Pirate: I was dug out by Robin

Pirate: I was dug out by Robin Chapter 318

In the void, ripples like waves emerged.

Bright light blooms.

Then it burst.

That is a bit of fist power that escapes.

Falling into the sea is to make the sea explode one huge wave after another.

The waves surged and rushed to the sky.

Fist rushed into the sky.

So the sky shattered like a mirror.

There is an extremely chaotic convection in the atmosphere between the sky and the earth, which turns into a turbulent and terrifying waterspout storm.

And this is just the beginning.

Luo Lin's dragon fist and Karp's iron fist did not stand for long.

As soon as the points are touched, a more fierce confrontation follows.

The average powerhouse couldn't see the two fighting figures in the sky.

I can only see the traces of them crossing the air in a vague manner.

This battle of the world's top combat power.

Everyone who witnessed this scene by Ling's own eyes was shocked and inexplicable.

The legendary lieutenant admiral of the navy-the hero Kapu, and the marshal-the warring states of the Buddha, and known as the two spiritual pillars of the navy, are the legend of the navy.

In the last era, after the Battle of the Island of Gods.

Lox, the overlord of the sea, is defeated, and the world crisis is lifted...

But the death of the overlord also caused the most serious chaos in the ocean.

Roger, the White Beard, the Golden Lion and the remnants of the Rocks Pirates are on the world stage.

There are many heroes on the sea.

In that era, Rollin disappeared because of the Mary Joa incident.

A few years later, Zefa was frustrated because of the brutal murder of his wife and children.

At that time, it supported the backbone of the navy.

It was Karp who was called a hero and the current Marshal Sengoku.

Karp's strength is undoubtedly strong.When he was young, he caught the Red Earl and beat the Golden Lion.

I even fought against Roger the Pirate King many times, and many times pushed the Roger Pirates into desperation.

These are glorious results that people still remember now.

Just today.

When the follow-up results of the Sea Lord Locks incident were reported by Morgans.

People finally know.

Three or forty years ago.

When the sea did not belong to Roger and others, Karp had the most brilliant record of his life.

The Battle of the Island of Gods thirty-six years ago.

The heroes defeated that... the sole overlord Lox Gibeck who has been traversing the sea for decades.

Ended the kingdom of Lockes that was extremely strong.

It completely changed the direction of the world.

That battle.

Karp is a hero.

The same is true of Luo Lin.


Witnessed the legendary duel between heroes.

After witnessing this stunning showdown that caused the world to overthrow.

No one has any doubts about Luo Lin's heroic qualifications.

It’s just...what makes the people puzzled is-why the meeting of heroes and comrades after decades is such a terrifying sight! Why do the heroes have'infighting'... "Hey, Mr. Karp , What are you doing! That's Boss Luo Lin!"

On the high platform of the square.

The veterans couldn't help but feel anxious as they watched the two men fighting in full fire.

"Don't panic everyone."

Alfred, the calm former lieutenant general, stopped.

"Um... how can Brother Cap not recognize Boss Luo Lin?"

The corner of the old man Mu Lian's mouth was curved.

"What the hell is..."

"This is hello!"

Former general and current Huacheng chief instructor Zefa grinned.

"It's a special greeting from that guy Karp! I believe Luo Lin must also be happy to welcome such a greeting!"


Offshore Hwaseong.

The four warships fluctuated in the stormy sea.

However, no matter how big the wind and waves are, it is still not as great as the shock and shock inside the seamen.

"That's Mr. Karp and Mr. Rollin!"

The glasses lady Dasqi shouted anxiously.

"Why do the two of them fight?"

Sergeant Lord's face was incredulous.

"This is no joke! It's an all-out fight!"

Small could not help yelling, "Why do the heroes fight!"

The seamen on the warship were busy stabilizing the hull, and yelled in shock.

"Sister Crane, Sister Gion, what is going on?"

Tina anxiously asked about the motionless Lieutenant General Crane and Taotu Gion.

"Don't be nervous, Tina, this must be a special meeting ceremony for Uncle Cap and Dad."

Gion nodded affirmatively, her pretty face showing no panic.

Because of... those two people, she knows best.


Lieutenant General Crane nodded lightly, affirming Gion's statement.

"It's really just... hello"

Tina was full of question marks when she learned the truth.

The whole person was messed up in the wind.

What kind of greeting is this? Who's greeting is so fierce!...

Chapter 372: Lei Li who was beaten in the face by the speed of light [2/4 for complete order]

"This is just...hello!!!"


The high-level stands of the Hwaseong Headquarters building sounded in a film.

When from Lei Li, Xia Qi heard this greeting'conclusion.

Nami, Vivi, Robin and other little girls all opened their beautiful eyes with shock and disbelief.

Such a fierce battle, it turned out to be just a hello to someone who greeted it like that...abnormal!!!'Boom Rumble' was just when the little girls were stunned by this shocking conclusion.

There was another thunderous rumbling above the sky.

"Agaga, Teacher Raleigh, are you serious? It's obvious that the sky is about to collapse."

Alice, the girl in the peaked cap, opened her mouth in amazement.

"Little Alice, are you questioning the teacher's judgment"

Raleigh asked with a smile.

"No, no, no no."

The girl Alice suddenly waved her hands and shook her head.

"Don't worry, the two old guys just discussed a little bit. They seem to be fighting fiercely, but in fact they are all superficial. It's not a big deal. It just looks bluffing. Just relax."

Raleigh waved his hand confidently, looking through everything.

"It hurts, this bastard."

Just when Raleigh's confident voice fell.

Karp's anger suddenly came from the sky.

Then there was blood splashing out.


Lei Li, whose face was beaten at the speed of light, suddenly solidified his smile.

I only feel that an old face is hot and burning.

The high-level stands were suddenly extremely quiet.

Robin, Nami, Kerla and other little girls, as well as Xia Qi, Sambell, Brook and other old people all looked at Leily with weird faces.

"Uncle Raleigh, didn't you say that Brother Luo Lin was saying hello"

Weiwei spoke quietly.

"Cough cough cough"

Reilly was choked and coughed awkwardly.

"Unexpected accidents, even if they are competing, there are times when they accidentally miss."

Raleigh hurriedly made an excuse for himself.

"No, let's go and take a look."

Nami-soo frowned and looked worried.

"Grandpa Karp and Mr. Luo Lin, they are obviously best friends."

Mackinaw's eyes were flushed even more anxiously, and she was on the verge of crying.

"Let's go."

Robin, Kerla and others all stood up.

Can't sit still anymore...

the other side.

Hwaseong Plaza.

With Rollin and Karp, the peak duel of the two heroes unfolded.

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