Pirate: I was dug out by Robin

Pirate: I was dug out by Robin Chapter 72

General Huang Yuan could not dodge, or in other words, did not dodge.

Because he saw a person on the horizon.

'Wow 039

The general yellow ape standing still in the air was cut into countless light particles under the raging tornado storm.

"Goohahaha, deserve it, yellow monkey." Klockdal laughed triumphantly.

"It's really annoying, Sand Crocodile.

In the next second, the smile on Klockdal's face stopped abruptly, and a look of anger appeared instead.Huang Yuan, the general who broke into light particles in the tornado storm, suddenly flashed in front of him, raising his right leg high.

It's not the speed of light kicking with glaring golden light.

It's just an ordinary kick.

In the previous three days, Huang Yuan had never shown his armed color.As soon as he appeared at this time, Krokdal was caught off guard.

039 boom'

There was a loud noise.

Krokdal was hit by the foot of the general Huang Yuan and flew tens of hundreds of meters away.

Finish this kick.

Huang Yuan didn't look at Krokdal anymore, his eyes full of mixed emotions kept looking south.

The expression on a wretched old face gradually became excited.

He left his skinny hands from his pockets, and hurriedly sorted out the corners of his clothes that had been tossed by the wind and sand.The nervous look on his face didn't have the power of being an admiral at all, and it was more like an innocent boy who is about to go on a blind date.

Or maybe it's a small fan who is about to reunite with the idol that he longs for."'Asshole

Krokdal, who was kicked by the yellow ape, just wanted to fight back violently.

However, if the words were not spoken, the beans stopped.

Because I don't know when someone walked behind him, raised his hand and pressed his head.

Klockdal was startled first, then furious.

However, when he saw the person coming, Klockdalton shrank his head.

"came back"

After a moment's heart, Krokdahl's face involuntarily flashed a ray of excitement.

The corners of his mouth opened with an arc, with a gleeful smile looking at the general Huang Yuan 100 meters away (well Zhao).

"Okay, you yellow monkey, haven't you been very good these three days? Try another good in front of this one.

"Do you think I can't help you, and others can't help?"

"Don't you want to see the person behind me? Now he is here, and he is going to heal you fiercely. Klockdal looked at the gradually restrained Huang Ape under the pressure of Luo Lin, and his expression of gloat on his face gradually changed. Big.

Inwardly, he was ready for a series of mockery.

After all, in the past three days, he was really frustrated by Huang Yuan's rogue warfare.

Finally, under the gaze of Klockdal's expectation, the distance between Luo Lin and Huang Yuan was reduced to within ten meters.

The world seems to be quiet at this moment

After a while, the general Huang Yuan finally spoke.

"Teacher, welcome back!"

Klockdal: "Huh???"

o ((0_0)) o!!!

Chapter 102 General Huang Yuan wants to quit!?


The teacher arrogant Huang Yuan spit out!

Hearing stunned Qiwuhai Klockdal.

039 call'

Above the vast desert, there is nothing but the wind.

At this moment, Qiwuhai Krokdal, who has been accustomed to the world and experienced countless scenes, is also like a clay sculpture of wood and plastic, unable to move.

His brain is blank.

All the words that were prepared to taunt and taunt the general Huang Yuan were all cleared up.

Only the general Huang Yuan's respectful'Teacher 039!' echoed in his empty mind!


Who is the teacher?

Who is whose teacher?

Who is the teacher in Yellow Monkey's mouth?

No one else here!

not me!

Could it be that guy!

how come?

That man is the teacher of Huang Yuan, General of the Navy!!!

How can this kind of thing happen!!!

Chaos, chaos, chaos!

At this moment, the thoughts in Krokdal's mind were like paste.

"Teacher, I haven't seen you for many years, you still have the same style."

Just when Klockdal's mental activities were at the extreme, the general Huang Yuan spoke again.

"You are old, Polusalino 407." Luo Lin responded calmly.

