Pirate: I was dug out by Robin

Pirate: I was dug out by Robin Chapter 357

The wings of the pterosaur unfolded, and a strong wind drove his body speed soaring, catching up with the leader of the dragon head in front.

"Kaido, the news from idiot Quinn has arrived."

Flame Cinder reported.

"Oh, what's the situation over there? My sons and daughters should have already got the fruits of Captain Locks, right?"

The Four Emperors Luo Te Lingling laughed confidently and proudly.

"No, the official battle for crushing fruits has just begun, but..."

Yan Calamity Jin will inform Kaido about everything he has learned from Quinn and others.

"Kaido, since that...the crushed fruit is now in that venue, I think we can go there and take it first. As for the attack on Hwaseong City, we can put it aside."

Yan Calamity Jin proposed.

Both Kaido and Lotling Ling were silent for a moment.

Then they nodded together.

"Um... just do it then."

"Well, good idea."

Kaido and Charlotte Lingling agreed.


Hearing this, Yan Calamity Jin was able to breathe a long breath of relief.

After all, directly attacking Hwaseong City, where two naval heroes and former generals are seated, is really stressful!!!...

The 415th chapter of the red dog's face-slapped past!Tu Mo's order begins!1/4

A certain sea area about twenty nautical miles south of Hwaseong Fortress.

Seventeen naval warships are like giant prehistoric beasts, standing quietly on the sea.

The general command conference room of the center warship.

The general in charge of this operation, Akainu, and the lieutenant generals of the headquarters were silent as petrified wood carvings.

The desk in front of them was filled with various messy reports and reports.

Except for the original hero news and Karp, crane reports.

What moved the elite lieutenants of the headquarters was the battle of the world's largest swordsman after that.

Immediately after that, there were various pieces of information since the opening of the martial arts conference.

Including the dark horses that appeared one after another in the conference!, the fierce war that took place in the Taikoo venue, the high-profile appearance of the son of the devil, Nicole Robin, and the second round of the conference that followed...

"Sakaski, when are we going to wait?"

Lieutenant General Dauberman frowned, breaking the dead silence in the command room.

"There is also the question of... whether the hero is our partner or not."

Lieutenant General Ghost Spider knocked on the desktop.

"Ghost spider, what do you mean, Mr. Luo Lin, the hero, is of course our partner, Mr. Karp and Sister Crane, they have all proved with practical actions, and the battle of Qianfan Island, Mr. Luo Lin is saving He has killed hundreds of marines! He is a well-deserved naval hero!!!"

Bastille Slasher stood up suddenly, staring at the lieutenant ghost spider who raised the question with a dissatisfaction.

The atmosphere in the meeting room stagnated again.

"Enough, you sit down first, Bastille."

The general Akainu gave a cry.

"The ghost spider's worry is not entirely unreasonable."

Lieutenant General Stoloberg, with a one-meter head, stroked his long beard.

"Those... are just your guesses now."

Lieutenant General Dalmesia spoke.

"We really don't have complete evidence yet, even that... guess is too ridiculous, but the ability to make islands float to the sky will not have anyone else."

Lieutenant General Ghost Spider said faintly.

"The first jailbreaker of the advance city in the last era, the legendary flying big pirate-is the golden lion Shiji really hiding in that city... Senior, did the hero Luo Lin really cooperate with the pirate?"

The Lieutenant General Huo Shaoshan, who was smiling all day long, spoke in confusion.

"And the son of the devil, Nicole Robin, the only survivor of O'Hara twenty years ago, has appeared in front of the world so swaggeringly today. I shouldn't need to say more about who is behind it."

Lieutenant General Stoloberg, who had participated in the O'Hara Demon Slaying Order, opened a gap in his squinted eyes and looked at the first general Akadog.

Twenty years ago, the demon killing order against O'Hara.

The general Akainu is the real main force.

In order to eliminate the roots, it is certain that no scholar will escape.

The red dog even attacked the civilian ship with his fists, burning all the thousands of civilians on board.

The cruelty of the method also caused great repercussions at the time.

Greatly damaged the prestige of the Navy in the hearts of civilians.

At that time, there was even a veteran lieutenant admiral in the navy who advocated the removal of the position of lieutenant admiral of the red dog and the trial of the military court.

However, even if it has achieved this level, and almost went to the military court, the news that there are still scholars successfully escaped.

For the general Chi Inu, this is simply... Chi Guoguo's face.

In the past, the affairs of Nicole Robin, the son of the devil, were handled by the general Aoi Pheasant.

The general Akinu never asked.

But this time... "Since I met, no matter if there is a reason to let it go."

General Akinu makes a fist.

The atmosphere in the meeting room fell into a dead silence.

"General Sakaski, Lieutenant Generals"

An intelligence sailor pushed in anxiously.

"Appeared! The four emperors Luo Te Lingling and the four emperors Kaido, who left from Bailuo Island, have appeared! They are almost approaching that city!"

The intelligence marine yelled and reported.


The silence in the conference room was instantly on the side.

The general Akainu who was sitting in the first place suddenly stood up.

"It's finally here. If the order is passed down, the Demon Slayer Order can be prepared."

Admiral Akinu grinned.

The giant navy battleships that have been silent for more than ten hours, set sail!!!...At the same time.

The coast of the Taikoo venue.

Sanji, Candle 3 Garno, Lucio and other team members who failed to advance boarded the returning ship.

Prepare to return to the city for examination and treatment.

"Mr. Luo Lin, Miss Ai Yin, you guys come up quickly too."

Lucio the black-haired swordsman greeted him.

Luo Lin seemed unheard of... the greeting of the young disciple.

His eyes narrowed slightly, and he silently stared to the east.

"What's wrong, Mr. Luo Lin."

Ai Yin, with a blood-stained bandage tied on her thigh, asked puzzledly.

"It's finally here, if you don't come again, I will think you have escaped back to the new world."

Luo Lin's mouth opened an arc.

"What's coming?"

Ai Yin tilted her head in confusion.

"Little girl Ayin, grab me."

Luo Lin stretched out his right hand.


Ai Yin was stunned.

"Forget it, I'll do it myself."

Luo Lin reached out with his big hand, and in the voice of the little girl Ai Yin, he wrapped her gripping waist.

"Luo Lin first..."

Lucio's eyes widened when he witnessed this scene.

Next second.

Under his wide gaze.

Luo Lin and Ai Yin disappeared in an instant.

"Lucio, what's wrong with them?"

Someone on the boat asked puzzledly.

"Go... gone."

Lucio's expression trembled.

Also very shocking were Lei Jiu of Germa 66 and others not far away.

"Hey, hey, where is that man"

"Suddenly disappeared. What the hell is going on!"

"Come on, what speed is that!"

Red, Blue, and Green killed the three brothers Matt and cried out.

"Is that the true power of the legendary hero"

Fen Mao Lei Jiu took a deep breath and shook her head.

"My father, if we miss this opportunity, we really can only go to that city."

Lei Jiu looked at Kage.

"If you want to visit the cooperation, of course it is more sincere to go to that city in person."

Kaji spoke, and it was impossible to admit that he was previously overwhelmed by the hero's bravery.

"We are ready to go, too."

Just as Kage's voice fell, there was a thunderous rumbling from the eastern horizon.

Large black clouds spread like dark night.

At the same time, there were two domineering laughter.


"Uh... oh oh oh"

The Four Emperors Lotr Lingling and the Four Emperors Kaido are here!!!...

Chapter 416: The Scorching Dragon's Breath Attacking Huacheng2/4

With the second round of the martial arts conference, the hidden monsters on the island of the PUBG venue are revealed.

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