Pirate: I was dug out by Robin

Pirate: I was dug out by Robin Chapter 354

"no problem."

Luo Lin nodded calmly and confidently.

Once at the Albanian Palace, Luo Lin wanted Robin to promise.

When Hwaseong Fortress is completed and officially launched, it will be when he and she are unveiled to the world.

Now Luo Lin has announced his return to the world.

Next, it was Robin's turn.

After twenty years of drifting away from the sky, living like a mouse in a dark place with no light, it is time for such a life to end.

Since then.

Waiting for Robin will be a bright future.

No matter who it is, it can no longer deprive it wantonly.

This is Luo Lin's promise to her.

'Huh' for the first time under the sun to receive the attention of everyone, Robin inevitably took a deep breath of tension.

After a while.

Her clenched fists loosened..., the tight heartstrings slowed down, and the whole person returned to the usual peace and tranquility.

The feeling in the sun is so good! Robin thought to himself, with a wonderful arc on his face unconsciously.

"Sister Robin, announce it quickly."

Nami outside the camera reminded in a low voice.


Robin nodded slightly.

"First of all congratulations to the above two hundred and thirty-five contestants for passing the first round of the elimination round. I am Nicole Robin, and I will also be the host of the second round of the next conference. Then I will tell you about the second round of the conference- The trial of survival-the rules of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds."

"Before that, please advance to the second round of the players in the battle arena in their respective venues."

Robin didn't...stage fright whispered.

"Um...oh oh oh oh"

The Pirate Prince Cavendish was the first to respond.

Towards the direction of the battle arena, "First win this first, and then win the championship!"

Cavendish, who was stunned by the'first', is now vying for the first place in the ring.

It's just... "I'm the number one."

A vigorous shout passed over Cavendish's head.

One step ahead of him, he fell on the ring.

Cavendish, who has become the second child again, is on all fours again.

After a moment of loss, Cavendish raised his head, and the sight of Luffy with a straw hat was suddenly full of irritation.

"Asshole boy with a straw hat, I'll take you on the knife later."

Cavendish thought to himself.

Following Straw Hat Luffy and Cavendish, more than a hundred advancers in this area have all entered the ring one after another.

"Just now I was giving face to Mr. Luo Lin. You can't escape in the next round, the straw hat boy."

Also staring at Straw Hat Luffy is the Green Pepper, the pillar of the Eight Treasure Navy.

"Nicole Robin, the only survivor of O'Hara 20 years ago, and the only existence in the world that can interpret historical texts, there is really one more thing to grab now, ha ha ha."

Candy Minister Perrospero said with a giddy smile.

Yet the next second.

The smile on Perrospero's face disappeared.

'Cough, cough, cough, Mingming seemed to have an invisible pressure solely falling on him, bending his waist.

In the end, he pressed his whole person on the ring.

"Brother Perros, what's wrong with you"

The Charlotte ministers on the side screamed.

"Sabo, Usopp, it's up to you next."

The pale black-haired swordsman Lucio looked at Sabo and others.

In the first round of the conference that just ended.

Not all of the twenty-odd members of the Hwaseong Assault Team were successfully promoted.

The black-haired swordsman Lucio originally met the qualifications for promotion, but was later targeted by the emperor's cadres in the melee, and was helplessly defeated.

Naturally, they lost the opportunity to advance.

At this point, even if the organizer of the conference is your own family, there will be no favoritism.

In the Hwaseong team, it was not enough to successfully advance to the second round.

Qiwuhai Krokdal, Straw Hat Luffy, Dragon King Sabo, Three Swords Sauron, Long Nose Usopp, Dazbonis, Shemale von Krei and Binz Eight 8.

"Stupid green algae head, don't get lost."

Sanji, who had a temporary plaster on his right foot, reminded.

"You who sit on the bench are not qualified to worry about me. Besides, it's just such a ring, who will get lost!"

Sauron barked back.

When the Taikoo venue gathered, all the promoted players took the stage.

