Pirate: I was dug out by Robin

Pirate: I was dug out by Robin Chapter 516

In the two battles, his knees became weak, and his body swayed involuntarily.

They have lived in the deep sea of ​​10,000 meters all year round, and they have dealt with sea kings a lot of times.

But like today, it is the first time to have such a close encounter with a super large sea king.

And this super-large sea king was motionless, just staring at them like this, as if thinking about where to start self-help.

This is really a test of their heart endurance.

Without a big heart, I can't hold it.

'Da' suddenly.

There are footsteps.

It was clearly in the deep sea, but it was still so clear.

Attracted the attention of every murloc soldier who was scared to the sluggishness in the field.

"Look, there are people on the sea king class!"

A sharp-eyed murloc soldier put down his hands covering his mouth and exclaimed first.

After him, the other murloc soldiers also noticed the presence of the sea king.


The eyes that had been widened from panic opened further, and the corners of their eyes seemed to be split.

"and many more.……"

"That person, I have an impression!!!"

"That man, I remember it seems to be..."

"He he he he... he is..."

The murloc soldiers at the immigration department recognized the identity of Luo Lin on the head of the little black snake.

The faces that were originally occupied by fear are gradually replaced by emotions called shock.

"He is the human hero in the big event!!!"

"Hero Rolin!!!"

at last.

The murloc soldiers at the immigration department couldn't help shouting in shock and shouting.

The whole person froze in place, unable to move, dare not to move.

"Soldiers, please help us with the entry procedures."

Luo Lin had to remind him.

Hearing Luo Lin's words'urging', the soldier in charge of today's immigration control suddenly softened his feet and involuntarily thumped and fell to the ground.

In this regard, Luo Lin was also quite helpless.

The name of the person, the shadow of the tree.

No matter how ordinary he behaves, he is kind to others.

In the hearts of the world, he is always the most terrifying person above the sea.

Existence above the four emperors.

Such a big man actually came to the fisherman island and was closely contacted by a small gatekeeper like them.

Fear, horror, surprise, and more unspeakable emotions intertwined.

How can they keep their calm?

"Lolololololol...Lord Luolin, I'm extremely sorry."

The murloc soldier guarding the gate yelled in fear.

The procedures, rules and the like were all left behind, and the entrance to the country was opened for the first time.


Luo Lin smiled and nodded.

This action once again shocked the murloc soldiers, so excited that they trembled.

After all, this is the greeting and recognition from the king on the top of the sea.

This time, it was enough for them to have a lifetime with their friends around.

"Xiao Hei, you can go back now."

Luo Lin spoke calmly.

"Xia Lala"

The five-thousand-meter-class little black snake snake Xinzi swallowed and responded, and put the coated boat and Yamato down smoothly.


Luo Lin waved.

Drive the coated boat straight to the Murloc Island.

Watching Luo Lin walk away.

The 5,000-meter-class little black snake flicked its tail and brought up a turbulent dark building.

It didn't take a moment to disappear into the depths of the dark sea.

But this time the little black snake didn't return to the windless home as Luo Lin said.

After half a day.

The five-thousand-meter-level black snake came to a relic on the seabed that resembled a broken altar.

Circles of strange ripples carried the will of the little black snake to all directions.

About a quarter of an hour later.

The dark sea suddenly surged violently.

It's not just one place, there are changes in all directions.

In the darkness, something seemed to be a giant dancing.

"Hei, specially called us over, what is the matter?"

The ripples rise again in the sea.

Voices that only the super-large sea kings and certain talented humans can understand echo in the sea.

Accompanied by the voice came a super-large white sea snake like a white dragon.

"I'm sleeping comfortably here, if nothing happens, I will definitely bite you."

A super large sea king with black and white stripes like zebras all over appeared.

"Hey, do you have any food?"

With a dull expression, the purple-haired'penguin', who is not very smart at first glance, stepped on the water.

In addition, there are super-large flatfish with convex eyeballs, deep-sea frogs, and sea kings with 100-meter fangs and scales like peacock feathers...Nine super-large sea kings gather, like a group of demons.

"Everyone, listen to me, that human man is back! He is on the fisherman island now, and he should meet with Princess White Star soon! Do you want to go and see together!"

The five-kilometer-level black snake spoke.

"what did you say!!!"



The 643rd chapter female version of "Luffy"!Yamato's'exaggeration'!Subscribe

After walking through the turbulent water passage at the entrance of the country for a while, the front suddenly opened up.

'Boom' made a soft sound.

The coating that persisted for a long time in the deep sea of ​​10,000 meters suddenly broke, and a rainbow was raised in the air.

"Hmm...huh, Fishman Island, I am here!!!"

On the boat, Yamato took a deep breath and opened his arms, like a female version of Luffy, and let out a pleasant cry of surprise.


At the stern, Luo Lin smiled slightly and looked around, with a little nostalgia on his face.

After so many years, this island is still fresh and natural as always.

And compared to before, it is much quieter now.

In the past, the chaotic entry port that was invaded by various pirate ships in various ways, today there are only three or two cats and puppies.

The pirates who can escape from the interception of the new murloc pirate group do have some means.

However, in Luo Lin's eyes, it was still a cat or puppy.

As long as these... cats and puppies can keep their feet safe, with their tails between them, and Luo Lin doesn't bother to pay attention to them.

After decades, it is rare to come again.

Luo Lin didn't want to be ruined anymore.

"Mr. Luo Lin, Mr. Luo Lin, where shall we go to play next?"

Yamato looked at Luo Lin with excitement and hope.

"I have seen in Mr. Mita’s logbook. This fisherman island has many interesting places. The Dragon Palace City where the royal family is located, the fisherman cultural hall that carries the history of the fisherman island, by the way, in There are still two pieces of historical texts hidden in the place called Sea Forest, one of which is still a red road sign historical text."

Yamato said in a ostentatious tone.

"Historical article, if it is Little Robin, it would be very interesting."

Luo Lin thought to himself.

Then he shook his head slightly.

Haizhisen's historical text is not very attractive to him.

As early as forty years ago, he had already visited it once.

Joey Boye's confession is nothing new.

The red road sign article has some meaning, but now it is nowhere to be found.

Where exactly he went, Luo Lin planned to ask Neptune again later.

Seeing Luo Lin's lack of interest and the beautiful eyebrows under the mask slightly frowned.

After a while.

Yamato seemed to have thought of something, and the pretty face came alive again.

"I thought about it."


"I know there is a place where Mr. Luo Lin will be very interested."

Yamato smiled mysteriously.


Luo Lin raised his eyebrows slightly.

"The heaven of men, the mermaid bay where mermaids play."

Yamato grinned.


Luo Lin nodded with interest.

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