Pirate: I was dug out by Robin

Pirate: I was dug out by Robin Chapter 93

Throughout his life, he will live under the nightmare and shadow of that step.

At this moment, no one paid attention to the collapse of the priest Shura.

The Sandia people in the field just looked excited and fanatically watching the stalwart back in front of them.

The back of the 039 god watching them.



Luo Lin's step that shook the world and everything, besides destroying the priest Shura, it also completely aroused the boundless fighting spirit of the oppressed Shandia people.

Even the little girls such as Nami, Weiwei, Kerla, were shocked by this step, aroused the fighting spirit, and their pretty faces were flushed.

This fighting spirit needs to be vented immediately.

Want to fight!Fight then!

"Then let's go and take back what belongs to us. The celebration will be saved for later."

Luo Lin spoke calmly.Step forward first.


"Oh oh oh"

The crowd responded loudly.

The Golden Meri, carrying Luo Lin and a group of young girls in high spirits, soared into the sky, and the ship took the lead

The sky knight Ganfor took the old chief Yi-Qi straddled the spotted Pegasus Pier, and soared into the sky.

The young Sandia warriors, headed by the war ghost Webb, put on their own mobile jet devices and glide across the vast White Sea, galloping towards their original hometown.Other Shandia people in Yunyin Village also got on small boats and set off on their way home in mighty ways.

at the same time.

Apaya, the island of gods, the upper island cloud.

The residence of the gods.

Aini Road, who returned from the "Space of Gods" where the Golden Bell was, felt happy again.

Under the service of Shenbing, he leisurely gnawed the apple again and closed his eyes to rest.

'Boom 039

at this time.

A soft sound of'dong 039' appeared in his heart network electric wave monitoring.

It wasn't very eye-catching at first.

But soon, it was the throbbing sound of a war drum.

There were visible ripples in the sky.

The sea of ​​white clouds in the distance is even more waves.


"What's wrong with this?"

"Master Ainilu, what's going on!"

"Is the Lord God angry?

The soldiers of God's Residents shouted in horror, and each fell to the ground.

°Chichi 039

039 Boom 039

A terrifying electric light fell from the sky, turning the last speaker into pitch black coke.

"Idiot, I am the god!" Ainilu said indifferently.

"Damn Shandia, what the hell are you doing today? How many times will I destroy my mood as a god?

Ainilu's eyes were cold.

"Dashan, summon the four great priests, and all the soldiers will gather at Shandora. The show is ahead of schedule. Today, I will completely wipe out the annoying Shandia." Ainilu ordered coldly.

Apayado, the island of gods.

Above the dense primitive towering forests, the Golden Meri steadily marched towards the central city.

On the left side of the ship, the spotted Pegasus carried Ganfor and two people on the air.

In the huge dense forest below, the Sandia warriors headed by the war ghost Webber walked through it.

The three parties go hand in hand.

Maintaining the rhythm, marching in the direction of the golden city of Shandora.

five minutes later.

An ancient city appeared in the sight of Luo Lin and his group flying in the sky.

"Is that the legendary golden town of Shandora?"

Robin's pretty face was full of excitement, and he murmured subconsciously.

"The golden city Chandora, is it really made of gold?"

Nami's eyes shone, and her beautiful eyes turned into money."The forest here is really big!"

Weiwei's attention was attracted by the huge woods along the way.

Any tree or vine on this island is many times bigger than she thought.

"It should be because of the high-altitude climate that caused plants to mutate and grow wildly.

"Kerla explained.

"Then that, how did the tree over there grow so fast? Is it also mutated?"

Little Lori beamed her eyes during Golden Week and curiously pointed to something standing in front of her and cried out.


Nami, Weiwei and others tilted their heads in doubt.

Looking in the direction the little Lolita's fingers were pointing, when she saw the growing things, the little girls suddenly shrank their pupils, and a panic appeared on their faces.

"No, Marian, it's not a tree, it's a giant snake!" Robin smiled.

