Pirate: I was dug out by Robin

Pirate: I was dug out by Robin Chapter 99

"What a beautiful bell!" "I have never heard such a beautiful bell!"

Nami, Weiwei and other little girls were all intoxicated by the beautiful bells.Even Robin, at this moment, put the historical text aside.

Close your eyes intently, feeling the beautiful bells flowing through your heart like a clear spring.

"Shandora's fire! Finally rekindled!"

The old chief turned his hands together toward the golden clock and toward Luo Lin, bowing piously, and the moved old man burst into tears.

The Shandia people behind him are also kneeling down in 1962!

They finally heard the wonderful golden bell again!

At the same time, the residents of Sky Island far away on Angel Island heard the melodious golden bell.

Thus, the whole Angel Island boiled.

"Is this sound, is Kojima singing?" someone murmured.

"What's this sound? It's so beautiful." A little girl asked with an intoxicated expression.

"Child, this is the sound of the golden bell! We finally heard it again!

"This is the bell of the golden bell that has disappeared for six years! !"

"The golden bell has appeared again. What happened on the Island of Gods?"

The faces of the people on the sky island on Angel Island were shocked and puzzled.


At this moment, the middle-aged police officer wearing a white beret excitedly shouted at the residents of Sky Island who walked out of the house.

"Everyone, Ainilu that Ainilu has been defeated! Our Lord Luo Lin is back!!!" The middle-aged police officer in the white beret exclaimed excitedly.


The whole Angel Island was at first silent, and then there was a clamor to the sky.

Same as Sandia.

Luo Lin is also the God 039 in the hearts of their Sky Islanders!-

Sailing boats sailed out of Angel Island, carrying the people on the empty island on pilgrimage to the God 039 in their hearts.

The 134th chapter empty island demolition plan![3/6 seeking subscription]

Sky island at night,-piece of celebration.

People's singing, mixed with the golden bell, resounded over the entire empty island.

The remaining sound is curled and endless.

Shandora, an ancient city with a history of more than a thousand years, is brightly lit.

Six years have passed.

Kongdao people and Sandia people gather here again-

Sing and dance, celebrating everything today.

As it was forty-six years ago.History is always surprisingly similar.

Forty-six years ago, Luo Lin came to liberate both of them from hundreds of years of war.Forty-six years later, it was still Luo Lin-the god in their hearts returned and saved them from Anilu's ruthless rule.

Since then, no matter how many years have passed.

Luo Lin will be the only faith in their hearts!

The only god!

Golden city Shandora, the central square.

Robin stood in front of the golden clock, looking at the historical text on the base over and over again.

The slender hand flicked over the historical text one after another, and a heavy sense of history seemed to blow on his face.

"Bury the true meaning in your heart and keep silent. We are the weavers of history, and we are with the voice of the big clock tower."

The old Chief Shandia, leaning on a cane, walked slowly to the golden bell-

He said in memory of this ancestral motto passed down from generation to generation."

"Miss Robin, it seems that you can understand the 800 ancient characters. You are indeed the person next to Lord Luo Lin." The old chief smiled.

"and also?"

Robin keenly caught the key word in the old chief's words.

"Yeah, two decades ago, a group of people came to our sky island by riding a soaring ocean current. One of the weird people who claimed to be a samurai from Wano country could understand?

He also said that these words and this stone were made by their Guangyue Family, you should remember, Ganfor."

The old chief smiled and looked at Gan Fuer who was walking with Luo Lin.


Ganfor-pat the head.

"Master Luo Lin, this matter has something to do with you." Gan Fuer said.

"Huh? It has something to do with the uncle?" Robin was shocked.

If it were twenty years ago, Rollin should have been sleeping in the underground of Alabastan.

Robin's doubts were quickly answered.

"Roger! It's Roger's group!"

Ganfor recalled.

"Hey~~~ Is that Roger, the Pirate King?" Kerla suddenly exclaimed.

"I don't know if the One Piece is not king, but it is indeed Roger and his team who came more than 20 years ago. If they hadn't recognized Lord Luo Lin from the statue, we would not entertain them." Tao.

"Yes, yes, the even more annoying Roger, after getting me (badb) drunk, he secretly engraved the words on the base of the golden clock, the same as the text on it.

