Pirate: I was dug out by Robin

Pirate: I was dug out by Robin Chapter 57

"Hey, wait, wait for us, mentor." Sabo exclaimed.

About a minute later.

Sabo and the straw hat boy rushed to the port out of breath

"Instructor, my brother also wants to go to sea together, can you take him?" Sabo panted.



It's really alive now.

Even the captain himself was abducted.

"Luffy, are you leaving too? Shouldn't it be two months left?"

Luo Lin was leaving, and Sabo, who had just met soon, was leaving, and now even Luffy was leaving.

Within a day, the three unwilling people are leaving.Thinking of this, Mackinaw's eyes were red.

Regarding Mackinaw's unwillingness to give up, Luffy nodded without noticing it.

"I decided to go to Ace with Sabo.

"Sabo also said that there are many powerful characters such as navigators, swordsmen, snipers, etc. at the uncle over there. By the way, there are ships too, so I am going to go first.

Luffy, who has always been unable to hide his words, is to confide Sabo's reasons for encouraging him to go to sea."Luffy"

Hearing that Sabo suddenly felt uncomfortable, he quickly covered his brother's mouth, and then smiled at Luo Lin, who had a subtle expression on the side."Teacher, listen to my explanation,

Without waiting for Sabo to explain, the righteous sword from Kerla knocked his hat crooked.

"Okay, stop making trouble, let's all get on the boat." Luo Lin said.

With Luo Lin's intervention, the farce ended.

Sabo and the excited Luffy also board the Golden Meri.

Robin is the last.

|Miss Mackinaw, do you want to go with us if you are reluctant."

Robin smiled and extended an invitation to Markino.


For this sudden invitation, Mackinaw was suddenly at a loss.

Hastily waved his hand.

"No, the only tavern in the village needs me to take care of it, and it won't work this time." Magino shook his head.

"Well, see you next time."

Robin waved goodbye, trot two steps, and jumped onto the deck of the Golden Meri.

"Goodbye, Luffy, Sabo, and Mr. Rollin.

On the coast, Mackinaw cried silently and waved goodbye to the fading Golden Meri.

"Really, that guy has been so beautiful after so many years."

Village Chief Slapp did not know when he arrived at the coastal port.

"Markino, why didn't you agree to that girl's invitation just now? You obviously wanted to go too.

"What nonsense are you talking about, grandpa the village chief, I don't have one." Mackinaw stomped her foot.

"Your grandfather village chief's eyes are still very bright. I like (Qian Lihao) that guy has nothing to say. You know that in that era, that guy was the dream of countless girls."

Village Chief Slapp said with a squishy lemon 039.

"Oh, grandpa the village chief, Mr. Luo Lin is no longer in the same era as Mr. Karp, my grandfather." At this point, Mackinaw couldn't help but look down."So what? That guy looks young on the outside. It doesn't matter. Look at him. Aren't they all young girls who are much younger than you. If you are worried that he will leave you in the cold, come back and tell the village. Grandpa, grandpa help you." Slapp waved his cane.

"Oh, grandpa, the village chief, you are getting more and more ridiculous. I won't tell you anymore." Magino stomped and ran into the village.

"Hey, Mackinaw, that guy Luo Lin said, there will be trading ships direct to the great route of Alabastan coming to us at any time in the future, and you can go anytime if you want to." Slap said.

"Really?" Magino stopped not far away.

I do not know.

Chapter 84: The East China Sea’s Harvest and Nami’s Shock

Luo Lin knew nothing about the conversation between Slapp and Mackinaw at the coastal port of Windmill Village.At this moment, Luo Lin, standing on the deck of the Golden Meri, vaguely felt a little unsatisfactory.

Where is the unsatisfaction?

Think for a moment.Luo Lin suddenly.

039 pop'

A snap of your fingers.After a while.

The sea near the Golden Meri suddenly fluctuated violently.

The next moment, a sea king with a brown body and blood-red eyes emerged from the sea, staring at everyone on the boat.

For the sudden appearance of Neptune.

Everyone on the deck, even courageous girls like Keya and Nami, did not have the slightest fear on their faces.

