Pirate: I was dug out by Robin

Pirate: I was dug out by Robin Chapter 370

The blood between the mouth and nose was rushing, embarrassed and miserable.

However, this time, Kaido finally did not lose the face of the four emperors.

The teeth clenched.

The facial muscles seemed to have life, firmly binding Luo Lin's fist that was trapped in his flesh and blood.

"Don't underestimate the Four Emperors!"

Kaido yelled violently, grabbing Luo Lin's right arm with his right hand like a vise, swaying in mid-air for a week, and slamming it heavily towards the ground.

The dull crash of'Boom' sounded.

Large patches of dust were splashed, obscuring people's sight.

Watch this scene.

From just now, the beasts and pirates who were suffocated and bored suddenly shouted with excitement.

However, they did not wait for their cheers to fall.

Another dull bang sounded, shaking the land of the island and stirring up a raging storm.

The violent wind raged at this time, blowing away the dust in the sky.

So the cheers of the beasts and the pirates stopped abruptly.

Replaced by: there is still a deep horror and disbelief that emerges.

Because the situation on the battlefield was exactly the opposite of what they had imagined.

Luo Lin, the hero they hated, still stood steadily.

On the contrary, it was the invincible captain in their minds, the Four Emperors and Beasts Kaido suffered a back fall again and fell to the ground...

Chapter 431 Fist to the flesh!Blood surging!1/4

A scorched earth battlefield overgrown by ravines.

Belonging to the top power of the sea, the peak duel between the legendary naval hero and the four emperors Kaido restarts.

Luo Lin's figure, standing in the air, suddenly disappeared.

The reappearance is already in front of the Four Emperor Kaido.

The domineering Thanglong, covered in pitch-black armor, slammed his punch on the chin of the Four Emperors, Kaido, and his entire fist was sunken.

The beating Kaido's twisted nose and mouth flowed again.

The body received another heavy blow, and the beast Kaido gritted his teeth without saying a word.

The chin's muscles restrained Luo Lin's fist and launched a counterattack.

The muscles like a horned dragon's arm grabbed Luo Lin's arm like lightning and swiped it in midair.

It fell heavily towards the scorched earth.

The first dull impact of'Boom' sounded, arousing dust in the sky.

Don't wait for people to be shocked.

The second'boom' followed.

The violent shock wave stirred up the wind and scattered the dust.

That was the sound of the huge body of the four emperors and beasts Kaido falling to the ground.

In the middle of the battlefield.

Luo Lin stepped firmly on the ground, his feet sinking three feet into the ground.

This is the origin of the first bang.

The second sound after that was naturally made by the beast Kaido, who was now in a big font and fell to the ground.

Between the previous electric light and flint, Luo Lincha, who was penetrated by Kaido to the earth, reversed the offensive.

Throw him out with the power of the beast Kaido, just like the four or two in Tai Chi.

Full of skill.

Regarding...what happened during that short breath just now, ordinary strong people simply couldn't see clearly.

A thick shock and disbelief appeared unconsciously on his face.

And like Marko, Jesus Bu, Lazilu, etc.... Seeing and hearing the domineering masters, they completely captured that moment of skill change.

So there was only endless admiration on his face.

The shock or admiration on people's faces did not last long.

In the next moment, he was attracted by the high-energy peak showdown.

The four emperors and beasts Kaido did not lie down again this time.

The broad palm like a fan slammed the ground, causing the earth to collapse another meter.

With that powerful reaction force, Kaido's figure suddenly rose into the sky.

Then it flashed away.

It showed an astonishing speed that was completely inconsistent with its... huge size.

Even a master of seeing, hearing and coloring like Jesus cloth can only see a vague shadow at this time.

It was almost just a brief moment.

Kaido's extremely oppressive body appeared behind Luo Lin.

The domineering fist covered with powerful weapons fell towards Luo Lin's entire body.

Before the heavy punch came, the strong wind had already hit his face.