We can't understand it either. If you can understand Miss Robin, I wonder if you can translate it for us."The old chief asked.

"Oh, really, there is a line of small print in the place blocked by Nami."

Weiwei slightly pushed away Nami, who was silly holding the golden clock, and Robin noticed that there was a line of ancient writing in the corner.

"Roger the Pirate King secretly left behind. Will it be written on a certain day, a certain year, and a certain day, when the Roger Pirates are here?" Weiwei guessed.

Hearing this, the old chief's face turned black.

Fortunately, the truth is not what Weiwei guessed.

"I came here to bring this article to the end of the world!"

Robin translated the content of that line of boys word by word.

"At the end of the world, the last island-Lovedrew."

Robin murmured blankly, his pretty face with a shock that was hard to hide.

"There will be a chance. Regarding the last island, I also want to see it myself, so don't worry."

Just as Robin was lost, Luo Lin placed a big hand on her hair and stroked it a few times.


Robin nodded obediently, with a big smile on his face.

No sleep tonight.

The next three days were also sleepless.

The banquet in the golden city Shandora lasted three days and three nights.One by one, people fell tired and fell asleep deeply.

Even Nolan, the lord of the sky, was tired and slumped to the side, grunting loudly.

"Oh~~ Sky Island demolition plan? To move the entire Sky Island over our Alabastan? Luo Ling, are you serious?"

Weiwei, who was originally drowsy and drowsy, was awakened by a plan proposed by Luo Lin casually-

The double beautiful eyes stared at the boss, and the pretty face was full of shock.

After solving the Ainilu group, after the banquet, the next thing is to talk about business.

This time Luo Lin's main purpose for returning to the sky is naturally the golden clock.

After learning that Luo Lin hoped to transfer the Golden Bell to Hwaseong Fortress, the Sandia people headed by the old chief did not hesitate to drink it.

Of course they also put forward their wishes.

That is, I hope Luo Lin can take them Sandia with him.

In this regard, Luo Lin naturally has no reason to refuse.

In addition to the Golden Bell, which is an inseparable holy relic that they have guarded for generations, the Shandia clan, who is brave and good at fighting, is also - a lot of combat power.

Just when the old chiefs of Sandia, Webber and others were looking forward to their new life in Qinghai, Luo Lin proposed his second plan.

Empty Island Demolition Plan!

Not just this original Gaya Island.

The demolition Luo Lin wanted was to pack and take away the entire empty island, including the Baibaihai at an altitude of 10,000 meters, the Baihai at 7,000 meters, and Cumulus Cloud.

The coordinates of Xinkong Island are Shengting Island, right above the Kingdom of Arabastan.

"I see, is this Lord Luo Lin's real plan?"

"Not only us and the Golden Bell, but even the entire sky island was transferred to Master Luo Lin's base!"

"In this way, we don't have to worry that a thief like Ainilu will occupy our hometown again!"

Compared to Weiwei's surprise, Ganfore, the old chief, and the war ghost Webber looked excited.

After all, this empty island is where they have lived for four hundred years.

It is false to say that it is not nostalgic.

As for whether the demolition plan Weiwei is worried about can be successful?

That is not a problem at all!

In other words, they never considered the possibility of the plan's failure.

After all, this was put forward by their God 039!

As the most devout believers of God Luolin, they will of course believe in any decision of Luolin unconditionally and without reason.

"Yes, since Luo Ling said it, it must be fine."

After a while, Weiwei also nodded after understanding.

"If the sky island can be transferred to the sky above our country, then maybe the country will never suffer from water shortages in the future."

Thinking of this, Weiwei's pretty face suddenly showed extreme joy.

The drought in the past three years made Weiwei deeply aware of the importance of water to Alabastan.

Even without Krokdal's intervention, the lack of water on St. Tyn Island has always been a big problem due to Xia Island.

But if the sky island can be transferred to the sky above Alabastan, it will certainly block most of the direct sunlight.

Plus the Cumulus Cloud of the White Sea and the water of the White Sea.

There will never be less rain in the future.

Over time, the desert of Alabastan may become a huge oasis country.

When she thought of this, the expression on Weiwei's face became more excited."Luo Lin, brother Luo Lin, how do you plan to demolish Sky Island 039?"

Weiwei asked urgently.

"It won't be long, but before that, I have to find another person." Luo Lin said.

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