Pirate: I was dug out by Robin

Pirate: I was dug out by Robin Chapter 60

She just wants to show her immortality in front of others.

"Hey, Luo Lin, it's you. What happened thirty-six years ago? When I got on Roger's boat and went to sea, I was thinking of looking for you."

"I met Karp several times in the ocean that year, but he didn't tell me." Kurokas asked.

"Immortal body!" Luo Lin said.

"Sure enough."

Kurokas slammed his right fist to the ground, causing a crack in the ground.

"I'll just say that at that time, as a naval hero, how could you suddenly disappear without a trace, even the traces of your existence, as a navy hero."

"Everything is being tricked by the world government, I know you will be targeted by those greedy guys sooner or later, let you keep a low profile, you won't listen."

Kurokas spoke angrily.

"I want to keep a low profile too, but my strength doesn't allow it." Luo Lin waved his hand.

"Yo ha ha ha, Yo ha ha ha"

"Yo ha ha ha, Yo ha ha ha"

"The time for Binks’ wine banquet is always fast.

Before you know it, the sun has set.

The night appeared.

Just as Kurokas said.

When day and night change, it is when the ghost returns.A cloud of mist rose in the dense forest not far away.Everything in our sight becomes hazy.

Immediately after.

The melodious song of the pirate, accompanied by the sound of the violin, wafted out of the dense forest, and echoed over the Twin Capes for a long time.


Rab, the huge island whale, screamed excitedly.

"I have appeared! The skeleton playing the violin!" Nami exclaimed.

"It really appeared!" Weiwei is the same.

"The skeleton can really move." Ke Ya Jiao stiffened.

In addition, little Lori hugged Luo Lin's thigh again during Golden Week.The boy in the straw hat beamed his eyes, and Sabo was amazed.

As for Robin and Kerla, they both seem to be thinking, they always feel that the skeleton is a bit familiar.

Fresh flowers

With the appearance of the bone skeleton playing the violin and singing the song of the pirate in the dense forest, the atmosphere on the scene suddenly stagnated.

Even the temperature in the air dropped more than ten degrees with his appearance.

The original lively banquet is gradually developing in a gloomy direction.

A few minutes later.

The song is over.

The skeleton musician who walked out of the dense forest mist gave a standard gentleman's salute to everyone present.

"Yo ha ha ha, Kurokas, tonight is really lively, especially there are so many beautiful little girls, so let me ask questions here, little girls, I don’t know if you can take a look

039 bang'

Just as the skeleton musician prepared an excessive request for customary politeness, the justice sanction from Kurokas punched him on the ground.

There was a big bag the size of a fist on his obviously boneless head."Brook, see who is here today?" Kurokas reminded.

"Oh, Brook, I haven't seen you for many years, you are still the same." Rollin came to Brooke holding Little Lori Golden Week.

Little Lori was so scared that she buried her head in Luo Lin's clothes

Brooke got up, his hollow and dark eye sockets stared at Mr. Rollin and Rollin in front of him. You are Mr. Rollin!!!"

Finally, Brooke recognized the great benefactor who brought him out of the Devil's Triangle and brought him to Rab the whale 40 years ago.

For a time, shock and surprise were intertwined, making Brooke suddenly at a loss what to do.

Open his arms, wanting to hug Rollin like Kurokas.

In the end, little Lolita was so scared to cry by the approaching cold during Golden Week.

Brook Xian smiled, touched his explosive head, and had to give up.

"Ah, I remember!"

At this moment, Kerla suddenly screamed, and a look of shock suddenly appeared on her pretty face.

"It seems that you think Kerla is the same as mine." Robin's pretty face was also shocked.

"Kerla, Miss Robin, what did you think of?" Sabo asked curiously."Idiot Sabo, have you not recognized it when it's so obvious? This is a deadly posture, skeleton musician. It was Brooke, the swordsman of Huangquan who was aboard the Pirate King Roger more than twenty years ago!!!"

"what did you say!!!"

