often opposite.

Of course, there should have been Hawkeye Mihawk, the world's largest swordsman, in their team.

It's just that Hawkeye Mihawk is really intolerable for the chattering Jesus Bu and Laqilu.

Therefore, after traveling with him to the Water City, the two sides are separated.

Jesus Bu, Lazilu, and Marko took the sea train from the Water Capital directly to Carnival Town, where they changed.

Hawkeye is still sitting in the coffin boat.

Although the speed is slow, the victory is quiet.

And Hawkeye has a hunch.

This time, I will never go empty again.

Sooner or later is not a problem.

He wants to take advantage of this last time to adjust his state to the peak, and use it to meet the peak of the swordsmanship battle.

After half an hour.

Hwaseong headquarters building.

"Robin, Sister Xia Qi, another pirate is here."

The girl Alice took hurried steps and reported anxiously.

"Who is the other party"

Robin raised his eyebrows slightly, and from the expression of the girl Alice, it was possible to see that the person this time might not be a fish.

"This time the person here is Marko, the captain of the White Beard Pirates, and the officers of the Red-haired Pirates."

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