Pirate: I was dug out by Robin

Pirate: I was dug out by Robin Chapter 385

Four Emperors and One Hundred Beasts Kaido, die!!!

The 449th chapter captures the fruit of the dragon!Blackbeard's ambition!3/4

On the ground of the broken primitive island, there is a broken body.

The body is huge like a little giant, but also tattered like a sack.

Staggered horizontally and vertically, densely wounded.

Dark black blood gurgled, forming small rivers of blood.

The most terrifying thing was his left half of the body, his arms and even his heart disappeared, and he was crushed.

He was bloody and bloody, making it impossible to see his original appearance.

But people know-all over this sea area, everyone who watched this scene knows-he is Kaido! Kaido, one of the emperors of the sea! Kaido, the strongest creature in the sea, land and air! How strong is it-this is almost the consensus of everyone in the entire sea.

Even if the other party is a pirate, the people of the world and even the navy have to admit it.

The Four Emperors and One Hundred Beasts Kaido is...the real strongest creature, an immortal myth.

For more than twenty years.

He has been sentenced to death 40 times.

Even if hanged, the chain will be broken.

Even if he was put on the guillotine, he could crush the guillotine.

Even if stabbed by the spear, it ended up with the spear breaking.

In order to kill himself by suicide, he has jumped down from the 10,000-meter sky island more than once...No one can kill him, even himself.

He also created his own myth of immortality.

In this sea, everyone knows that Kaido wants to die but can't die.


Just now.

This myth that had been circulating on the sea for 20 years was shattered.

The long-cherished wish of Kaido, the four emperors and beasts known as the strongest creatures in the sea, land and air, has finally come true.

He is dead!!! An emperor of the sea has just fallen--when this fact that can shock the entire sea is presented before people's eyes, no one can be calm!...Two major viewing islands, live broadcast square.

'His hiss', the reporters and audience sizzled air-conditioning one after another.

"That...KaiKaiKai...Kaido...is it dead?"

"Four Emperors and Hundred Beasts, Kaido, Gudong, are they really dead?"

"Even the heart is completely shattered! Even the strongest creature has absolutely no chance of surviving!"

"Yes! That's right! It must be! Dead!!!"

"The myth is shattered! The Four Emperors and One Hundred Beasts Kaido is really dead this time!"

"Um...oh oh oh oh"


After confirming this shocking fact, the two great masters fell into a boiling ocean after a moment of silence.

"Big event! Headquarters, a super big event has happened!"

"Four Emperors...The Four Emperors are dead!"

"Four emperors and beasts Kaido was killed by Ying!"

"The myth of immortality of the strongest creatures of the sea, land and air has been shattered! Headquarters, did you hear that?"

The reporters dialed the phone worms at the headquarters of their respective newspapers one after another, yelling with all their strength out of their throats...

"how is this possible!"

"Impossible, impossible, impossible!"

"How can this kind of thing happen!"

The waters near the Taikoo venue.

Under the threat of the Navy's Demon Slaying Order, the beasts and pirates who sailed on the ship of the king of beasts to sea let out heartbreaking screams.

"Kaido...Mr. Kaido is dead! How can this kind of thing be accepted!"

The thorny back of one of the six volleys: Long Pei Jiwan was shocked and screamed in horror.

The face was filled with incredible and incredible, and the worldview seemed to collapse in an instant.

"Our Captain Kaido is dead! What a joke! He is immortal!"

"I don't believe it! This must be a dream!"

"That is the emperor of the sea! How could the strongest creatures of the sea, land and air die!"

"In this world, no one can kill Mr. Kaido! Even he can't do it!"

"Mr. Kaido must be asleep!"

"Don't sleep, Captain Kaido! Get up!"


The beasts on the ship of the king of beasts seemed crazy, controlling the big ship to return to the ancient venue.

not far away.

The thief mother ship, the Queen Mother Anthem ups and downs on the undulating sea.

All the aunts on the ship, whether they are ministers or ordinary cadres, all have ghostly expressions on their faces.

"How so... what to do"

"The Four Emperors and One Hundred Beasts Kaido was beaten to death by that...hero! This is too terrifying!"

"Heroic Luo Lin, his strength has definitely surpassed the Four Emperors!"

"It's not good to go on like this! Neither Mom nor Kaido can suppress that person, now..."

"Will mother be the same as Kaido, be..."

"To shut up!"

"Our mother won't die!"


Although they say that they believe that they will die, their hearts are clear.

If they really squat to the end, their mother, the four emperors Luo Te Lingling, will die!!! The emotion called fear quickly encroached on the minds and bodies of all the thieves on the ship, making their bodies, from the inside out, from the beginning to the end. Feet, it feels cool...

at the same time.

Ring island, Spring Island venue.

"Thief... thief hahahaha"

He was broad and fat, like the same head...Marshall Titch, the black beard like a huge black pig, laughed nervously.

"Captain Titch, what are you laughing at? That's the Four Emperors and Beasts Kaido! He is dead!"

Fighting champion Chisas Bashas yelled, with a horrified expression on his face.


Otogo Van Oka also sucked in horror again and again, and his pupils and even his brain trembled because of fear.

"Cough, cough, cough, really dead! Even I can't go back to the sky with such a wound, cough cough cough."

The ship doctor was weak and weak to speak.

"Thief hahahahaha, die well, die well!"

Blackbeard laughed again.

"Captain Titch"

Fighting champion Chisas Bashas stared.

I thought that there should be no intersection between them and this beast Kaido.

Could it be... "Bashas, ​​have you forgotten the purpose of our adventure here"

Blackbeard asked.

"Of course not, we are here for that... crushing the fruit."

Fighting champion Chi Shas Bashas asked subconsciously.


Blackbeard retorted.

"I'm here for all the devil fruits. It's time to show you the strongest ability of my dark fruits. Let's start with that... the dragon fruits of the beast Kaido."

The corners of Blackbeard's mouth opened a huge arc.

"The next strongest creature in the land, sea and air is me!!!"


The 450th chapter resounded through the sky cheers!Karp served![4/4 seeking subscription]

"Um...oh oh oh oh"

"Um...oh oh oh"



"Hero Rolin!"

"Did you see it, that's ours!"

"Mr. Luo Lin is the real strongest!"

"Heroes are invincible!!!"


When it was confirmed that the Baiju Kaido at the Taikoo venue was truly dead.

Hwaseong Plaza, which was broadcast live in real time, was also caught in a sea of ​​boiling and cheering.

All the people in the square stood up at this moment.

Every face was flushed with excitement and excitement.

He raised his head to the sky, and uttered a proud cheer, resounding through the sky because it was theirs, the myth that their'hero' broke.

Even one of the sea emperors who ruled the apex of the world, Kaido, the strongest creature of sea, land and air, was killed by them.

In this sea, what else is worthy of their fear. With such an invincible, a hero, they are bound to move forward and fearless...


Compared with the excitement and excitement of the young soldiers in Hwaseong.

At this moment, the excitement of the veterans of Hwaseong Fortress was greater than that of them.

"Have you seen the world! This is the strength of our boss!"

"The Four Emperors and the Emperor of the Sea will all send me to die!"

"It's just a joke that the strongest creatures of the sea, land, and air singled out the strongest in front of my boss Luo Lin!"

"Four Emperors and Hundred Beasts, Kaido, haven't you always wanted to die? Congratulations, your wish has finally come true today!"


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