Two brief conversations shattered Krokdal's turbulent thoughts and saw tomorrow through the sky.

Klockdal had a big groove in his heart.

His eyes, which had always been half-squinted in the past, were completely round at the moment.

The mouth is also wide open.

Due to the nature of the natural system, the chin even dropped to the ground.

It turned out that his ears were not the problem.

He has no auditory hallucinations.

The highest combat power of the navy headquarters, General Huang Yuan Polusalino is really calling that man--


That looking young and excessive monster turned out to be the general's teacher!

What exactly is going on?

Who can tell me exactly where that guy is?

Klockdal was roaring inwardly.

Following the ultimate overlord, the monster power far beyond the white beard, and the great swordsman comparable to eagle eyes.

Luo Lin's status as a'general teacher', 039 Nie 039, refreshed Krokdal's upper limit once.

This side car.

Qiwuhai Krokdal was so shocked that his brain couldn't even think.

the other side.

Luo Lin and the general Huang Yuan.

The dialogue continues after thirty-six years.

"Teacher, I know that my feeling is not wrong. The person behind the sand crocodile is indeed the teacher. You have been in Alabastan for the past thirty-six years."

General Huang Yuan said with a smile-

Zhang Laomian didn't have the usual wretched look.

The speed of speech has also switched to the speed of a normal person, not the kind that the deputy listened to.

That's why Luo Lin didn't correct his bad habits by giving him a class after thirty-six years.

"Porusalino, you feel very accurate this time. I remember that you used to practice for a long time, and you can only get started when you see and hear the domineering."

Luo Lin nodded.

"Oh, people will always improve. Besides, I'm the genius of the teacher. If there is no progress, how can I be worthy of the teacher's value?" General Huang Yuan smiled.

While praising Luo Lin, he also blew himself by the way.

"Okay, since you guessed it, then they should know it too."

The general Huang Yuan couldn't be more clear about them in Luo Lin's mouth.

"Lieutenant General Crane probably felt it. As for the other two, they should be able to guess some, but they can't be 100% sure." Huang Yuan said.

"Then you can be 100% sure, and even spend three days waiting for me with the little crocodile here. What if I never show up?" Luo Lin asked.

"If the teacher doesn't come back, then I will continue to play. Anyway, I will be very free." General Huang Yuan Tan Tan said."This point hasn't changed."

Luo Lin raised his hand and patted (ajfi) General Huang Yuan on the shoulder.

Through this short conversation, he knew that Polusalino was still the same Polusalino as before.

He used to bring him out of that island in advance, and the teaching for several years was not useless work.at least.

Polusalino, who was standing in front of him now, was very different from the old wretchedness he once remembered.

"Ms. Luo Lin, you shouldn't return to the navy, right?" Huang Yuan asked.

"Don't go back!"

"Would you like to meet Lieutenant General Crane and others? I can make arrangements secretly to ensure that no one from the government will find out!

"Forget it for now."

Luo Lin waved his hand.

"Now if I am found by them, I will definitely be annoyed. When my own power develops, their nagging should be less."

"That said, meeting now will indeed cause a lot of trouble."

General Huang Yuan nodded."By the way, teacher, I've seen your city plan. Don't you want to form a new navy? If that's the case, I promise to be the first to respond. I will resign the general immediately and go to your side.

"Teacher, if you are the commander-in-chief, how can I get a job as a captain, and the salary you give, teacher, can't be too low, but I know that you have copied a lot of dark forces in the East China Sea. At least one million berries per month."

General Huang Yuan said with interest.

Fortunately, there is only one Krokdal who is dumbfounded like a clay sculpture of wood.If these words were to be spread out, it would surely cause an uproar throughout the world.

After all, this is the highest combat power of the Navy, a general-level job-hopping!

Even Luo Lin didn't react to the words of General Huang Yuan.

It's been a long while.

"Are you serious?" Luo Lin asked rhetorically.

"Does the teacher look at me just talking about it?" Huang Yuan nodded seriously.

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