Pirate: I was dug out by Robin

Pirate: I was dug out by Robin Chapter 65

However, at this moment, the sudden change occurred.

On the other side of the road, there was also a blurry figure rushing over, making the fighting champion's complexion change, and quickly changed to meet.

"Dragon Claw Fist"

"Wave elbow"

The pitch-black dragon claw fist collided with the wave elbow, igniting a turbulent shock wave, blowing the wind and snow."what"

In the end, Chishas Bashas was defeated. Under the power of Dragon Claw Fist, it flew upside down like a broken kite, with a bloodshot from the corner of his mouth.

"Who is strong?"

Everyone, including Blackbeard, couldn't help being surprised.


The sound of footsteps on the ice and snow exploded clearly in everyone's ears.

It's just a trance.

There was an extra person beside the blond top hat youth.

"Dr Kureha, even if he is a foolish son, he will be a bit too cruel. It is foolish to kick people and children."

Luo Lin held the bewildered Chopper with one hand and smiled.

"It's you!!!"

Chapter 93 Saab, Luffy vs. Blackbeard-Guy [4/7 Seeking Subscription]

The cold wind is bitter.

Blizzard blowing.

Following the Dragon Claw Youth, another white-clothed youth appeared in the sight of the black beard and dr Kureha.

In an instant, the inner alarm sounded by the five pirates headed by Blackbeard Marshall D Titch.

In their perception, the young man in white carrying a blue-nosed reindeer was like a big mountain.

No matter how they look up, they can't see the end.Even if that person just stood there still.

The powerful aura on his body is that the already oppressed blackbeard group can't breathe.Every cell in their body is tightened, reminding and telling of the approaching danger.

Compared to the shock and fear of the Blackbeard group.

At this moment, the old lady with the title of "039 Witch" in Drum, dr Kuleha,-the expression on Lao Zhang's face gradually became sluggish with the appearance of Luo Lin.

From dullness to shock, it turned into excitement, which was beyond words.

dr Kureha's old body was shaking uncontrollably because of excitement.

The shocked expression on his face turned into joy.

An old face lifted up a slightly threatening laugh.

"Asshole, you are really immortal!!!" Dr Kureiha laughed."I told you a long time ago that in this world, nothing or power can kill me, even myself." Luo Lin smiled.

"Ah, seeing you appear alive this time, I have to believe it too." D840r Kuleha nodded.

Regarding the specious conversation between Luo Lin and dr Kureha, the blackbeards and the five people all heard it in the mist, and didn't understand it.

Now they have not been asked to think carefully about the deep meaning of this dialogue.

Listening to Luo Lin's and dr Kureha's narration and conversation, the black beard's arms and forehead have blue veins.

"I said you two, when are you going to talk about? There is the opposite, where are you sacred?"

Blackbeard finally couldn't help shouting.

Even if he knows that Luo Lin is not a waiting generation, but he possesses the most ferocious natural secret fruit ability, he should not fear anyone.

"Haha, Kureiha, it seems that someone can't wait."

Luo Lin glanced at him-his eyes were black beard, and Ling's black beard was instantly wet with cold sweat.

"Since you are here, these guys will leave it to you."

dr Kureha waved his hand relievedly, completely devoid of the previous vigilance and determination to fight to the death.

Because it is no longer needed.

The moment that person appeared, the result was already doomed.

"Hey, Sabo!"

"Brother Luo Lin, wait for us!

At this moment, another group of people trot to the edge of the lakeside town.

It was the little girls like Luffy and Robin who were hundreds of meters behind Luo Lin.

"Hey, Brother Luo Lin, what are you carrying? Little civet cat? So cute! Vivid, panting to keep up-noticed Chopper in Luo Lin's hand for a while, and suddenly she was surprised The color.

"Nicky cat, is it delicious? I haven't eaten it yet?"

The vigorous boy with straw hat Luffy stretched his tongue and began to secrete saliva.

"You bastard, don't think about eating me, I don't taste good at all. Besides, I am not a civet cat, but a reindeer, a reindeer!"

After hearing Luffy's words, Chopper, who was stunned by dr Kureha's kick, suddenly returned to his senses.

Freed from Luo Lin's big hand, it was a flying kick at Luffy's face.

"Oh~ the heart-hearted little civet cat is talking about him!!!"

Nami, Keya, Kerla and other little girls suddenly exclaimed in shock.

Frightened by Chopper's words.

"Talking civet cat, is it a new breed of rare beast? Or is it a demon fruit capable person?" Robin thought.

