Pirate: I was dug out by Robin

Pirate: I was dug out by Robin Chapter 302

Barry, the ship master, exclaimed in surprise.

"We've been here for so long, it seems we haven't visited the city well."

Another shipmaker, Dailus Pass.

"Mr. Espagu, Granny Coco, who is the owner of this city, you must have seen it!"

The ship master Barry asked curiously.

"I have seen it"

"Meow meow meow"

The little girl Zimoni and the rabbit Kunbe raised their hands to answer.

"Then little Zimoni, can you tell Uncle Barry."

Barry asked with a smile.

"Hey, hey, Barry"

At this moment, Bipley Lulu, the sea master on the side, pulled Barry's clothes.

The always expressionless face was extremely shocked and unbelievable at this moment.

"What's wrong, Lulu."

Barry is puzzled.

"Hurry up...Look over there!"

"That old man is..."

"how is this possible!"

The other boatmen in the Water City also opened their eyes wide and shocked.

There were waves of stormy waves in my heart.

The whole person was shocked to the point where it could not be added.

Follow the sight of the boatmen.

Barry also finally understood the reason for the shaking of his friends.

A team of old people slowly appeared.

The energetic old man with purple hair turned out to be... "That old man is... Mr. Zefa, Chief Naval Instructor!!!"

Barry, the ship's master, shouted in shock.

"Lu Qi, look over there!!!"

The neighboring ship master and mountain wind Kagu also screamed in shock.

But it wasn't because of Chief Instructor Zefa.

Because of the existence of...Zefa, they knew it as early as the first day they arrived here.

At this moment.

What really shocked Kagu was that... the young man who walked with the old people.

"That person...how could...who is he?"

The blond secretary sitting next to Esbaku, Kalifa, was also pale at this moment.

Under the gaze of everyone in Hwaseong Plaza.

Fifty old people headed by Luo Lin stepped up to the highest stage and appeared in the eyes of the world.

"Welcome everyone to Hwaseong City, my name is Luo Lin!!!"


Chapter 354 announces the return to the world!!!4/4 Seeking Complete Order

The golden bell flies.

The huge Hwaseong Square is full of noise.

Especially after the'old man' troop appeared.

The Dadan family, the old village head, Ajian, etc...The people who came from the East China Sea all the way to participate in the opening ceremony of Hwaseong cheered.

On the other side of the guest table, the boatmen of the Water City also widened their shocked eyes and shouted.

Of course, the focus of attention of the boatmen in the city of water is different from that of Da Dan and others.

To... Dadan in the East China Sea,'Luo Lin' shouted by Nuoji's higher population.

The boatmen in the Water Capital didn't know who it was.

At this moment.

Their eyes were all attracted by the old man with purple hair at the front of the team.

That is one of the legends of the navy.

Former Navy Admiral Black Wrist Zefa!!! "Hey, hey, it's really fake! It's not a joke, that... how come Mr. Zefa from the Navy appeared there?"

Barry, the ship's master, screamed in shock.

"You ask me, who am I asking!"

The other shipmaker didn't have a good air.

"Hey, Kagu, what are you talking about too."

Someone looked at Kagu who was dumbfounded.

"That person...what the hell is going on!!!"

Carrera's rectangular-nosed ship engineer, Cargu, who is the killer of the 9 espionage organization, screamed in shock.

At this moment, his performance is no different from the others in the field.

However, what Barry and others didn't know was.

Kaku's shock point is completely different from them.

It's not because of the former general, the black wrist Zefa.

It was because of that...together with Zefa, the young man who led that extraordinary group of elderly people.

Three days ago.

He and Lu Qi had seen the man from a distance.

That... the monster who talked to Kalifa! They thought it was just another hidden young monster in Hwaseong, a hidden dragon and a tiger.

However, the facts seem to be different from what they imagined.

"That person..."

Watching that and former general Zefa side by side.

Like Luo Lin who stands out like a group of chickens, Kalifa is also pale.

Unconsciously raised his hand to cover his mouth, then there was no scream.

Under the collective gaze of thousands of Hwaseong soldiers and guests on the square.

Led by Luo Lin and Zefa, fifty old men with great vigor and vigor reached the top step by step.

Appear in the spotlight.

At the same time, it appeared under the eyes of the world.

As a result, everywhere is boiling.

The island of the circular martial arts venue

The picture in the huge floating screen on all sides turns.

Fifty-one figures on the high platform in front of Hwaseong Fortress were clearly reflected.

The participants in the conference on each island were taken aback.

Then there was a noise and uproar that burst into the sky.

Same as the boatmen in the water capital of the square.

These...the pirates from all over the world also recognize the identity of the...the purple-haired old man and the other old people in the screen...

"Hey, hey, this is not a joke! That old guy is Zefa of the Navy!!!"

"Why is the chief instructor of the navy... Black wrist Zefa is here!"

"It's incredible!"

"It's not just Zefa, look at the other old guys!"

"That bastard is former Vice Admiral Alfred!"

"Next to it is..."

"Those old guys are all veterans of the Navy!!!"

'Wow' the pirates who attended the meeting yelled in unison...

"Captain Captain"

The big sea pirate Bai Xiong Beibo, who offers a reward of five hundred bel, is like an ant on a hot pot, circling his captain.

"Captain Luo, that, that...that...the person is..."

Xia Qi, Pekin and other members of the Heart Pirate Group pointed to the young man on the screen, so nervous that they couldn't speak a word.


Supernova Trafalgarro, known as the death surgeon, took a deep breath.

The vibration in his eyes could not be calmed down.

"Last time it was Hades King Leily, now it is the former general Black Wrist Zefa again! Your true identity..."


"Captain Bonnie, Captain Bonnie, that's... he's... he, I remember it, last night... he stole our pizza."

The chef of Bonnie Pirates pointed at Luo Lin on the screen and yelled.

'Pop' "Quiet."

The brawny pirate in overalls slapped the screaming chef abruptly.

"That man is...Is it really possible to be the messenger behind the many events of Dahai, the lord of Hwaseong, but..."

The supernova, big stomach girl, Joelie Bonnie, bit her thumb tightly, her heart fluctuated and she was shocked beyond the reach...

"It really appeared!!!"

The magician Hawkins widened his eyes.

Everyone in the Hawkins Pirates group also showed a ghostly expression.

Just like petrification, it can't move.

"Hey hello, Hawkins, what do you guys...talk about."

The supernova DJing Apu on the side complained and yelled, scratching his head anxiously.

Seeing that Hawkins did not respond, he turned to look at Drake, who was also dumbfounded, and still did not get a response...

"Brother Perros, that's Zefa, chief navy instructor!"

"Why is Zefa there!"

"And look at that... bastard with a cigar..."

On the island of the venue, the thieves were also shocked.

"That... the old bastard is Mu Lian from Roger Pirates!"

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