Pirate: I was dug out by Robin

Pirate: I was dug out by Robin Chapter 520

But if Mrs. Xia Li really wanted to avenge her in this way, Luo Lin would not refuse.

It wasn't because she was greedy for her body, and it wasn't because of nasty teasing.

After all, it is enough for Yamato to tease.

What Luo Lin really wanted was to find a big sister who could take care of Bai Xing.

And if Hwaseong can open a personal fish cafe, it would be great to come.

"Master Luo Lin, what do you want to see"

Just as Luo Lin was thinking about those...somethings, the upset Madam Xia Li shook her head, put her complex thoughts behind her, and focused instead on the crystal divination ball in front of her.

"That's it, then Miss Lau Xiali will help me see the White Beard Pirates."

Rollin Road.

"The White Beard Pirates"

Hearing that, Xia Li and Yamato in the house were both stunned.

"Mr. Luo Lin, what do you think of the White Beard Pirates"

Yamato asked first.

"Not only the Whitebeard Pirates, but also the Navy. I want to know whether in the near future, the two parties will brew major events affecting the times!!!"


Chapter 649 is destined to repeat itself?The end of the era!Subscribe

The wings of a tiny butterfly inadvertently instigated are enough to produce unimaginable huge changes.

This is the butterfly effect.

Forty-eight years ago, Luo Lin came to this world as a traverser.

The direction of the pirate world has undergone subtle changes with his arrival.

Luo Lin thought that everything would end early with his arrival.

However, thirty-six years ago, Luo Lin's impulse to cause the Mary Gioia incident ended everything.

Following Luo Lin's deep sleep, the world's automatic correction ability returned everything to its original unfolding.

Roger became the king of pirates and opened the era of pirates with his own death.

Nothing has changed.

Except...people's memory.

This is the power of correction of the world, or the power of destiny.

The butterfly fanned its wings and changed the direction of the wind.

But there is another power that is silently correcting.

Now thirty-six years later.

Luo Lin awakened from his deep sleep, and recovered from his dryness.

The direction of the world has once again shifted sharply.

The establishment of the New Straw Hat Pirate Group and the premature disintegration of the two Big Four Emperor Groups are all changes that can be seen on the surface.

There are other effects under the surface.

For example, the huge war in the original timeline.

The all-out war between the White Beard Pirates of the Four Emperors and the Navy Headquarters, will now the Hwaseong incident be repeated?

Firefist Ace and Blackbeard Marshall Titch have a fateful encounter.

However, in front of Blackbeard who stole the strongest animal dragon ability of the strongest creature, Kaido, even with the help of Marco and others, Ace still failed to leave Blackbeard.

And this is the biggest hidden danger.

Now that he knows about Blackbeard's double-fruit ability, even if he is impulsive and reckless as Ace, he will not be so stupid as to chase the Blackbeard gang by himself.

Even if he wanted to go, White Beard would stop him this time.

Combine the information currently obtained by Luo Lin.

The next battle between Ace and Blackbeard will be in Wano Country.

There is even the battlefield of the total war between the White Beard Pirates and the Black Beard Pirates.

Do not.

Not only that.

Lei Li, Mu Lian and the old members of the Roger Pirates have also embarked on the road to the country of Japan.

On the side of Wano Country, the recent trend is flat.

The storm is gathering.

In the end, there is Luo Lin, who will eventually go for it.

In the near future, Wano Country will be the first to have a war.

According to this unfolding, in the original plot line, Blackbeard captured Huoquan Ace in exchange for the position of Qiwuhai, and the road to the top of the war should not appear again.

However, Luo Lin had a feeling.

Some things cannot be avoided after all.

The next unfolding was in chaos, and he, a half-hearted prophet, couldn't see clearly, so Luo Lin wanted to find Xia Li to solve his confusion.

"Whitebeard and Navy, I know."

Hearing Luo Lin's request, Madam Xia Li nodded solemnly.

His sickly pale hands fell on the crystal ball in front of him.

The scene fell into a silent and dead silence for a moment.

For a long while.

A thin layer of sweat appeared on Madam Xia Li's forehead.

For a moment.


With a soft cry, Mrs. Xia Li suddenly opened her eyes, and her delicate and pretty face appeared extremely shocked and shocked.

"Mrs. Sally, what did you see?"

Yamato asked curiously.


Madam Sally gasped.

"The end of the era is about to happen!!!"

Xia Li uttered a panicked cry, clutching Luo Lin's clothes tightly, like the last straw that a drowning traveler grasped.

In the end, he even curled up his whole body into Luo Lin's arms, seeking a warm harbor.

"The end of the era!!!"

Yamato repeated this sentence in a daze.Just listening to these words, he could only feel the waves of the times coming, slapped her like duckweed in the rain.

"Mr. Luo Lin"

Yamato looked at Luo Lin nervously.


Luo Lin spoke firmly.

It was not only to Yamato, but also to comfort Xia Li, who was trembling in her arms.

"Come here first today."

Luo Lin's big hand fell on Xia Li's head.

A mysterious force capable of calming people's hearts filled Luo Lin's body, making Xia Li in panic gradually recovering calm.

For a long while.

"Extremely sorry, Lord Luo Lin, please forgive my impoliteness."

The settled Madam Xia Li nodded and lifted her head slightly, looking at Luo Lin with a pitiful expression on her face.

"I want to say thank you."

Luo Lin said calmly.

"Okay, okay, Mrs. Xia Li, get off Mr. Luo Lin first. It's not good to be seen by others like this."

Seeing Luo Lin and Madam Xia Li's beauty-loving posture at the moment, Dahe's small faces bulged unconsciously, seeming to be a little bit curious.

While speaking, he also stepped forward and lifted Mrs. Xia Li from Luo Lin.

"Okay, Mr. Luo Lin, the business here is over, let's go and see elsewhere."

Yamato took the initiative to hold Luo Lin's arm, and said urgently, "Don't be so anxious, little girl, Yamato, someone has already come to pick us up."

Luo Lin smiled slightly.


As Yamato was puzzled, the noise on the street outside suddenly became louder.

The exclamation of the murloc residents on the street became a film, and it seemed that something terrible was happening...

The six hundred and fiftieth chapter the fisherman island royal family members are coming to welcome!!!Subscribe

On the main street of Coral Hill, the aboriginal murlocs lined up outside the café in a shocking uproar.

"That is the Dragon Palace Ship!!!"

"It can't be wrong, it is definitely a poncho boat for the royal family, why did it appear here"

"Hey, look, those are the three princes! Prince Shark, Prince Longxing, and Prince Sunover, all are here!"

"Why would the three princes come here in person"

"Are the princes also for that legend..."


The ordinary civilians on the street shouted in shock.

However, the fish people are still more shocked: "Hoai" behind

A loud and special whale roar came from the sky.

Looking at the tall figure coming from the huge whale, the people on the street turned petrified again.

What appeared on his face was an even more incredible expression than before seeing the three princes.

"That is Lord Neptune!!!"

"Master Neptune came here in person."

"What the hell does the King do?"

"Even the Lord King came in person. It is impossible that a major event related to the fate of our fisherman island will happen today!!!"

People on the street shouted in surprise.

"Hahaha, this is really lively, Dora Mifa."

Seeing the flow of people below that almost blocked the entire street, the Second Prince Longxing couldn't help but shook his head and tail.

"It's really worthy of being the legendary Mr. Hero! The queen's brother is finally here."

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