Pirate: I was dug out by Robin

Pirate: I was dug out by Robin Chapter 402

"Hahaha, this is our boss."

"Magma is totally useless!"

"My boss used to take a bath directly with magma!"

The veterans also shouted excitedly.

Listening to the heroic past described by the veterans, people's hearts were suddenly even more shocked.

After all, taking a bath with magma is too horrible.

However, what I saw before my eyes made people have to believe.

Even the general Akadog who is magma itself.

At this moment, watching Luo Lin's relaxed and freehand appearance in his magma, he couldn't help but feel astonished.

The whole person was shocked to the point where it could not be added.

"The previous slap was to let you know what it means to respect the teacher and respect the Tao. With you kid, you are not qualified to instruct my brothers to do things."

Luo Lin stood still about one meter away from the general Aka Dog and spoke calmly.

At the same time, his right hand was slowly raised.

Watching Luo Lin's slap raised again.

Admiral Akinu couldn't help but shrink his pupils.

There was a strong ominous premonition in my heart.

"What else do you want to do"

The general Akinu yelled violently.

With a big wave of his hand, a wall of scorching magma rushed from the ground and stopped between the two.

However, he still couldn't stop Luo Lin's slap from falling.

Luo Lin's big hand pierced the magma wall unharmed, and once again landed on the swollen left cheek of General Chi Inu.

'Pa' is as crisp and loud as always...

The 472nd chapter of the general can not be insulted?Exhausted red dog![4/4 seeking subscription]

There was another'pop'.

Still crisp and loud.

Under the shocking and shocking gaze of the people, Luo Lin's big hand went straight through the barrier of the magma wall, and once again came into close contact with the general Akadog's face.

Another volley of seven hundred and twenty 720 degrees.

The general Akadog sat on the ground, splashing a large area of ​​hot lava.

The admirals in front of the admiral were shocked and couldn't help retreating.


Hot pain.

Heartache pain.

Even the elementalization of the natural ability of the rock berry can not play a dodge effect under the extremely armed palm of Luo Lin.

Still being beaten upright.

Feeling the pain that seemed to reach the soul, the expression on General Akina's face gradually distorted, and the blue veins on his forehead continued to jump wildly.

After suffering two heavy slaps on his left cheek, it swelled up high, like a whole steamed bun in his mouth.

What blasted the general Chi Inu the most was Luo Lin's involuntary slap blow.

Forget it once.

Actually came the second time.

And he still couldn't prevent it, and he was still hit and flew up.

He is the highest combat power of the navy headquarters, the general Akadog! He was actually in full view, and he was slapped in full view, it was like stepping his face directly on the ground! The face was lost! General Aka! The dog growled angrily in his heart.

Repeatedly, not... Repeatedly.

Even if you are a hero, you must pay for it.

The look on General Akino's face gradually became cold and cruel.

Just as he was thinking about this, a sharp breaking wind suddenly sounded in his ears.

"Um...oh oh oh"


Amidst the successive screams of people.

Luo Lin's big hand appeared next to the big face of the red dog again without warning, and it fell fiercely.

'Bang' terrifying power erupted, slamming the general Akadog on the magma ground one after another.

"The previous second palm was for the 20,000 seamen of those two warships, why did they abandon them! Why didn't you make any effort?"

Luo Lin's stern sound resounded across the sky, deafening.

Listening to Luo Lin talking about something not long ago.

The seamen on the warship were shocked by coincidence.

As for the two warships and seamen who were the parties, their eyes were already red, and they only felt a surge of heart.

They are not dispensable cannon fodder.

Even if the general abandoned them.

There are heroes.

The hero always remembers them.

"This third palm, I want to ask you why you ordered the firing of the two audience islands"

Luo Lin took another step and asked.

Listening to Luo Lin's deafening question again.

The reporters and viewers who moved to the portal island were taken aback.

It remains to be confirmed that Luo Lin is embracing injustice for them, when he is in his early days.

The cheers rushed into the sky instantly.

"Hero mighty!"

"Mr. Luo Lin, thank you!"

"General Akinu, can you finally reflect on it now?"

"We are not... Pirates!"

Reporters from all over the world yelled with excitement.


There was a loud shout full of anger.

The body of the red dog is mostly elementalized.

The scorching magma boils at this moment.

Released a heat ten times more terrifying than before.

From the beginning.

It was his plan to use Hwaseong as the only gap in the Demon Slayer Order to force the remaining pirates to hide in it.

The purpose is to occupy the commanding heights of justice when confronting Hwaseong and Luo Lin.

Take this to attack Hwaseong.

The plan of the general Akinu gave the hero a predicament, embarrassing Luo Lin, and falling into a dilemma was only incidental.

His main purpose is still for those...hidden people in Hwaseong.

The flying big pirate Golden Lion Shiji, who has disappeared for twenty years, the remnants of the Roger Pirates, and the son of O'Hara demon, Nicole Robin, appeared in the sight of the world.

It's just that the plan can't keep up with the changes.

Don't wait for him to make these requests.

When Luo Lin appeared.

He couldn't even say a word, and he suffered three three heavy slaps in a row.

His left face was swollen like a small mountain bag, and it was almost beaten.

Waves of pain hit his brain nerves.

Coupled with the humiliation of being slapped one after another in the public.

All these made him almost vomit blood.

"Asshole, the general can't...humiliate!!!"

The general Akinu's eyes were cold.

No more...the slightest hesitation or scruples, decisive Tyrant shot.

"Pluto Dog"

Akino screamed.

The completely magmaized right arm pierced the atmosphere, and fell to Luo Lin's chest with incomparable destructive power.

In terms of attack power, rock berry is definitely at the forefront of many natural systems.

Through the development and display of the general Akadog, the attack power is even more unmatched and can be called the strongest.

In the original plot.

With this trick, the red dog directly evaporated half of the face of the four emperors' white beard.

It can be seen that the attack is high.

Now, the red dog's angry ghost dog exploded.

Even if there is a big mountain in front of it, it will definitely be penetrated.

However, when the magma dog that claimed to be the strongest attacker met Luo Lin's body, an unexpected change occurred.

Like a drop of water dripping.

The terrifying dog that could penetrate the mountain fell on Luo Lin, but it splashed around like water droplets.

It still failed to hurt Luo Lin a bit.

Under the shocking gaze of the people in the field, under the stunned and angry gaze of the general Aka Inu.

Luo Lin broke through the terrifying lava flow and strode forward.

The right hand covered with extreme weapons raised high again, and then fell.


"This is for O'Hara twenty years ago..."


"This is for..."

"Papa Papa Papa..."


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