Pirate: I was dug out by Robin

Pirate: I was dug out by Robin Chapter 363

Chapter 422 The majesty of Ahe's main palace!Play!4/4

"After today, the four emperors of the sea will go to the second one!!!"

When Luo Lin's domineering words fell.

The expressions on the faces of Karp, Zefa, the veterans and the new-generation marines on the periphery were stagnant at first.

Then there was uncontrollable excitement and excitement.

The emperor of the sea, who is at the top of the world, will go to the second place-naturally, the four emperors and beasts Kaido and Lotlingling who entered the game today.

Simultaneously defeat the alliance of two sea emperors.

How domineering this is!!! If someone else said it, I'm afraid people would have already sneered.

Just treat it as an arrogant speech from an ignorant person.

After all, those are the four emperors who dominate the sea.

And it's two! Since the formation of the Four Emperors of the New World four years ago.

The new world has completely become the world of pirates.

Even their navy has to bow their heads in the territory of the Four Emperors.

This is the deterrence of the four emperors! In this sea, whoever dares to fight with the alliance formed by the two big four emperors at the same time will have to weigh their navy and prepare for a long time.

But right now, things have already happened.

The plan to defeat the alliance of the two Big Four Emperors is already underway.

The implementer of this plan was another hero whose navy disappeared thirty-six years ago.

Isn't it a matter of course that the four emperors of the new world will be broken today! Whether it is the veterans or the new generation of Smogg and other marines, there is no doubt.

Because that was what the naval heroes said.

More because of the legends gathered in this place.

With the hero Luo Lin and the hero Karp, even if it is the Beast and the League, how to eliminate the Beast and the Beast first.

No matter how smooth the white beard and red hair are, all this is not a delusion.

As long as the two legendary heroes of the Navy are there, calm the world and end the era of the great pirates is just around the corner.

Smogg, Dasqi and other young marines were all excited and excited looking at the heroes and legends ahead.

Thinking of those...exciting futures, everyone's emotions are getting higher and higher:

"Go Go Go Go"

"Clean Kaido and the monster lady-in-law today!"

"Look for the white beard and the red-haired kid tomorrow!"

"Unexpectedly, I can still participate in such a magnificent event in my lifetime, it is really great!"

"With my modest strength, help the boss reach the top!"


The veterans with white hair and white beards are also in high spirits at the moment:

Being Luo Lin's domineering declaration aroused the quiet blood in the body, as if returning to the happy age of following Luo Lin on the battlefield of the world decades ago.

"Puff ha ha ha ha, so be it, brother, let us join forces that we have been missing for a long time today and pull the two emperors from the throne."

Karp's fists were heavily overlapped in front of him, and he made a sound of golden and iron strikes, full of fighting spirit.

"Count me too."

Zefa twisted his neck and grinned.

Seeing the enthusiastic and fighting veterans, the corners of Luo Lin's mouth also raised an arc of joy.

"When is the iron fist for the old man already hungry and thirsty."

Karp's pair of iron fists overlapped and collided, clanging.

"Well, don't worry, Karp, let them play for a while."

Luo Xiu grinned and said calmly.

"Besides, I have more important to leave to you than there."

"What is more important"

Looking at the solemn expression on Luo Lin's face.

Karp also put aside his laughter, his face serious.

"I will leave it to you behind me."

Luo Lin patted Karp on the shoulder and spoke seriously.

"Isn't this of course, just like before, I have always been responsible for you behind you. I will not forget this. Don't worry, partner."

Karp laughed as he took it for granted.

"If you don't forget, just don't forget. Then when I leave, I will trouble you to guard this city."

Luo Lin blinked.


The smile on Karp's face solidified.

"Wait a while, wait a while, what do you mean? I don't quite understand it."

Karp asked.

"Idiot Cap, Luo Lin is telling you to stay and sit in Hwaseong, just sit here and watch us fight."

Zefa grinned.


The expression on Karp's old face suddenly pulled his hips.

"Don't bring such one, hey, let's say we will fight side by side together"

Karp's eyes widened.

"This is what you agreed to."

Zefa added.


Karp sighed lightly.


Since I have accepted it, there is no way.


Luo Lin patted Karp on the shoulder again, showing an expression that I am optimistic about you.


Seeing Kapu's sullen expression with a little resentment, Zefa couldn't help laughing.

"It's the same with you, Zefa, who are all a long way old, and you stayed with Karp, responsible for protecting Hwaseong Fortress and Ahe and the others."

Rollin Road.


Zefa's smile stopped abruptly.

"Puff ha ha ha"

Now it was Karp's turn to laugh out loudly, gleefully.

With Zefa's comrade-in-arms with the same disease, Karp's depressed heart was also divided.

I didn't pay attention to the joyous interaction between Karp and Zefa.

Luo Lin's figure flashed away.

The next second was to disappear from the square.

The reappearance is already in the high-rise stands of the headquarters building.


"Brother Luoling"



"Master Luo Lin"

"You're back!!!"

It just appeared.

The big and small girls in the stands gathered around and greeted Luo Lin enthusiastically.


Ahe coughed slightly.

As a result, the originally noisy grandstand suddenly quieted down.

Even if it was like Hancock, he obediently closed his mouth at this moment and let a path open.

The so-called majesty of the palace is terrifying.

Ahe stepped on high heels and went straight forward, lifting his slender hand gently, straightening out Luo Lin's messy corners of clothes.

"when to go"

Ahe asked.


Luo Lin answered with a smile.

"Then you came here this time to ask me to protect these...little girls"

Ahe's big eyes narrowed in a subtle arc.


Luo Lin coughed awkwardly.

"It's not just this, right—"

Luo Lin's gaze crossed Ahe and fell on Leili and the others behind.

"Yohouhouhouhou, just say anything."

Brook patted the bear.

"There are a few little mice in the quicksand prison. I'm afraid that the electric shock boy will not be able to handle it alone, so please go and support it."

Luo Lin laughed.


Lei Li, who was transformed into a sour lemon again, snorted proudly.

"Raleigh, what are you doing?"

Murloc Sambell asked.

"Go to jail and go around."

Raleigh said without looking back.

"Then, I should go too."

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