"I can only speak because I ate the fruits of animals and humans, and again, I am alone, I am not a tame

"Wow, it's all you killed, my mouth is bald." Chopper collapsed.


Chopper's angry and cute appearance immediately made Weiwei and others laugh constantly.

Even the most serious Robin, at this moment (ajac) is amused by Chopper's cuteness.

"Hey, little civet cat, do you want to go out to sea with me."

For such a rare little reindeer, Luffy certainly would not let it go, even if it was an invitation."Who wants to go to sea with you? Besides, there is no one who invites others to go to sea as soon as they meet. If you think about it, you can't agree." Qiao Ba grinned.

It was just that Luffy called him a civet cat again, and Chopper was already unable to refute or correct it.

Because of the arrival of Luffy and the little girls, and the cheerful conversation afterwards.

The tense atmosphere in the field suddenly disappeared.

Seeing Luo Lin-Pedestrian talking and laughing as if nothing else, the blue veins on the black beard's forehead began to beat violently.

Since getting the dark fruit ability and coming to Paradise from the New World, he has never been so despised by anyone.

"Asshole, even if you look down on people, there is a limit."

Blackbeard roared, and his body was surging with a deep darkness that even light could swallow, which was daunting.

Until Blackbeard screamed, Luffy and others finally noticed the existence of the Blackbeard group.

"Brother Luo Lin, who are they?" Weiwei asked.

"These people are the Blackbeard Pirates!"

It was not Luo Lin who answered Weiwei, but Robin.

"What? The Blackbeard Pirates, was it the one who defected after killing the captain of the Four Emperors and Whitebeard a few months ago?" Kerra looked shocked.

"Ah, it should be him." Sabo clenched his fists slowly.

"Teacher, these people don't know if they can let me try first." Sabo asked.

"Yes." Luo Lin nodded.

"Thank you mentor." Sabo nodded in thanks.

"Luffy, come here too."


Straw Hat Luffy was in high spirits.

Of course he will not miss a fight.

"Luffy, do you know? The guy named Blackbeard on the opposite side was once the captain of the second division of the Whitebeard Pirates." Sabo said.

"What's wrong?" Luffy wondered.

"Idiot Luffy, didn't I tell you? The white beard's second division captain is Ace Ace."

"Hey~~~ That person is a member of Ace!" Luffy's eyes widened in surprise."It's not anymore. According to the intelligence I have obtained through various channels these days, Ace is now hunting down this traitor who killed his partner. In other words, he is now Ace's greatest enemy." Sabo said.

"What, it is absolutely unforgivable to kill the companion on the ship."

Lu Fei, who attached great importance to the word partner, was angry.

"Thief hahahaha, who did I think it was? It turns out that you are acquaintances of Captain Ace, this is a coincidence.

Hearing the conversation between Sabo and Luffy throughout the process, and learning that they met Ace, Blackbeard smiled.

"Blackbeard, Ace is our brother, and Ace's business is ours. Today, our two brothers will personally arrest you." Sabo said firmly.

"Try it if you can, thief hahaha." Blackbeard laughed without nervousness.

"Dragon Claw Fist!!!"


Chapter 94 Rubbing the black bearded head on the ground[5/7]

"Dragon Claw Fist"

Sabo's fighting spirit is high, his right hand is in the shape of a dragon claw, and it is as dark as ink under the domineering package of the armed color, exuding a strong sense of strength.


Luffy's arm, which also entered the full-fighting state, swung like a big windmill, and then stretched infinitely behind him.

Release the malleability of rubber fruit to the extreme.

"Thieves hahahaha, you two turned out to be the brothers Captain Ace once said, this is really interesting."

Blackbeard Marshall D Titch laughed presumptuously, and the darkness around him grew deeper and deeper.

Just like swallowing-all black holes.

"Captain Titch, the bastard who attacked me earlier, let me solve it."

The fighting champion Chisas Bashas, ​​who did not know when he got up from the ground, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and stared at Sabo viciously.

"The gears of destiny have begun to turn, and my eyes have seen the death of that straw hat boy."

A sniper of the Blackbeard Pirates, Otoe Van Oka raised 039kar98039 in his hand, and the sight was aimed at Luffy's eyebrows.

"The thief hahahaha, it is said, the leader should be the leader, how can he do it as soon as he comes up."

Blackbeard laughed, and the darkness around him converged.

"Weiha w~~ This time, you won’t be able to make a sneak attack easily, bastard!"

Wave elbow!!!

Fighting champion Chisas Bashas, ​​like a humanoid tank, rushed towards Sabo with an unrelentingly powerful aura.

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