Pirate: I was dug out by Robin

Pirate: I was dug out by Robin Chapter 289

Charlotte Lingling also looked at the children on the Anthem.

"From now on, we formally form an alliance with Beasts and Thieves!!!"

Kaido and Charlotte Lingling announced in unison.



All the pirates of the two emperors suddenly screamed.

"Little ones, quickly take out the wine that I treasured up to entertain our allies."

"Perrospero, you guys bring my cake up soon."

Under the repeated emphasis of Kaido and Charlotte Lingling.

The people of Bai Beast and Aunt finally confirmed the shocking fact that both of them have formed an alliance.

In the battered red earth continent, a happy alliance banquet for the emperors of the sea unfolded.

The whole sea was also shaken by the emperors' "two-two alliance"...

The new world, the Kingdom of Dressrosa.

"Dover, Dover, things are not good."

The top cadre of Don Quixote, Torrepol, who was covered with disgusting nose and mucus, ran into the palace hall with a panic expression on his face.

"Torrepol, calm down"

Wearing, the big man Pika in the golden chain mail screamed with a sharp voice.

"Master Torrepol, what happened?"

"Just now, the Four Emperors Luo Te Lingling and that...the beast Kaido formed an alliance in the Red Earth Continent!!!"

Torrepol shouted with shock and trepidation.

"what did you say!!!"

The cadres of the Don Quixote family in the palace hall opened their shocked eyes.

"That... Charlotte Lingling and Kaido, the beasts, have also formed an alliance!"

"The relationship between the red hair and the monster white beard is still unclear, the other two have confirmed the relationship first!"

"Could it be that the vaguely revealed news in the report yesterday is that the four emperors, red hair and white beard, are really allied! That's why Kaido chose to form an alliance to fight"

"The Four Emperors form an alliance in pairs, and even war is about to start! Is this going to change the sky?"

The Don Quixote cadres in the hall shouted in shock.


On the throne.

Qiwu Kaido Flamenco, wearing a flamingo feather coat suit, finally spoke up.

"The big thing is not good, it's a great thing! The most magnificent drama of this era is about to start! Losers eat dust!"

"At the end of the day, I will wait and see who can laugh at the end! Furfurfur"


New World, the hometown of the Four Emperors White Beard-Sphinx.

The huge whale ship Moby Dick moored quietly.

"Father, take a look at this, that... Mad Lady and Kaido are allied!!!"

The fifth division captain Foil Bista shouted in shock.

'Wow' "Hey hey hey, Captain Vista, it's true"

"That... Auntie and Kaido are allied"

"It's not because of the report yesterday!"

"But, we have nothing to do with the redhead guys, what are Captain Marco and Captain Ace doing?"

Suddenly, there was an uproar on the deck.

"Kula la la la la"

The loud laughter from White Beard interrupted the heated discussion on the boat.


Everyone is puzzled.

"Kula la la la la"


at the same time.

An island within the jurisdiction of the Four Emperors of the New World.

"Boss boss, wake up soon"

A red member shakes his red hair from a hangover.

"What happened"

"The big thing is not good. Auntie and Kaido have formed an alliance!"


The red members who were drunk instantly recovered.

"Is it because of yesterday's report? Jesus Bu, Lu and the others, plus one or two from the white beard family.......,...... team captain"

Deputy Captain Ben Beckman subconsciously guessed.

"That... News King Morgans tried to pull us and the White Beard Pirates to frighten the other pirates, but in the end they forced the aunt to form an alliance with Kaido. Is this luck or misfortune?"

"Hahahaha, everyone, don't be so eager to make a conclusion, everything has just begun."

The four emperors red-haired Shanks laughed.

"I have a foreboding: the development of the situation will definitely exceed everyone's expectations!!!"


Chapter 341: Luo Lin and Crane's Warm Daily Life [3/4]

Great route, naval branch.

As a naval base guarding the first half of the paradise.

The island of Santin, where the Kingdom of Alabastan is located, is also within the responsibility of the 6 branches.

The series of events triggered by the emerging port city of Alabastan, Hwaseong City, also brought unprecedented severe tests to the six branches that have been stable and calm for many years.

A week ago.

The incident of the sea overlord Locks and the news broke out in the martial arts conference where the overlord crushed the fruit as a prize.

The entire 6 branches, from the generals to the soldiers, were panicked.

Because they clearly knew that this demon fruit, which is known as the overlord, would make a violent wave on the sea.At that time, all the marines of the six branches were extremely hopeful that the navy headquarters could send heavyweights to support and sit down.

So, the legendary goddess of the navy, Lieutenant General Tsuru, the head of the general staff, came.

The entire 6 branches also boiled with the arrival of Lieutenant General Crane.

The hanging hearts of the marines also let go with the arrival of Lieutenant General Crane.

However, it was less than two days.

The naval battle off Hwaseong Fortress broke out.

The Northwest Pirate Alliance is completely destroyed.

The list of Hwaseong powers is released.

There are suspected four emperors with white beards and red hair behind the city.

Coupled with the news that the Four Sovereign Aunts and the beast Kaido had formed an alliance from this morning from the headquarter... One after another big events that could affect the direction of the world broke out.

The minds of all the marines from the top and bottom of Ling's 6 branches just let go, and they immediately mentioned their throats.

Fortunately, this time, Lieutenant General Crane, the chief staff officer of the Navy Headquarters, was in charge.

With the clear instructions of Lieutenant General Crane, the six branches will not be completely paralyzed due to panic.

The entire 6 branches are in order, like a highly efficient machine, falling into an extremely busy state.

Compared to the overall tension and busyness of the base.

The small single building in the center of the island town is still as quiet and peaceful as before.

At the table.

Luo Lin and Crane sat opposite each other.

"Are you leaving today?"

"Well, I almost have to go back and have a look, I can't always be a hand shaker."

"I see what your...little girls are capable of!"

Lieutenant General He's eyebrows narrowed in a subtle and beautiful arc.

"Moreover, there is the woman Xia Qi, so you don't need to bother at all."

Luo Lin's hand holding the spoon quivered slightly.

"Ahem, there is nothing between Xia Qi and I. That is Lei Li's wife."

Rollin coughed twice.

"I didn't say that you have anything to do with her, why are you so nervous."

Lieutenant General He spoke casually.

Once again served Luo Lin a bowl of porridge.

Luo Lin: "..."

"Since we are leaving, let's talk about other things this morning."

Lieutenant General He smiled slightly.

"Ahe, what do you want to talk about"

Luo Lin raised his eyebrows slightly.

"You don't know yet, four..."

Lieutenant General He was halfway talking and suddenly pursed his mouth.

Looking at the smile on Luo Lin's face.

She knew that even if Luo Lin didn't know it a second ago.

But now she knew what she was about to say through mind reading.

"Didn't you say that you won't read my mind"

Lieutenant General He rolled his eyes five times.

Even if there should be no concealment and secrets between husband and wife, occasionally she wants to prepare a little surprise for Luo Lin.

Or tell him some secrets that Luo Lin didn't know, which surprised him a little, and then Lieutenant General Zihe was satisfied.

However, no matter it was before or now, every time it was destroyed by Luo Lin's domineering mind-reading experience.

The rare little surprises naturally have no meaning.

"Hahaha, sorry, sorry, if you accidentally...next time."

Luo Lin touched the back of his head embarrassedly.

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