Pirate: I was dug out by Robin

Pirate: I was dug out by Robin Chapter 507

Looking at the unidentified metal ocean with silver-white waves under his feet, Yamato couldn't help but once again opened his beautiful eyes in shock.

"Awakening this old guy is still far away."

Luo Lin said casually.


The bald-headed black suit old star was furious, and the green veins on his head burst out.

"Don't underestimate people, bastard kid."

The bald black suit old Starburst yelled, and suddenly waved his hands upwards.

'Swish swish' dozens of metal fluids suddenly rose up against the trend, turning into poisonous snakes with huge open mouths in mid-air, and'bite' towards Luo Lin.

Facing the violent viper, Luo Lin did not flicker and fell.

The world is shaking.

The atmosphere is like waves of water.

'Boom' is another punch of Zhongzheng Taihe.

A dozen large metal snakes suddenly solidified, and then cracked inch by inch.

Extending all the way down, even the metal ocean is exploded with waves of metal.

"This is just the beginning."

The old bald star moved again.

The metal ocean is surging like boiling water.

After a while.

The body size ranges from five meters to twenty meters: the strangely shaped metal giant climbed out of the ocean and stood upright.

This is where the bald old star's ability to destroy the country is truly powerful.

This metal giant soldier after another, even surpassed the cracker soldier in combat power.

Both the strength and the strength are far beyond the biscuit soldier.

It can even change various suitable combat forms.

Don't say it is an ordinary national guard, that is... Monsters with a reward of over 100 million, encounter such a metal giant, and they will capsize.

"How about bastard Luo Lin, this time will not be the same as 36 years ago."

The old bald star who was guarded by a group of metal giants laughed triumphantly.

"Hey, it's true."

Luo Lin narrowed his eyes slightly.

"You know it, but I won't be merciful."

The bald old star is proud.

"Compared with thirty-six years ago, the shape of these giants is...a little better, but it's still far behind."

Luo Lin said like a senior, with a tone of teaching juniors.

Hear the words.

The old bald star, who was only proud of it not long ago, suddenly became annoyed again.

However, he did not wait for his anger to erupt.

Next second.

The bald old star only felt his eyes gleam.

The great danger warning sign hit his mind.

He was close again!!! The old bald star was shocked and realized this serious problem.

But what was going on, the old bald star looked at his trusted partner in confusion.

"Damn it, bastard Luo Lin, what did you do?"

The curly-haired noble veteran star responsible for restricting Luo Lin's actions yelled furiously.

Because he suddenly discovered that the Luo Lin he was staring at had disappeared without warning.

His own spatial ability is the upper class of Luo Lin's ability.

However, right now, his upper-level species has been completely placed together.


Ferdinand, the old star in the dark blue suit who was also aware of the badness, suddenly changed his face and screamed.

'Shu', the samurai old star's extremely fast launch.

However, it was still a step slower.

The high-pitched roar of the fierce beast exploded, releasing a domineering ferocious aura.

At the same time, there are dense smashing lights that light up.

Smash Dragon Fist!!!...

The 629th chapter slaps the five old stars in the face [seeking subscription]

'Ang' is like a tyrannosaurus roaring from the ancient times, and the sound shook the world.

The strongest dragon fist broke out at this moment.

Immediately afterwards, there was another shattering light that could not even stand in space.

It perfectly blends with the huge tyrannosaurus head, releasing the most powerful ferocity in the world, and launching a lore to the bald-headed black suit old star with a shocked face.

All this happened in a flash.

When the other five old stars reacted, Luo Lin's Smashing Dragon Fist was already out.

He once blasted the strongest creature Kaido with a punch, and defeated Kaido's small half of his body's strong attack, and swallowed the bald black suit old star in an instant.


The fatal threat came, and the old bald star who was already proud of it screamed in horror.

In the end, even the screams of the whole person were drowned in the brilliant impact that bloomed later.

After a while.

The roar that lingered between heaven and earth gradually reduced and returned to calm.

The earth is riddled with holes.

The outer city of the sacred place Mariagioa was almost razed to the ground.

Even the inner wall of Pangu City is full of cracks.

If it weren't guarded by some mysterious force, it would probably burst in the aftermath of the impact.

"Damn it, bastard Luo Lin!!!"

The curly-haired noble old star pulled his throat and roared hoarsely.

In front of him, there is a big gap in space, and all the aftermaths rushing towards him are led into the space.

"Is it still a step slower?"

The samurai old star trembled in his right hand holding the sword.

The neutral blond old star William's eyes dimmed a little.

After all, they are colleagues who have worked together for so many years.

Watching him die in front of him, he naturally couldn't remain indifferent.


The dark blue suit old star Ferdinand's eyes skyrocketed and shouted.

"Not dead yet."

The old star Ferdinand in the dark blue suit rushed out for the first time.

Hear the words.

The samurai old star and others were taken aback first.

In the next second, they also reacted.

Looking at the metal ocean that still exists and has not disappeared, the faces of the five old stars are coincidentally happy.

'Boom' softly rang.

A water splash bloomed on the edge of the metal ocean.

A bloody, broken head emerged from its head, dying.

"hold onto."

The old star in the dark blue suit shouted.

Superman's retrospective ability is fully utilized.

The misty light shines, making time turn back.

"It's a shame to be alive."

Yamato's eyes widened, and he sighed with regret.

In terms of strength and physical toughness, the bald old star is far less than the beast Kaido, who has the name of the strongest creature.

But he was lucky to survive Luo Lin's lore.

This is all due to this special natural ability.

"It's just lingering."

Luo Lin opened his mouth relaxedly, his eyes locked on the two five old stars not far away, and his feet moved slightly.

At this moment, an invisible light and shadow flickered.

The samurai old star crossed the sword to stop him.

"Won't let you do whatever you want."

The curly-haired aristocratic old star yelled, and the folds of space with full abilities came, completely isolating Luo Lin.

It seems to be just a hundred meters.

But the actual spatial distance among them is uncountable.

Such a chaotic and complicated space, not to mention it is necessary to go through, that is... the curly-haired aristocratic old star himself will take a lot of work to untie it.

"Oh, how good is this, it is obviously a rare opportunity."

Yamato said anxiously.

"Ha ha"

In response to this, Luo Lin still didn't have the slightest color of anxiety on his face, but once again raised a teasing arc.

"Hmph, you can only be proud now, and the four of us will not give you any more chances."

Looking at the smile at the corner of Luo Lin's mouth, the curly-haired aristocratic old star suddenly became unhappy.


Luo Lin answered calmly and looked up to the sky.

"Let’s play here for about today, I'm leaving now."

Luo Lin grinned and said goodbye to the five old stars in the space barrier'.


The samurai old star and others were all taken aback.

next moment.

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