Pirate: I was dug out by Robin

Pirate: I was dug out by Robin Chapter 52

"Sabo, let's set off to Kolbo Mountain now. You will surely remember it completely after seeing Luffy and Miss Dadan." Magino cheered for him.

"Well 593." Sabo nodded.

"I will also go this time." Village Chief Slapp said.

He also wanted to see the moment Sabo recovered his memory with his own eyes.

"Then let's go together." Luo Lin said.

From Windmill Village to Kolbo Mountain.

There are many obstacles along the way.

Ordinary people can't climb the top of the mountain even for one day.It will even be attacked and eaten by wild beasts.It took an hour for Rollin and Sabo to come.

But Mackinaw and the village chief obviously couldn't do it.

and so


Amidst Mackinaw's tender voice, Luo Linyi-bumped her up and held her as a princess.

During the match, Mackinaw's white face was flushed."Sabo, put the village chief on your back, we have to speed up." Luo Lin said.

"Hey, mentor, I want to carry my sister too." Sabo blurted out subconsciously.

Then his head was hit by Slapp's two crutches."Boy Sabo, are you wronged for making you carry me?"

"No wronged, no wronged." Sabo laughed quickly, and took the initiative to squat down and put Village Chief Slapp on his back.039 Whoosh 039

Among the dense primitive forests.

Two figures, one in front and one in the back, walked through it, at an incredible speed.

No matter how dangerous the terrain is, they can't stop them at all.

The journey went unimpeded, and the gallop lasted for dozens of minutes.

Ahead, a wooden hut appeared in the sight of Luo Lin and Sabo.

Bandit Dadan's family is here!

Chapter 78: Luffy reunites with the Sabo brothers

Mount Kolpo.

This is a continuous vast virgin forest on the island where the Goa Kingdom of the East China Sea is located.In addition to countless beasts, the owner of Mount Kolbo has been the leader of the mountain thief.

Just because of that incident eleven-year ago.

Mountain Thief King 039 Sunkuma kidnapped the grandson of the naval hero Karp and almost killed him in the sea.

The naval hero Kapu, who returned to his hometown, was angry and cleaned all the tops of the hills of Kolbo Mountain.

Up to now, only the Dadan family of bandits, who are the heroes of Karp, are still able to occupy the mountain as king.Four p.m.

The bandits who went to hunt in the mountains and did business in the kingdom returned one after another.

Thick smoke came out of the bacon.

In the open space outside the house, the brawny man in overalls with a cockscomb headdress was drinking and sweating, chopping wood as much as he wanted.At a certain moment.

A cool wind blew across the forest.

Ling's sweaty cockscomb brawny bandit narrowed his eyes comfortably.

It was the four people who appeared not far behind without realizing it.


Mackinaw still closed her eyes tightly and curled up in Luo Lin's arms.For the previous rushing speed, I still couldn't adapt to it.

"It's here, little Maginot."

When Luo Lin said this, he also put her down.


Markino screamed, still frightened with weak legs, and subconsciously hugged Luo Lin again.

After he was able to stand firm, he turned around hurriedly, covered his fiery face with his delicate hand, and dared not look at Luo Lin again.

"Is this my home 039?"

On the other side, looking at the familiar cabin, Sabo couldn't help whispering.

"Yeah, little Saab, this is where you live with the three brothers, Luffy and Ace. I will look around with you, maybe I can remember some." Mackinaw suggested.


Sabo nodded.

After a while, they walked to a big tree.

There are three traces of the axe on the tree, and it has not healed for more than ten years.

Sabo put his hand on the tree, and a few blurred fragments flashed in his mind, as well as the children's laughter.

"This is where you and Luffy and Ace were at the beginning-compared to the heights, Luffy is the shortest one, and you and Ace are almost the tallest." Magino explained.


Sabo just hummed and nodded.

At this moment, the sturdy cockscomb man who was responsible for chopping wood outside the house finally realized the existence of Mackinaw.

