Pirate: I was dug out by Robin

Pirate: I was dug out by Robin Chapter 339

Dengeki blue cock Vince Mokney laughed sarcastically.

"Enough, just silence, you have done too much, stop here."

The head of the poisonous powder elder sister, Vince Mokretau had a pretty face with frost, and said coldly.

Looking at Sanji who fell unconscious on the ground, Lei Jiu's pretty face flashed with distress involuntarily.

She is the eldest sister of the Vinsmok family.

He was also the first person to accept the transformation of the blood factor.

It was only because of the immaturity of the initial technology that Lei Jiu had not been completely transformed.

Like Sanji, she still retains normal human emotions.

For this reason, she is the only person in Germa who cares about Sanji except... mother Sola.

When he was a child, every time Sanji was bullied by his brothers, Lei Jiu would quietly heal Shanji's injuries.

When the Djerma Kingdom arrived in the East China Sea 13 years ago, she also secretly broke the iron bars of the prison and released Sanji.

"Lei Jiu, what do you mean? We are just the same as before. Education and education are useless failures. You just have to look at it by the side."

Forgive the head Vinsmok for Yongzhi's cold opening.

"If Sanji is really useless, how can you explain your injuries? Admit it. Now Sanji has become stronger. Even without remodeling and combat uniforms, he is not weaker than you."

Lei Jiu retorted sternly.

Hearing that, Iji, Niji, and Yuji 3 all sprang up with blue veins on their faces, and that was because of anger.

Because of the facts Lei Jiu said.

"Leijiu, you have been helping Sanji to speak since just now, what exactly do you mean?"

Spark Red Yiji asked rhetorically.

"There is also Sanji escaped from the iron prison thirteen years ago. You didn't do anything to betray Germa, right?"

Electric Shocked Lannage's eyes were cold.

Lei Jiu was silent.

Not far away, the leader of Germa, Vin Smokjaj, who has a strange horoscope, is also silent.

"Huh, it seems to me that it has become stronger. In my opinion, Sanji is still as useless as before, but because he was born a few seconds earlier than me, do you really think you can stand on my head"

Forgive Tou Yuji's unhappy face, and his figure flashed to the side of the unconscious Sanji.

Lifting his right hand, he will step on it again, to vent the humiliation and pain of being injured by Sanji's heavy blow.


Lei Jiu drank.

What greeted him was Yuji's mocking expression.

'' just when Yuji's big feet were about to fall on the gate of Sanjimen.

Suddenly a gust of wind blew across the dense forest clearing battlefield.

Next second.

Yuji realized that his right foot seemed to be blocked by something, and he couldn't fall anymore.

"That's...you guys, beat Sanji--partner like this."

Straw Hat Luffy spoke in a deep voice, his expression serious and serious.

There is no silly model "You are that... Straw Hat Boy"

Seeing the straw hat boy who suddenly flashed in front of him, Yuji's mocking face suddenly appeared shocked.

However, there is no half of the strength under the feet, but a bit more strength.

However, Luffy's instep has never been shaken.

The unsheathing of the'Keng Keng' sword and the mountain forest sounded clearly.

Suddenly there was wind between the fields.

Sharp and powerful.

That is the invisible sword intent.

"Sorry, although my sex chef is really annoying, but not everyone can step on it."

Three-sword style pirate hunter, Roronoa Solo enters.

"Sauron, you are really clean and full today, and sure enough, the enemy in the daily life is actually the best."

Usopp spoke.

"What are you saying I am not, I don't, don't talk nonsense."

Sauron suddenly denied it with excitement.

"Really, our friendship!"


Everyone laughed and walked out of the dense forest one after another, appearing in front of everyone in Germa.

"You are……"

Looking at the familiar faces who have seen newspapers.

Everyone in Germa couldn't help but change slightly.

"Even Sanji can be called a monster, you must be..."

Forgive Tou Yuji before he finished speaking, the expression on his face suddenly changed.

The'Boom' powerful overlord color burst out from Lu Fei, sweeping the situation.

"Sanji is not a waste!"

Luffy roared angrily.

The second and second gears of steam and armed color are also instantly attached to the right foot.

A powerful force burst out in an instant.

Even if Yuji fully urged the additional power of the battle uniform, he couldn't compete.

'Boom' was accompanied by a loud bang, Yuji's body turned into a cannonball, and it flew back more than 100 meters.


"Don't get too smug!"

The bruises on the faces of Vince Mok Ejji and Nijji were soaring.

The battle suit on his body burst into flames and lightning, and crossed towards Luffy.

Two vague shadows flashed once again in the dilapidated open battlefield of''Keng'.

A dark dragon claw blocked Iji's spark.

"Sorry, Germa 66, if you still want to cheat less, I'm afraid it won't work."

Sabo said solemnly.

On the other side, electric light and knife light shine.

"Asshole, do you want to fight me"

Vince Moknichi looked at the swordsman three swordsman in front of him with a gloomy expression.

"Sorry, I got here by accident."

Sauron grinned with his body moving first.

"Sanji, are you okay!"

"Great, Sanji is still alive."

"Sanji, Sanji, wake up."

Usopp and others surrounded Sanji who was unconscious in the first place.

"Usopp, don't worry, the phoenix of Baibeard's family is about to arrive."

Jesus preached.

"Hello, Marco."

Ace greeted loudly towards the blue line of fire in the sky.


The blue line of fire flashed, and the figure of the phoenix Marco appeared in the air.



Seeing Marko's arrival, Usopp and others began to exhale.

On the other side, I saw the powerful people who were constantly gathering.

Especially after seeing the four emperors white beard and the two captains of the Phoenix, Marko, Firefist Ace, and the red-haired cadre of the four emperors, Jesus Bu, after Laqilu-the two Ijnichi confronting Sabo and Sauron. The eyebrows suddenly jumped.

As for being there all the time: The leader Germa, Vince Mokjaj, who is watching coldly in the distance, is no longer calm at this moment.

The old face with the peculiar moustache has obvious panic!...

Chapter 395 Plan to steal a home from a beast, aunt's coalition [1/4]

'Gudong' pitted forest clearing.

The cloned army with Germa stood far away, and the leader of Germa, Vinsmokjaj, rolled down his apple.


However, it exposed the panic in his heart at the moment.

His three 3 remodeled sons have no feelings and no fear.

But he is still a normal human.

Naturally feel stressed, feel... panic and afraid.

The encounter with his long-lost son, Sanji, was an unplanned accident.

In his opinion, the beating of Sanji by Iji, Niji and Yuji is just the same family problem as before.

It couldn't be more ordinary, no big deal.

Who would have thought that the situation suddenly became big.

The overlord and domineering straw hat boy broke out, the dragon king Sabo with amazing pressure, the sword-inspired three-sword style pirate hunter Sauron, and...Finally, there were even the captains and cadres of the two sea emperors in the New World.

What a powerful force this is, even if they are all on, there is not much chance of winning.

This cheap son who he regarded as a useless failure product seems to have found an incredible backstage.

Do not.

He should have known about this a long time ago.

After all, the place where Sanji is now is called Hwaseong.

The territory of the legendary hero.

This is no longer an ordinary family ethical issue.

It has risen to that city--a provocation to the hero! Kage believes that with the hero's aura, they will not be blamed for their normal defeat of Sanji in the conference.

Afterwards, he will not be held accountable for it and fall into the tongue.

of course.

The premise is that their Germa no longer has intersection with it...

And the problem is precisely here.

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