Pirate: I was dug out by Robin

Pirate: I was dug out by Robin Chapter 333

'Wow' when Xia Qi's voice fell.

The ten major island venues suddenly became an uproar.

Had it not been for Xia Qi's reminder, they would have almost forgotten.

Forget their real purpose here this time.

Isn't it the one who came to participate in the martial arts conference and won the final overlord grade fruit prize?However, the things that happened in the past hour were too shocking.

First, the identity of the lord of Hwaseong Fortress was revealed, and he was actually a naval hero 36 years ago.

Next came the Navy Carp on the stage, and said an earth-shattering hello to his former brother.

After that, the navy's legend of the immortality-Lieutenant General He appeared on the stage and publicly showed the relationship between the hero Luo Lin and the world.

Finally, it was the battle of the world's largest swordsman.

Hawkeye Mihawk, the original world's largest swordsman, appeared on the stage and fought the strongest sword fight with the hero Luo Lin.

The final result was...The number one throne in the world of kendo changed hands.

The piles of piles that have occurred in the past hour, one by one, are all major events that are enough to shock the world.

Under the impact of various events, people even forgot their original purpose.

Now, until Xia Qi mentioned it.

The contestants in the various conference halls were suddenly surprised.

I remembered the purpose of my trip.

"Really, I was almost fooled by you"

"I almost forgot, I came to be the overlord, not to be shocked!"

"Damn, since your side is over, then hurry up and announce the start."

"Quickly take out that Overlord-level crushed fruit and let us see!"


All over the venue, contestants from all over the world shouted.

Xia Qi couldn't hear their clamours and complaints.

Even if I hear it, I don't care too much.

She only needs to complete her work and communicate the rules of the conference.

"Then let me introduce the rules of this martial arts conference first."

Xia Qi said to herself.

"The primary system of the conference is a melee knockout, and the total number of top ten contestants now totals more than 100,000.

All you have to do is to beat them to advance to the second round."

"We are equipped with countless phone bugs on each island, enough to ensure that no battle screen will be missed..."

"I announce that the battle begins and the time limit is three hours!!!"

When Xia Qi's voice fell, the four-sided video screen suspended in the sky sounded a countdown sound.

An hourglass timer replaced the screen of the battle of the great swordsmen.

Next to the hourglass is the time limit for the primary election.

The three-hour countdown started without warning.

Watch the countdown on the big screen.

In the conference halls, most of the contestants were still confused.

Although they also want to start quickly.

But this is too fast.

They still haven't figured out what the specific rules are. The conference just started like this and it was too sudden! "Hey hey, you guys..."

A contestant just wanted to complain.

next moment.

A cannonball burst at his feet, blasting it far away, and then exiting the field.

"Hahahaha, although I don't know what's going on, just kill it!"

"Little ones, come on, quickly break through the first round!"

"It's only a hundred people, 100 people, it's not enough, my uncle wants to beat a thousand people!"

'Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom, boom boom boom boom, intensive artillery fire, one after another.

The smug laughter of the pirates mixed with the screams of pain.

The composition of a chaotic and chaotic fight movement makes people can't help but burst into blood.

This is a feast of fighting...

"Farolu, this time I will definitely be the first one to advance, and let the world admire me. This is simply the best stage tailored for me."

The handsome captain of the pirate group, the noble pirate son, Cavendish of the White Horse looked intoxicated and longing.


Falulu, the white horse beneath him, made a loud neigh...

The four hoofs moved, leading Cavendish to kill the nearby group of pirates...

"Idio, Saboteur, I don't want to meet you at the beginning, see you in the second round."

The famous fighter in the new world, the long-legged clan Brukili speaks.

"Me too, see you in the second round."

The long-hand clan fighter Edeo nodded, and the two ran to each side...

"The blue circle spreads out with the death surgeon Trafalgarro as the center.

Turning a radius of 100 meters into his operating space.


Trafalgaro waved the demon sword in his hand and cried.


All the 30 pirates in this space were cut in half...

'Papa'Papa...``PapaPapa' There was thunderous applause.

"The captain is amazing."

"I have defeated forty people in just a few minutes. If this continues, the possibility of the first one to qualify is very high!"

The salted fishes of the Heart Pirate Group shouted 666 from the side.

"Hey, I said you guys, do you still have time to relax here. If you don't want to be a stepping stone for others to advance, then retreat to the coast now. It is enough for me and Beibo to advance here."

Trafalgaro reprimanded.


A group of salted fish with hearts, including Bai Xiong Beibo, stood at attention.

"Wait, captain, shall I be together too"

After a while.

Bai Xiong Beibo seemed to have realized what a cute bear's face was suddenly full of awkwardness.

"Any questions"



Chapter 388 Infighting!The beast group and the aunt group are going to fight?2/4

The time is five past nine in the morning.

Only five minutes have passed since the announcement of the martial arts conference.

The ten major islands were roaring loudly at the venue.

The screams and screams of the participating pirates were mixed, resounding through the sea.

The weak and the strong are the laws of this world.

Now it is further expanded and embodied here.

The sight is cruel...

"It's finally started! The highlight of this big event!"

"In addition to the final competition for the fruit of the overlord, this conference is also the best stage to become famous in the world!"

"A great melee that has gathered more than 100,000 strong people from all over the world, who can stand out and become the first promoted in the general election"

"Who will be the last big winner in this conference! Get the ticket to the overlord!"

Two watching islands.

The reporters on the live broadcast square watched the dazzling fierce battle on the big screen intently.

Articles of exciting conference reports were generated from their pens and spread to the world through the headquarters of various newspapers...

"Scratch disk-burst"

The supernova Skurachman Apu, who has a reward of over 100 million yuan, activates his own Devil Fruit ability.

The body transforms into various musical instruments, playing various dangerous sound waves, and defeating the pirates.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...the twentieth person, sorry, magician, Drake, I will be one step ahead of you."

Dian Yin Apu smiled triumphantly.

"Will there be a thousand people who will be promoted in the primary election of this conference?"

For... Skulachman Apple's complacency, the magician Hawkins didn't even hear.

Still fiddling with the tarot cards in front of him seriously, muttering to himself softly.

"No, that's not right, the last promotion only has 300 people at most 300."

The magician Hawkins nodded affirmatively.



"One hundred thousand divided by one hundred, isn't there at least one thousand promotion places?"

Both the Hawkins Pirates and the Drake Pirates next to them were puzzled.

"One thousand promotion places, the premise is that these thousand capable people do not interfere with each other."

The fallen Rear Admiral Drake spoke quietly.

"The rules of this conference did not specifically mention the'head' inheritance system, which means that even if you defeat a person who has accumulated 99 heads, the opponent's head count will not be added to you. The loss can be imagined."

The magician Hawkins analyzed.

"Moreover, the time limit this time is three hours. Even if you are lucky enough to successfully defeat 100 people and advance to the ranks, you still have to survive on the chaotic island for three hours. If you can't last three hours, everything will be empty talk after all."

Drake agreed.

"On the second round of this conference, only those with real strength can participate!!!"


The Taikoo venue occupied by the beasts and the aunt.

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