The oppressive Luo Lin stood on the ground slowly, and it was enough to see the weight of Kaido's punch.

Just when Kaido's black punch like a sandbag was only the last meter away from Luo Lin's face.

Luo Lin finally moved.

The right foot suddenly took a step forward, and the island suddenly shook.

The domineering fist covered with the highest level of armed color strikes out like a meteor.

With the size of his fist, Luo Lin is not as good as Kaido.

However, Luo Lin naturally did not lose the weight of his fist, or even exceeded it.

'Boom', one big and one small, fists exchanged, it is clear that it is a collision of fists and fists, but what is transmitted is like the sound of gold and iron fighting.

The world fell silent for a moment.

The next moment.

'Boom Rumble' accompanied by a thunderous boom, the world was overturned at this time.

A white light suddenly lit up at the junction of Luo Lin and Kaido's fists.

That is Sheng Lie, the most powerful impact light.

The unparalleled shock wave centered on the fists of Luo Lin and Kaido, spreading in all directions.

The atmosphere oscillated in circles like water waves.

The broken earth seemed to have been covered with a layer of skin, layer upon layer flying up to the sky.

The raging storm of fist power was generated centered on Rollin and Kaido.

Thousands of thousands of kilograms of boulders were engulfed in the sky by the storm like a toy, and then exploded into fine gravel under that terrifying force.

A slight bone cracking sounded.

In the chaotic storm at this moment, it is not eye-catching, but it is important.

Because that was the sound of the fractured fist bones of the Four Emperors and Hundred Beasts.

Even if it is covered with a powerful armed color domineering, Kaido's index finger and middle finger, and the front contact part of Luo Lin's fist will inevitably collapse into a small piece.

This is the gap in the level of armed color domineering.

Compared with Luo Lin's control of the highest level of weapons that can directly reach the inside, Kaido's armed color is far inferior.

Perceive this.

Kaido's distorted face once again flashed a little unwillingness.

"It's not over yet."

Kaido yelled violently.

His left hand made a fist again and beat Luo Lin.

There was a glimmer in Luo Lin's eyes, and the muscles of his right arm suddenly bulged.While repelling Kaido's right fist, he met his left fist again.

There was another dull physical collision.

Under Luo Lin's absolute strength and domineering, Kaido couldn't help but backtrack.

Staggering footsteps left footprints one meter deep on the ground.

After seven steps.

Kaido's figure stopped again.

The bones all over his body crackled, and the phalanges and facial bones were remodeled at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In a moment, Kaido's twisted and broken bones were all healed.

The aura that filled his body became more and more terrifying.

This is the real reason why Kaido is known as the strongest creature in sea, land and air, and no one can kill it.

Relying on the powerful resilience of the animal dragon fruit phantom dragon form ability.

No matter how many injuries Kaido suffered, he could heal in the shortest time.

In terms of recovery speed, apart from... Marko's phoenix ability, no one in the entire Pirate World can match it.

It is also relying on this abnormal resilience.

Kaido will be called the strongest name in singles.

On explosive power and hard power, Kaido is inferior to Whitebeard.

But he can completely rely on the powerful endurance combat power, and the white beard that is already in his old age is exhausted.

However, this time the opponent he faced was Luo Lin.

An existence that overrides both strength and resilience.

"Come on again, kid Kaido."

Luo Lin grinned.

'Boom' fists to the flesh, the original violent scenes of passionate blood are staged again...

The 432nd chapter only hand Zhen Kaiduo!Thunder gossip![2/4 seeking subscription]

The explosive sound of the'boom' atmosphere formed a series of pieces.

'Boom' that is the island earth is shaking.

'Bang' This is a clash of fists and fists...

The Jedi venue floating in the sky over a thousand meters.

What is being staged now is a brutal fight from fist to flesh.

It is the most primitive aesthetics of violence.

This is the peak duel between the two'undead creatures with the ultimate physique in Pirate World.

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