As an engineer and design reviser, controlling the Ark Proverbs is naturally a breeze, but it is just a mad girl.

The kinetic energy of the Ark Proverbs comes from the huge battery embedded in the cabin, which

needs to be recharged.

For the time being, you can only let the crazy girl act as a charger.

The crazy girl looked like she had been squeezed dry, lying on the deck in large letters, with a broken coconut next to her head, and a straw into her mouth.

Gooo"One more! Baldness. Ohm

: "Call me Ohm, don't finish the coconut, this is an important supply for us for the next period." He

still opened a coconut and threw it at the crazy girl.

Then walk into the control room.

The Ark Proverbs took off.

The whip has drilled inside, the smell of metal and wood fills all the space, and the furnishings inside are completely unnovel, but boring.

Similar to the interior of a merchant ship, the real core area is in the middle.

He walked down the passage.

There are quite a few rooms next to it, numbered by numbers.

"That's not right!"

The Ark Proverbs flew up, and it was at this time that the falcon's expression became ugly, opened a door and rushed to the window, looking outside.

The ship moved, but it was flying upward.

The hull is detached from the sea of clouds.

He hurriedly ran outside, looked at the golden face, and shouted: "What the! Ohm, we are going to Qinghai, not to go to heaven.

After the golden face, Ohm's forehead sweated, and his middle finger held up his sunglasses: "I can't control it, this seems to be an automatic cruise." The console is completely out of order, it's just a decoration. The

falcon's face was gloomy, I thought it would be easier to go back, but I didn't expect that there was a problem with this thing.

Got into the cabin again.

Running to the battery compartment, a heavy iron door blocked the road, only a gap when it was close to the wall, and the door was embedded in the wall.

The whip pressed the door opening button, but at this moment, the door did not open.

With a gloomy expression, he pressed his palm close to the door, "There is energy constantly entering, that is, there are other people controlling this ship." He

was furious.

Absorb the energy and easily pull the door open.

The huge battery was exposed in front of him, with some special patterns engraved on it, and the three people above looked condescendingly at the three below.

The people above look even more tall and majestic.

He always felt that this picture existed in his memory, but he couldn't remember it.

He reached out and touched the battery, and at this moment, a cold mechanical voice came from above, "Find a threat inside, activate the killing mode." The

ceiling lit up with countless red lights, illuminating the whole person in red in an instant.

The foil lay in the groove, and he was sure that the controller of this ship was definitely not them.

I'm afraid that Anilu is also calculated.

HuhOne after another crimson lasers fell on the body, and the ultra-high temperature caused a wave of heat to rush towards the outer channel.

Those who came did not refuse, and the cane devoured all the energy.

The scourge shouted fiercely: "It's useless! Guys hiding in the shadows, give you a chance, get out of here for me. Otherwise, even if the ship is dismantled, I will tear you to pieces.

This ship is not as precious to me as you think! "

He doesn't like this kind of out-of-control stuff.

If he can't find out, he will become very manic, even if he tears it down.

"Lord Qiu!"

A bolt of lightning penetrated the heat, pushing the air wave to both sides.

Amy also thought that the Lash was in danger, and rushed straight in, the thunder and lightning condensed her body, and the Dragon Teeth grinned fiercely and shouted: "Who dares to hurt Lord Scoundrel, Amy is going to slaughter him!" "

Discover the energy source! Start..." The

sound stopped abruptly.

The whip violently absorbs the energy in the battery when the sound sounds, and the power display on the side wall is directly reduced from ten to three blocks.

At the same time, an opening opened in the ceiling above, and with a bang, a cage snapped down towards the crazy girl

, but it seemed to have lost its energy, disconnected from the pushing device, and fell vertically freely.

The existence hidden in the darkness watched, without a sound.


The iron cage fell, emitting a vibration, and before falling, the mad girl rolled forward with a thunderbolt and rushed out at high speed like a wheel.

The scourge stretched out his hands and wanted to stop the mad girl.

There was a click on the crazy girl who was spinning at high speed, and suddenly changed direction, duangduang~, and his chest was hitting the hands of the falcon.

The face of the fang was full of black lines, and the crazy girl sat on the ground, with a red face, and said coquettishly: "Lord Fang is responsible!" The

scourge turned around indifferently and directly absorbed the energy.

The crazy girl muttered: "It's really ruthless~ But, such an indifferent lord is really handsome!"


There was a rapid mechanical synth sound in the darkness.

"If the Ark Proverbs lose energy, we will fall from a height of 10,000 meters."

The whip smiled disdainfully,

"Threaten me? You don't have to. Compared to falling from a height of 10,000 meters, I hate an unknown thing hiding around me with an ulterior secret. "

He continues to absorb energy.

The mechanical voice sounded again: "Wait, I... I just want to go back. If I go back, I can hand over the technology of the moon to you.

"Who are you?"

The mechanical voice was silent, "My name is... Ann, you can also call me Dasang Yueso.

"Dasang Yutso, that living Buddha?" His eyes narrowed slightly.

What a coincidence, not long ago, I just heard the legend about Dasang Yutso, and a guy who called himself Dasang Yutso came out.


The living Buddha is a figure from thousands of years ago, even the iron has oxidized into slag, and the sound is obviously synthetic.

Dashan Yuetso seemed to understand his thoughts: "People can't survive for thousands of years, but I'm really Dasang Yutso, can't robots have emotions?" He

did not continue to ask the question of identity, he could not distinguish the real from the false, and it was useless to ask.

"And what about your purpose? Just go home?


He chuckled, "Okay, but you have to tell me some things, such as what happened and why you came to Qinghai." "


Some sound of electricity came from the darkness.

"I've forgotten that for too long, my chips were worn out badly. Those storage areas were damaged and I couldn't remember them unless they were repaired.

The whip smiled disdainfully, "Then how do you have feelings?"

"My possession of feelings has nothing to do with storage, not even God can explain it." God...... Who is God? Dasan pondered.

Confused, is this guy really using human feelings, will be confused, can think.

But think about it, it's normal for robots to have feelings.

Even boats can give birth to feelings, and robots can naturally too.

Dasang muttered for a long time, "I can't tell you about the previous situation, I automatically received a stored memory after I woke up, but there was nothing in it that happened a long time ago.

All I knew was that I was going home.

"But your home has long been destroyed."

And, since there are stored memories, why delete those?

Dasang was silent.

The Ark Proverbs trembled violently, and the direction of flight changed depending on the increase in oxygen in the air.

"I determined through the machine that what you said was true, that the home had been destroyed. Perhaps, that's why I didn't store other memories. I used to want to forget. I must not be Dashan Yueso, I am Ann. The voice of the machine sounded.

Suddenly, the voice became cheerful and crisp, "I'm Ann, traveler, where do you want to go?" "


Like schizophrenia, voices are completely different personalities. Dasang's knots were deeper, and Ann was like a newborn child.


The word flashed in Qiao's mind, since you want to act, then accompany you to act

, your eyes narrowed slightly, "Qinghai, Alabastan." "

There is no record in the chart, please operate it yourself."

The sound disappears.

He secretly said in his heart: "It's really decisive, the more you say, the more you are exposed, it's better to be silent." It seems that he really thinks. "

In the end, the energy in the battery is not absorbed.

"Where is the control room?" "

A light flashed on the wall, and the scourge followed the light.

With the last door opening.

Walking into the control room, the whip is full of technology, and there are several huge screens in front of him to see the situation outside.

The console is divided into several areas that require multiple controls.

His gaze looked at the chair at the front, and on top of it, there was a person sitting.

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