"It turns out to be a snake." Little Lori nodded clearly during Golden Week.

"Sister Robin, Marianne, that's a big snake that can swallow our boat in one bite. Can you give me some respect, at least call it a little bit," Nami shouted.

"Yes, yes." Weiwei weakly echoed.


The corner of Robin's mouth raised a nice arc.

"Little girls, don't panic. That snake is Nolan, Lord of the Sky. Let's try to persuade it to leave."

The old chief of Dian Tianmao spoke, and then accelerated forward.

Nolan, the lord of the sky, was a descendant of the big snake Kasi god who was enshrined in Shandia four hundred years ago, and has since grown up under the golden clock.

It was named Nolan by the warrior Calgala to commemorate Vembrano Rando.

After Gaya Island went up to the sky, Nolan, the lord of the sky, had a huge body and mutated greatly, becoming a major overlord of the sky island, which was terrified by people.Until forty-six years ago, the golden bell rang again.

The talents of Sandia finally re-established friendship with them, and they lived in peace for 40 years.

It's a cooked snake.

At least Ganfor and the old chief thought so.

It just backfired.

Not waiting for Ganfor and the old chief to speak.

Nolan, the lord of the sky, standing on the ground in front of him, opened his mouth wide, biting them mercilessly.

At the critical moment, the spotted Pegasus Pierre quickly turned.

This will avoid the result of falling into Shekou.

"Hey, Nolan, what do you bastard do? It's us!" the old chief roared furiously.

"Lord of the sky, it's me, Gan Fuer!" Gan Fuer also shouted.

However, Nolan, the lord of the giant snake sky, didn't even pay attention to it.The huge copper bell-like snake eyes still stared at the Golden Meri.

To be precise, it was Rollin on board.

Even a snake, as large as it, has already understood human nature.

"Xia Lala"

Nolan, the lord of the sky, opened his mouth wide, and roared up to the sky.

"Lord of the Sky"


14 "Is it cheering with joy?"

"Sure enough, it also recognized Lord Luo Lin!"

Both Ganfor and the old chief spoke excitedly.

"Nolan must have sensed the call of the golden bell, so it appeared here to wait for us." The old chief said.

"Master Luo Lin, Nolan Ta-ding also wants to take back the Golden Bell with us." Gan Fuer said loudly.

On the deck of the Golden Meri, Luo Lin nodded.

Although Nolan, Lord of the Sky, is not a sea king, Luo Lin probably understands its meaning.

"Hey, Nolan, do you want to go together too?" Luo Lin shouted.

"Xia Lala"

Nolan, Lord of the Sky, nodded humanely, his huge body twisted, and his flat head hitting the deck of the Meili."In that case, let's go together."

Luo Linsa went to gravity control, letting the ship fall on top of it.

Nolan, the lord of the sky, twisted the huge snake body, like a broken bamboo.

Another five minutes.

The Golden City is here!

Chapter 129 One foot on the face of Anil [4/7 seeking subscription]

039 Rumble Rumble 039

Nolan, the lord of the sky, is huge, like a serpentine tank, moving like a broken bamboo, riding the Golden Meri towards the golden city of Shandora.

In the middle of the journey, under the instructions of the old chief and Ganfor, the soldiers of Shandia kept on boarding the 039 free ride of the Lord of the Sky.

A few minutes later.

Nolan, Lord of the Sky, arrived at the center of the island with the Meili on his head and dozens of people on him, and came to the golden city.

Six years ago, Ainilu and his group occupied the city.

While evacuating the golden treasures in it, it also caused irreparable damage to this ancient city with a long history.

At this moment, here is already a dilapidated scene.

When Luo Lin and his party arrived, in front of the front entrance of the golden city of Shandora, the magic team headed by the three priests had already assembled.

"Ganfor, and Sandia, are you here today to rebel? Don't you want your life?"

The body is like a ball-the mellow priest Daigo Mori no Shadri shouted.

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