Because they had seen Luo Lin treat sea kings like pets more than once, and they would come and go.

got used to.

And Kerla, Sabo, and Straw Hat teenagers who don't have this habit will naturally not be scared by this mere hundred-meter class sea king.

"You dare to attack us, it's so courageous."

Sabo rolled up his sleeves, his arms covered in a dark, armed color domineering.

"Wait Sabo, this guy wants me to come."

The optimistic straw hat gave a grin in 803, and his arms stretched back suddenly.


A heavy punch hit the face of a bewildered Sea King.

The king of the sea, who once ate the red hair of the Four Emperors, was beaten away from a distance.

Now it's complete!

Just as Luo Lin left the Windmill Village on the Golden Meri.

Goya Kingdom, which was tightly guarded by the navy, came to a coffin boat.

"Mr. Jorah Kormihawk."

Not waiting for Hawkeye to land.

Paula, with blue curly hair, smiled first and greeted him with a salute.

Crocodile, no, it's under that man."

Hawkeye's sharp eyes fell on Paula, recognizing her identity.

I saw it from a distance in the windless zone that day.

Under Hawkeye's eagle-like gaze, Paula's body stiffened slightly.

"What about your boss."

Hawkeye looked away and asked.

"That's why I am waiting here. Unfortunately, the president has already left and is now on the way back to Alabastan." Bora noodles waved his hand apologetically.

Hawkeye Mihawk: "I"

"The president also said that if Mr. Mihawk wants to find him, he can go directly to Alabastan." Paula added.

"Got it.

Hawkeye nodded, but did not leave.

Not only did he not leave, he even went ashore."Mr. Mihawk, you are puzzled by Paula.

"I'm going to look up there."

Hawkeye's sharp gaze looked towards Gaozhen.

The photos I saw in the newspaper were ultimately untrue.

Since it's all here, you have to see and feel the sword intent left by that person.

Under the shocking attention of Pola, the world's largest swordsman Hawkeye Mihawk cut through the barriers leading to the entrance of Gaozhen.One person, one knife, straight in!

No one can stop!

The one-month trip to the East China Sea ended.

After instructing Klockdal to take care of the aftermath of the East China Sea, Luo Lin took the Golden Meri and took a group of new members on the way back in advance.

The business of tugboats in the non-wind zone has been basically completed.

But Luo Lin didn't plan to walk in the windless zone this time.

It’s a long-lost journey to climb the magical upside-down mountain to the beginning of the great route.

By the way, you can also see old friends there after a long time.

The Golden Meri walked straight towards the red earth continent for three days.

It is estimated that there will be about one-day time to reach the entrance of Upside Down Mountain.

The laughter and joy on the new ship Golden Meri remained the same.

For some reason, Nami and Luffy (ajef) on the ship were even more delighted with the Golden Meri than Keya.Next is Robin and Vivi.

It's just that this inexplicable joy can't even be noticed by them themselves.

The reason for this, in this world, is probably only Luo Lin who knows it clearly.

Even if the trajectory of the plot has shifted by a thousand miles.

But who can say something like fate.

For example, the current Golden Meri.

There is also the joyboy (Joy Boy) who sits on a sheep's head and looks up at the sky over 800 years.

"Uncle, the results of our trip to the East China Sea have basically come out."

At this moment, Robin Lian, who ended the phone worm communication, moved lightly and came to Luo Lin's side.

"Then just talk about it."


Robin nodded.

"Our work agency brought us the special products of Arabastan that we brought to trade in the East China Sea-

One billion in revenue."In addition, the total cleaning of the East Sea Pirates is 150 million to 500 million."

"There are two hundred and fifty million in total, which is so much!!!

In the middle of the report, the girl Nami, who has a deep love for money, appeared suddenly.

"Robin, you continue."

Luo Lin glanced at Nami, whose eyes were all turned into money, and shook his head helplessly.

"The above are just appetizers. The biggest gain from our trip to the East China Sea comes from those underground dark forces."

"The number of ships in our agency has grown from 30 at the beginning, and after continuous collection, there are now more than 500 ships."

"Five hundred ships!!!"

Little Nami's beautiful eyes widened.

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