Pirate: I was dug out by Robin

Pirate: I was dug out by Robin Chapter 75

After being able to see who is right now, the little girls in the banquet hall suddenly all their eyes brightened.


"Brother Luo Lin, you are finally back."

"Brother Luo Lin is really true, at least tell us before leaving next time, we will be worried.

All the little girls suddenly spoke up.

Outside the door, Luo Lin looked at the banquet that had not yet opened, and listened to the heart-warming words of the people, he was also a little happy in his heart.

Being alone in the dark underground for thirty-six years, people are going to be mad.

The reason why Luo Lin has been able to overcome thirty-six years of loneliness has been the same as before.In addition to his own big heart, what is more important is that there are so many little things around,-

Straight to comfort his manic heart!!!

"Sorry, I made you wait so long, not next time." Luo Lin promised.

"Since the tutor has returned, let's start quickly

Kerla, who was also empty, didn't finish speaking, but stopped abruptly.

Because he saw the figure following Luo Lin, a tattered, beggar-like figure.

Not only her, but also Sabo, Robin, Vivi and so on.

"Sister Robin, Vivi, what's the matter with you? Nami looked at Vivi with wide-open eyes, and then took Robin Vivi's trembling hand. "Sabo, what's the matter with you?"The banquet is ready to start. What are you still doing? Banquet!"

The straw hat boy who had recovered from the stimulation of the banquet shouted.

However, no one responded.

So it seemed a little awkward.


After recognizing the identity of the man wearing the ragged navy clothes behind Luo Lin, Kerla was already shocked and could not say a word completely.Intermittently, as if stuttering.

This is no wonder.

After all, this is their internal private banquet!

Who would have thought that people of that level could be seen in this place!

And the enemy!!!


Robin took a deep breath.

However, the fear on his face, cold little hands and trembling body still did not ease the slightest.

"Admiral Huang Yuan!!!"

Sabo looked very solemn and raised his hand to block his brother Luffy behind him.


After learning the identity of the old man in the ragged military uniform from Sabo, Nami, who didn't know it, was completely frightened.

"Admiral Huang Yuan? Why is this person here?" Weiwei looked at her father in confusion again.

"Cobra, why? Didn't you tell them?"

Luo Lin also looked at Cobra.

"Sorry, Mr. Rowling, after all, this is a big deal, I don't dare to talk nonsense." Cobra said apologetically.

"Weiwei, and everyone, don't be too nervous, Mr. Huang Yuan is not an outsider, he is a disciple of Mr. Luo Lin!"

Cobra squeezed his hand, motioning everyone to relax.

When Cobra's voice fell, the entire banquet hall fell into absolute silence.

After a while.

"Hey~ Xinxin"

The unanimous surprises of everyone gathered together and resounded across the sky.

"Wait, Luo Lin is the teacher of the Huang Yuan General? How can this be?

Weiwei looked incredible, just about to deny it.

In the next second, her mind unconsciously appeared at the starting point of the great route, Gemini Cape-

Memories of the night.

That night, from the One Piece crew members Kurokas and Brook, they learned a little about Rollin's past for the first time.

It's just that they were almost all drunk at the time.

When I woke up the next day, the memory was not clear, some fragments.

Until now.

After another shocking impact, the memories in their minds finally became clear.

"Luo Lin used to be One Piece's eldest brother 590! Now he is still the teacher of General Huang Yuan! It is incredible!!!" Nami murmured unconsciously.

"Is the instructor a pirate or a navy?" Kerla was completely confused.

Long has never mentioned the past of Luo Lin, a revolutionary teacher, even the veterans of the Revolutionary Army.Not to mention the juniors like Sabo and Kerla.

All they know are the great revolutionary ideas that Luo Lin said.

Until now, they finally came into contact with the past of this teacher who was revered by the dragon.Luo Lin, their revolutionary mentor, had his true identity as the navy decades ago!


Even if Luo Lin and the general Huang Yuan are in a master-disciple relationship.

The general is a general after all!

If you let the general Huang Yuan know their revolutionary army

Do not.

Sister Robin is the most dangerous now.

Sabo and Kerla looked at Robin in unison.

