Pirate: I was dug out by Robin

Pirate: I was dug out by Robin Chapter 379

Zefa spoke calmly.

"No one is allowed to walk out of Hwaseong Fortress today. If we really prevent the pirates from fighting against the navy, that would be the biggest discredit for the boss's reputation."

Former lieutenant Alfred also screamed.

"Remember this, even if it is no longer a navy, what we have to do has not changed from beginning to end."

"Heroes have never been so good to behave, just like me, how can a guy who messes with his life deserves the name of a hero? That guy is the real hero."

Karp said with emotion.

"The hero is fighting abroad, how can the old man help him guard the rear."

Kapu murmured, his whole body suddenly rose up, and he was ready to fight.

"Mr. Karp"

"what happened"

Everyone asked puzzledly.

The'Boom' explosion sounded.

That is the direction of the Hwaseong headquarters building.


"There are intruders!!!"


The 442nd chapter hero iron fist, who can stop it?4/4

'Bang','bang, bang', the crisp sound of glass bursting into pieces.

That was the sound from the direction of the Hwaseong headquarters building.

The sword groaned softly.

The bright golden sword light shines.

However, before the power of Jianguang erupted, it was twisted and broken by a strange force.


"Who is it?"

The little girls, including Vivi, Kerra, and Alice, all scolded and prepared to fight.

"All back, behind me."

A majestic woman stopped shouting, it was Ahe's voice.

"Vivi, Nami, don't be impulsive."

Xia Qi also had a solemn expression, raising her hand to protect Keya and others behind her.

"Don't be so nervous, little girls."

An old voice sounded from the high-level stands.

Next second.

The air and even the light are in a weirdly twisted state.

An old and rickety figure is looming, like a ghost without a substance, which makes people indistinct.

"This guy is..."

"This weird ability..."

"You are the guy who was...flyed!"

Even if you can't fully see the opponent's posture.

Robin, Kerla and other little girls in the stands also recognized his identity for the first time.

"It's really smart girls, it would be a pity if they died like this."

The old man with a rickety figure and a decadent breath all over his body smiled coldly.

"What a courage, old man."

Gion took a step forward with the brilliant golden sword Jinpilu in his hand.

A powerful sword burst out instantly, blowing the dark horse! The old man's hair is one of the few.

At the same time, the expression on his old face was shocking.

Until then.

He finally realized that this little girl who had previously shot him a sword turned out to be a powerful swordsman.


That's it.

After all, he hadn't killed the great swordsman before.

"Don't be so impulsive, little girl, the old man came here just to hear that you have a panacea for rejuvenation. As long as you hand it over, the old man will not do anything to you."

Dark horse! The old man pretended to be kind.

"Abominable old thing, so ugly that you dare to appear in front of your concubine's body, dirtying your concubine's sight, and your concubine's body is very angry now, you old thing will die right away"

The arrogant female emperor Hancock took her long legs and stepped out suddenly, posing a signature posture of disdain for all living beings.

Listening to the acrid, mean words of the Empress Hancock.

Dark horse! The'and' on the face of the rickety old man is no longer.

However, he didn't wait for his killing intent to burst.

The powerful overlord color is like a surging tide.


Dark horse! The old man's dim eyes floated.

Obviously, he was surprised by Hancock's sudden burst of powerful domineering.

In addition to... the Great Swordsman, there are even overlord-looking domineering awakeners here.

However, it is not enough.

The situation is still under his control.

"Regardless of.……

Which force does it belong to? I will help you clean your filthy heart."

Lieutenant General Tsuru, the young chief staff officer of the Navy, walked out calmly.

A mysterious atmosphere filled the slender hands.

That is the power that can be clear and cleanse everything.

Feeling the ability displayed by Ahe, dark horse! The old man couldn't help but feel a sudden warning in his heart, and felt a strong threat.

The calm that controlled everything on that old face finally disappeared.

"If you want to find fault, you are afraid that you have come to the wrong place!"

"This is our Hwaseong Fortress!"

Robin, Kerra and other little girls have recovered their calm in their expressions, and they have a strong confidence in their words.


Dark horse! The face of the rickety man suddenly changed.

The soles of the feet slammed on the ground and dodged quickly to the side and back.

'Boom' made a soft sound.

A bear's palm-shaped mark appeared in the atmosphere.

The location where the rickety old man was standing originally showed a tall figure out of thin air.

That is Qiwuhai Tyrant Bear.

"Who are you?"

Dark horse! The old man stood in the air, his face solemnly looking at Tyrant Bear.

Intuition tells him that this is another incredible strong.

If he was at his peak, he would be fearless.

It's just that after a fight with the Four Emperors, his body is close to the brink of exhaustion.

It's okay to barely deal with a weak physical sword tyrant.

Add one more and it will definitely be overwhelming.

"Bear Paw Impact"

For... the dark horse! The old man's question, the answer to him was just an atmospheric bomb compressed to the extreme.

The horrible impact of'Boom' bloomed, blasting the dark horse! The old man was caught off guard.

Quickly twisting the space around him, this is dangerous and dangerous to avoid the most central explosive power.

"Damn devil, don't be too proud..."

Dark horse! The old man has a savage look and yells in anger.

However, he didn't wait for his voice to fall.

The deep purple halo suddenly descended on him without warning, oppressing him.

Under the pressure of a hundred times the gravity field.

Dark horse! The old man's already fragile body creaked and was overwhelmed.

"Damn it, who is it"

Dark horse! The old man gritted his teeth and looked up with difficulty.

However, he did not see anyone secretly releasing the gravity field.

What caught his dim eyes was a shooting star.

Do not.

That is a fist.

An iron fist that fell from the sky.

"The old man has promised to help him guard his back, bastard, give me a punch!!!"

Karp's loud shout resounded across the sky.

An iron fist turned out.

Like a meteor falling.

Feel the mighty power contained in that fist that can smash mountains and seas.

Dark horse! The old man's eyes widened in horror.

The calmness and calmness on the old face are no longer, there is just endless fear.

"In this era, this city, what kind of monsters are there anyway!"

In the dark horse! The old man screamed with horror.

Karp's unparalleled iron fist fell.

Dark horse! The twisting power released by the old man exhausted his whole body was defeated in an instant.

What broke down immediately was his old body.

Who can stop the hero's iron fist! The blood of the'boom' invaders stained the sky.

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