Everyone exclaimed in unison.

Chapter 88: Captain Roger was his little brother?![6/7 seeking subscription]

One Piece Gore d Roger, that is a legend.

He was the first man in the world to completely conquer a great sea route.

Before he died, he started the magnificent era of great pirates with one-self power.

Roger is a legend.

The members of the Roger Pirates that he led are also legendary.

Also well-known are the Pirate King Roger's right hand Pluto Sirbaz Reilly and the left hand Spark Jabba.

Once an intern in Roger's regiment, now the emperor of the sea red-haired Shanks.

Etc., etc

Roger Pirates disbanded and died for more than 20 years.

Most of them have been dead for a long time.

Even if they weren't dead, they would have faded out of people's sight and lived an unknown life in seclusion.

For the former crew of One Piece, many people in the sea may have heard of their names.

But for their appearance, not many people in the sea can remember.

Even if they were standing face to face, many people in the shampoo field would not know that the old man with excellent coating skills was actually the legendary King Raleigh.

Of course, there is only one exception.

That was the musician on the Roger Pirates ship.

Brook, who is called Huangquan Jianhao by the world.There is no other reason, but he is too special.

Only a handful of white bones were left, and they were resurrected and returned by the power of Huangquan Fruit.

Such a special life exists, and there is only one in this world.

09 Bones, Skeletons, Musicians

When these features are all fit.

Robin and Kerla, who are familiar with major historical events over the years, certainly cannot fail to recognize Brooke's identity.

"He is one of Roger's crew members!"

When Kerla's exclamation fell.

The audience was silent at first.

Then broke out loud noises.


Luffy stretched his neck, his mouth and eyes wide open.

For Straw Hat Luffy, who is determined to become the One Piece, Roger One Piece has no one to replace.

Now he finally went to sea, and met the crew of One Piece within a few days.

How can this make Luffy not shocked.

In addition, when seeing the skeleton musician earlier, Luffy still wanted to get Brook as a partner and go out to sea together.

"This skeleton man turned out to be One Piece's partner?" Nami said.

"The Huangquan swordsman Brooke on the One Piece ship, I really seem to have a bit of an impression." Weiwei looked thoughtful.

"Then he is not a ghost, but a real person?" Keya said weakly.

"Yo ha ha ha, girl, don't look at me like this, I am actually still alive, a living person." Brook Yo ha ha ha laughed.

"The crew of One Piece, the living legend." Sabo couldn't help but exclaim.

"A member of the legend, he must have been to the final island and learned the truth."

Robin's pretty face couldn't help being excited.

There was an impulse in her heart, and she wanted to ask Brooke about the 100-year history of the blank.

But at the last minute, Robin held back.

Because she thought of her second wish for Luo Lin.


Robin took a long breath and glanced at Luolin, but he was surprised to find that Rollin was not surprised or surprised by Brooke's identity.

that's the truth.

Since Kurokas still got on Roger's ship and became a ship doctor.

So Brook, who was brought here by him forty years ago, will naturally not stay alone.

Their agreement between the Rumba Pirates and Rab was only half completed.

The other half is to circle the whole world.

So more than twenty years ago, Brooke boarded Roger's ship with the last wishes of all the members of the Rumba Pirates, and even broke the identity of a Huangquan swordsman.

Even with Luo Lin's intervention, his destiny has changed tremendously.But the fate of the crew of One Piece on Brooke remained unchanged.

The only thing that changed was the former One Piece partner or the Post One Piece partner.

The truth about the skeleton ghost is revealed.

Plus Brook's legendary identity.

The little girls on the boat were no longer afraid of the living skeleton.

On the contrary, the conversation became more and more joyous.

"Yo ha ha ha, little girls, it's not just me, this one next to me was also the ship doctor on Roger's ship before."

Brook pointed to Kurokas.


Everyone was shocked again and prolonged the ending.

"Mr. Kurokas is also a crew member of One Piece!!!"

"I saw two living legends in one day!"

"We are so lucky!"

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