Pirate: I was dug out by Robin

Pirate: I was dug out by Robin Chapter 307

From a distance in the direction of Hwaseong, a black news bird flew down.

Instantly passed over the warship's head.

A copy of the newspaper was left rustling down.

"Uncle Cap, look, it's Dad."

Lieutenant General Gion pointed to the front page of the newspaper and exclaimed with joy.

"Puff hahahaha"

Karp also laughed.

"Sure enough, Dad and Teacher Zefa went there, hero Luo Lin...Uncle, the legend has really become a reality."

The Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel continued to breathe deeply, but couldn't suppress the inner shock.

"He is...that man...really...really...Tina said...that's right!!!"

When reading the report in the newspaper.

The eyes under Smogg's sunglasses suddenly widened.

"Mr. Luo Lin, this is Mr. Luo Lin! He is really a big man! I know it!"

The spectacle lady Da Siqi looked at the young man in the middle of the newspaper page, her beauty rose instantly, and emotions of excitement and joy quickly occupied her whole body.

"Teacher Zefa, Lieutenant Admiral Alfred and those... the retired seniors, all are in that Hwaseong!"

"What exactly is going on"

"The hero Luo Lin! This man standing side by side with Zefasheng, the newspaper he is the hero of our navy!"

"Thirty-six years ago, with Mr. Karp, we defeated the hero of the sea lord Lockes! Is this true?"


The sea soldiers shouted shockingly.

"Really! It must be true!"

The admiral named Lei Luo clenched his fists and shouted with all his strength.

"Yes, it must be true!"

Another sergeant named Lord on the same ship nodded excitedly and surely.

"Our navy has another hero! The hero who disappeared in history is back!"

"Mr. Karp, is what this newspaper says true?"

An official of the headquarters spoke loudly and asked Karp.

So the noise on the three warships was suspended.

The marines all looked nervously at Karp on the Kotou warship.

The silence only lasted for a moment.

"Puff ha ha ha ha, boys, I will take you to meet the hero next."

Karp said loudly.

"Um...oh oh oh"

The cheers of the marines continued to form, causing the sea to be full of ripples...

at the same time.

The other direction opposite the Kotou warship.

A crane head warship sailed from the base of the 6th navy branch and galloped toward Hwaseong.

"Sister Hehe, look at this!"

"Sister Crane, Mr. Luo Lin, Mr. Luo Lin finally appeared in the newspaper."

"The return of the hero! Still as handsome as ever, Mr. Luo Lin!"


On the deck of the crane head ship, the senior female soldiers, from the girl to the aunt, spoke cheerfully.

"Wait a moment"

"Seniors, please let us ask!"

"What the hell is the news report in this newspaper"

"Why are Teacher Zefa and the old navy seniors in that city?"

"Also, the newspaper said that this young man is a hero of our navy. Is this possible?"

"Yes, yes, he obviously looks so young, about the same age as me, how could he be a naval hero alongside Mr. Karp!"

"Does our Navy really have another hero who disappeared"


On the crane head ship, apart from...Tina, the new generation of female soldiers all rushed to express their doubts and incomprehension.

Yingying Yanyan, it's so lively.

"Hahahaha, nothing is impossible in this world"

An old senior female soldier laughed and answered.

"Shouldn’t naval heroes have two common sense?"

The other female soldier looked like a matter of course.


The young female soldiers stared with beautiful eyes in surprise.

"Hey, a few little girls over there, don't be right...you are a nymphomaniac in the photo, are you confident that you can compare to the charm of Sister He"

"What does it mean"

"That's...in a literal sense, silly girls, it doesn't hurt to tell you what happened now—"

The young female soldiers on the ship pricked their ears, eagerly waiting for the following.

"Ahem, listen carefully, the hero Luo Lin reported in this newspaper is the husband of Sister He!!!"


The exclamation of the female soldiers on the deck increased by an octave.

It's like hearing the most incredible things in the world.

The young pretty faces were full of shock and surprise, and... gossip! "Really? Really?"

"This person is really Sister He's...Is it true"

"Could it be said that Sister He has been single for so many years...is waiting for this person"

"Slap the dog food on my face, I can stand it!"

"Sister Crane, I'm going to die!"

"This is true love!"

"Sweet! So good!"


The young female soldiers on the deck of the crane head ship opened their mouths with excitement.

Attention has already shifted from the shock of the hero's return to the general of his family.

Listen to the discussion and questioning of the crew.

Rao is the naval think tank Lieutenant General Crane who has not changed everything, and at this moment he can't help but blush.

Looking in the direction of Hwaseong City, he seemed to be able to see someone standing there.

So the corners of the mouth unconsciously set off a gorgeous arc...

Chapter 360: Eagle eyes full of swordsmanship? Blackbeard is going crazy [2/4]

Somewhere about ten nautical miles from Hwaseong Fortress.

A coffin boat lit with ghost fire followed the crowd.

Drive smoothly in a certain direction without any haste.

At a certain moment, turbulent waves hit the hull of the coffin boat.

Ling's coffin boat went up and down.

At the same time, the man sitting on the boat opened his eyes.

Between the opening and closing of his eyes, a sharp sword intent burst out.

"You really deserve to be the world's number one swordsman-Hawkeye Mihawk, you have truly reached the pinnacle of your kendo skills."

A bold voice came not far from the coffin boat.

"Seaman-Very Ping"

Hawkeye Mihawk looked calmly at the mighty murloc sitting on the shark not far away.

The two Qiwuhai met here.

"Hawkeye, did you go there this time also for that... the devil fruit of the sea lord"

The murloc who was riding a shark mount Qiwu Kai Jinhei asked.

"Do not"

Hawkeye Mihawk replied concisely.

"That said, how can a pure swordsman like you become interested in things other than kendo, it's the old man Meng Lang."

The murloc arched his hands flatly.

"It's ok"

Hawkeye Mihawk's answer is still concise.

At the end, it seemed that something was wrong, and then he continued to speak.

"How about you, Jinping, are you here for that fruit?"

Hawkeye Mihawk asked.

"no no"

Very flat waved.

"This time the conference master is like a cloud, not to mention that there are real monsters like the Four Emperors, even if it is an old man, there is not much hope."

"Although the overlord's fruit ability is strong, the old man is not stupid enough to give up the huge advantage of the sea."

Jinping speaks proudly.

What their murlocs are best at is fighting in the water.

Especially he is the number one master of the Murloc clan.

Occupying the land of the sea, even the Four Emperors dare to fight with it.

Although crushing the fruit is strong, it is not strong enough to make him willing to give up the sea.


Regarding...Shenping's explanation, Hawkeye Mihawk is just a convention, succinctly and concisely.

"Pirates, navy, bounty hunters, killers... plus you and I have that... bear, we Qiwuhai... The old man has a hunch that this incident may change the direction of the times and the world. "

Jinping said with emotion.


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