"Miss Mackinaw, why are you free today?"..." The Cockscomb Bandit recognized Mackinaw.

However, when his eyes fell on the blond young Sabo, the expression on his face suddenly froze, and his pupils opened wide."Oh oh oh oh"

The rooster screamed unconsciously.

"It's going to die, it's going to make you feel uneasy about chopping firewood. It's already afternoon now, and you still scream."

Da Dan, who was awakened by the crow of the Cockscomb Bandit, carried his slippers out angrily."My old lady was awakened by you after she finally slept. Let's talk, I want to get some slippers today, but I still don't want to eat."

"Oh oh oh oh"

The Cockcomb Bandit pointed behind Da Dan.

"You still!"

The wide and fat'King of Fighters 039 Dadan wants to fight.

"Miss Da Dan"

Dadan paused with Mackinaw's voice.

"It turns out that it's Mackinaw here. No wonder this bastard has been

The thief Dadan said halfway and stopped abruptly.Because she also saw the blond youth beside Markino


Then there was a long exclamation."What happened?"

"What happened?"

"Don't be afraid, Dadan boss, I'm here."

The scream from Da Dan alarmed all the bandits in the house.

The crowd filed out and stood behind Dadan.

After seeing Markino and Sabo next to him.The expressions on the faces of the bandits were unanimously frozen.

Good moment.


The astonishing sound spread in the mountains and forests, stunned the birds.

"Are you Sabo?"

"Are you really Sabo?"

"Sabo, you are still alive!"

"That's great, Sabo is still alive.

The bandits headed by Dadan shouted in surprise.

Listening to the cheers of the bandits, Sabo's eyes were flushed unconsciously.

Although he still can't recognize these people.

But for some reason, after seeing them, my heart unconsciously gave birth to nostalgia and moved.

"Miss Dadan, let me talk about the details, actually Sabo"

Markino opened his mouth, telling Sabo's current state of amnesia and possible ways to restore his memory.

And ask about where Luffy is at this time.

"For Luffy, it should be at the secret base of the three brothers back then, and I will take you there." Da Dan said anxiously.

An order-

All the thieves volunteered and finally decided to lead the way together.

The group of people rushed towards the secret base of the three brothers when they were young.

On the way to the secret base, Da Dan finally found the village chief of Windmill Village Slapp and the youth next to him.

Immediately, Da Dan's big eyes narrowed, and a suspicious color appeared on his face full of flesh."what!"

At a certain moment, Da Dan screamed again.

But this time, the bandits in the high mood when Sabo came back alive didn't notice, and they were still moving forward.Only Mackinaw stopped.

He looked suspiciously back and forth between Da Dan and Luo Lin.

"Miss Dadan, do you know that gentleman too?" Magino asked.

"He, he, he, he is Mr. Kaka Kap's brother, Mr. Rollin!!! 039

Da Dan's sound like a stuck disc finally recovered smoothly in the end.

"As a lieutenant admiral with Mr. Karp, the hero who ended the Locks era!"


Mackinaw was stunned.

"Mr. Karp's Brother"

Mackinaw undoubtedly repeated it, and then a pair of beautiful eyes widened.

Because she remembered.

She remembered why she was familiar with Luo Lin's face.

That face.

She saw it years ago.

While helping Karp clean and tidy the room.

That was a photo of Karp and Rollin, who was about 30 years old.

"1Mr. Rollin, are you really Mr. Karp's brother?"

Mackinaw trot two steps, staring at Rollin with wide eyes.

"Reluctantly." Luo Lin nodded.

"Rolin is not, Mr. Rollin, where have you been all these years? Why did Karp say that you are dead? Could it be that the old man Karp deliberately lied to us? But if it's a fake, why haven't you had it for so many years? news?"

Da Dan asked anxiously.

At this moment, the surprise and excitement in her heart about Sabo's return alive was replaced by another bigger surprise and excitement.

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