The battle arena shook slightly, and then rose to the sky again.

Flew high in the sky amidst the exclamation of people.

Promoted players from the other nine venues also stepped onto the ring one after another.

Swamp venue.

"Nicole Robin, that woman has also appeared!"

"Do you think you can sit back and relax by staying with that so-called hero"

"Too naive, since you dare to appear in front of us so swagger, then take it back together."

The dress is gorgeous, or sloppy, or like a nobleman, or like a pirate government. The corners of the killers' mouths are cold.

"Little girl who can interpret historical texts, I really like it."

The atmosphere somewhere in the marsh venue is distorted.

The figure of a rickety old man appeared out of thin air in the empty place...

All the 235 contestants who passed the first round of the elimination round of the conference were in place.

One ring after another rose to the sky.

There are more than a hundred people from the Taikoo venue in the arena.

There are only a few of them.

For example, the fancy dancer and the plague Quinn on the stage of the summer island venue, and the third person who is on the same stage with the two monsters for some reason-the big pirate clown Bucky!!!...

Chapter 412 Bucky wants to cry without tears!PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds start!2/4

Who am I, where do I come from and where do I want to go?From the battle arena that skyrocketed from the summer island venue, the big red nosed big pirate's eyes were'deep'.

Like a senior philosopher, questioning his soul.

After a while.

He found the answer.

I am Bucky and I am on my way to the Hell of Yellow Spring.

That's it.

Bucky's right fist struck lightly on the palm of his left hand, astonished.


Is it time to be so calm now? "It's going to die! It's really going to die now!"

Bucky's surface is calm and calm, and he looks calm and composed.

However, in fact, this was only because his body was petrified and stiff due to excessive panic, and could not move at all.

There have already been slices of stormy waves in his heart, slapping his weak and helpless heart.

He meows.

The glorious life of my uncle is about to end here, no! I haven't found Captain John's treasure yet! Even if you want to die, please let me die on the treasure pile! Blame those fools.

This uncle is really a hopelessly good captain, and he once again believed in the evil of those idiots! Thinking of the series of sorrows that put him on the road of no return not long ago.

Bucky was crying without tears.

Especially now.

There are only three people on the huge flying ring, including him 3.

But Bucky would rather go to a more crowded arena.

This is not a place where ordinary people like him can stay! The two opposite are monsters.

One is the third commander of the Four Emperors and Hundred Beasts and Pirates, Plague Quinn.

The other is the top of the first round of this conference.

With one's own power, more than a thousand strong people were destroyed in an instant, and the monsters among the monsters in the entire summer island venue were destroyed.

He who is on the same stage with these two monsters is simply a lamb to be slaughtered.

"Hey, the red nose over there."

Just when Bucky's spirit was tightened to the extreme, Plague Quinn on the left hand suddenly spoke.

In a word, Bucky was so scared that he held his breath, only to feel that his brain was shaking because of fear.

"You... what's the matter with you"

Bucky didn't even look at Quinn.

"Hey, that guy with the red nose, I feel you are a bit familiar from just now, have we met somewhere before?"

Plague Quinn asked with interest.

"No, no, I don't know you at all."

Bucky shook his head mechanically, and decisively came up with a set of denials.

"Oh, you don't even know me, or you don't care, plus a little impression of me, you really are not an ordinary person, red nose."

Plague Quinn nodded in approval.


Bucky was dumbfounded.

"Na...!!!, Red Nose, do you want to make peace? If there are only two places in each ring, let's send this bastard to feed the sea kings together.

'Plague Quinn suggested.

The sight of the man in the same stage dance clothes is full of unkindness and murder.

After all, not long ago, he didn't know much..........and he followed this guy's way.

If it weren't for his strong strength, I'm afraid he would have been eliminated like the others on the island.

As the third in command of the dignified beasts, if you get out of the game like this, you will lose face.

If Kaido knew about it, the location of his disaster would probably not be guaranteed.

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