"Oh oh oh, it's not Sabo and Kerla. I heard the dragon talk about you. When I first met, I didn't bring any gifts. But it's not that I was stingy.

Just when the heartstrings of Sabo and Krla were tightened to the limit.

Behind Luo Lin, the general Huang Yuan who attacked the tattered military uniform finally spoke.

Ever since.

The whole banquet hall suddenly fell into absolute silence again.

Another moment.


Chapter 106 The mysterious first generation veteran of the revolutionary army [3/7 seeking subscription]

Albanian Palace, Banquet Hall.

A banquet, before it even started, was a twists and turns.

First, the sudden appearance of General Huang Yuan, causing Sabo, Kerla, and Robin to let out a cold sweat.

Then King Cobra told them that General Huang Yuan was actually Luo Lin's disciple!

This is not over yet.

Just when Sabo and Kerla worried about Robin--

Worrying that after the general Huang Yuan recognized her identity, he would force a shot regardless of his relationship with Luo Lin.

Or if you don't do it yourself, but you have to report it to the top.

With a smile on his face, the amiable and wretched general Huang Yuan'stared at them both.

"Sabo, Kerla, you are also with the teacher, so it seems that the teacher has already seen the dragon. I thought I was the first to come, but I didn't expect to be preempted by the dragon boy again."

General Huang Yuan shook his head slightly regretfully.


The entire palace banquet hall was once again silent because of the words of General Huang Yuan.


The surprise of everyone broke through the sky again.

Everyone present except Cobra and Luffy, who later traveled with the boat, was Frost Moon Village.'

Personal experience of party 039.

Even Nami, now knows what 039 Dragon is like.

The founder and leader of the revolutionary army.The number one enemy of the world government.

But now.

The largest institution under the world government, the high-level generals in the navy, seems to be very familiar with the leader of the revolutionary army?What is going on again!

"Is the dragon in General Mr. Huang Yuan's mouth that dragon?" Cobra muttered to himself.

"Then I know." The next moment, Cobra was stunned."What do you know, Dad." Weiwei asked.

"If I'm not wrong, the dragon in Mr. Huang Yuan's mouth was once a disciple of Mr. Luo Lin. They are all fellow brothers on the boat of Mr. Luo Lin, for a long time." Cobra said.

"Mr. Long and General Huang Yuan are brothers!"

After hearing Cobra's words, Kerla was already shocked to be unable to herself.

For a while, there was too much shocking information input worth thinking about, making her clear mind turned into a paste.

"Hey, Kerla, do you remember what Mr. Long said before. Apart from Mr. Xiong and Mr. Ivankov, the elders of our revolutionary army have another mysterious existence who has never appeared before!"

Sabo spoke solemnly.

He thought of what he had learned about the past history of the revolutionary army.Among the many well-known revolutionary veterans, there is an exception.: No name, no appearance, not even a little record.

But that person is the real veteran.He is the first partner of the revolutionary leader Long.

Even the tyrant Xiong, Ivankov and others could not be earlier than him.And that veteran's codename animal in the revolutionary army is monkey!

Admiral of the Navy, Mr. Long's former senior brother Polusalino is-Huang Yuan!

Everything went through.

All fragmentary clues are connected at this moment.

They seem to know a lot of great secrets today.

The past of the mentor Luo Lin, the past of the mysterious leader Long, and--

The true identity of the most mysterious'Monkey 039 veteran!

It was precisely because Luo Lin knew this, that he brought Huang Yuan to the internal banquet without any hesitation.

Regardless of whether the general Huang Yuan is the undercover of the revolutionary army in the original plot.When Luo Lin intervened more than 40 years ago when Huang Yuan and Long became brothers.

All this is doomed.

Because of the shock of successive shocking news, the atmosphere of the banquet in the hall was greatly diluted.

Then there was a long silence.

At some point, Luo Lin walked up to Robin who was sluggish.

Robin, who was able to speak calmly in the past, no matter what the situation was, this time he said nothing.

Obviously, the appearance of the general Huang Yuan really frightened the little girl.After all, that was the biggest psychological shadow in Robin's heart and the nightmare of her life.

"Little Robin, it's okay."

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