Between the ruined ruins.

The church, which is still relatively well preserved, seems to come to life at this moment as the song comes out, reflecting colorful light in the sunlight.

In the church, around the girl who is seriously playing the piano and singing, the music seems to have magic, turning into colorful notes, and like a fluttering butterfly, constantly flashing and jumping around her.

At this moment she is the spirit of music, the god of music.

A song is over.

The girl opened her eyes, revealing the simple, black and white eyes behind her, and the notes around her body disappeared with her eyes and the music.

At this moment, applause erupted in the church.

The applause was crisp and loud, although there was only one person, but in this empty church, it was as if there were many people applauding the girl.

Hearing the applause, the girl lowered her hand and turned to look at the old man who had been standing at the back of the lecture hall, looking at her with a smile on his face, who looked like Frankenstein, with a hideous wound on his head that stretched across his head.

"How's that, Gordon. The

girl asked with a smile at the old man.

"Yes, the piano has a melodious sound, a beautiful singing voice, and the idea is far-reaching enough, it is a good song. The

old man nodded with satisfaction, and looked at the girl with a doting gaze.

Although only he knows that it is the girl in front of him who destroys his country, "music is innocent", and it is the demon king behind the music who is guilty.

Therefore, he did not have the slightest resentment against the girl, after so many years, the little girl has long become his only relative, and even more so his cherished daughter, as well as the heir of the Island of Music Ellegia.

He was sincerely happy and proud of the girl's musical achievements.

"Gordon, this song doesn't have a name yet, what do you want to call it?"

the girl sat down at the piano, reached out and touched her chin, making a contemplative gesture.

"The music you make, you know best what you want. The

old man went down the steps, walked behind the girl, reached out and touched the girl's soft short red and white hair, and said with a smile: "For the name of the music, of course, it is most appropriate for you to choose it yourself!"

"Then 'new era'!"

As if thinking of something, and as if she had already prepared it, the girl raised her head, looked at the old man, and said seriously: "I want to build a new era of peace and happiness through my voice." "

New era?" the

old man nodded thoughtfully.

At this moment, he still doesn't understand that the new era of peace and happiness in the girl's mouth is not at all what he imagined when it really comes in the future.

The girl saw her father-in-law nodding her head, and a cheerful smile appeared on her face.

But behind this smile, there is an unknown deep hatred for pirates, as well as sadness.



The top of Adam the Treasure Tree, in the royal city of the Kingdom of Giants.

Looking at the temple in front of them, which had been built by huge stones that had survived countless years, the eyes of Kuta and Gu Yina showed curiosity.

Robin, who was beside Guina, was obviously excited, and there was a hint of devotion as if he were on a pilgrimage.

In the face of history, Robin never behaves too calmly, which is not the same as her usual calm and intellectual.

In front of the three of them was an old giant with gray hair and a face covered with the ravines of time, but his body was still strong and strong, wearing golden armor and a crown.

The old giant was the one who had a relationship with Sota last night, the king of the Giant Clan, Joy Boi Fabuti.

Fabuti looked up at the temple with a hint of exclamation in his eyes.

Then he took a scepter shaped like a spear and walked upwards step by step.

The things of the Giant Clan are all built according to the body of the Giant Clan, so the stone ladder that is just a ladder for Fabuti is a wall for the three of Kongtai.

But that doesn't bother them.

I saw the three of them facing the wall and continuing to move forward, but everyone's footsteps were stepping on the void, as if there was a void staircase under everyone's feet, welcoming them.


stone door slowly opened from the outside, and a strong ancient atmosphere came to the face, giving people a sense of vicissitudes.

The heaviness of history that flows from behind the giant gate makes people feel a sense of heaviness that emerges from the depths of their hearts.

At this point, Robin could no longer hold back the excitement in his heart, and took the first step to walk through Fabuti's feet into the stone gate.

"Haha!!, this little friend, you're really in a hurry!"

Fabuti glanced at Robin, then smiled at Kuta.

Although his appearance at this time was the same as that of sitting on the throne last night, the momentum was very different.

Last night, Fabuti gave Kongtai the feeling that he was a beast with slightly squinting eyes, and the momentum and majesty exuded from his body gave people a feeling that no one should enter.

But when they saw Fabuti again today, he gave them a feeling of spring breeze.

It was as if he had really become an ordinary old man of the Giant Clan, kind, kind, and always with a smile on his face, instead of the king of the strongest race in the world, the strongest country.

Raising his head, he took a deep look at Fabuti, the corners of Kongtai's mouth went up, and Fabuti smiled.

When she heard that she could watch the history of the Giants, she had been holding back, knowing that Robin was a true historian, and of course she couldn't wait for history.

"I'm still a historian!"

Fabbuti nodded, "no wonder I felt in her the kind of wisdom that only scholars have." "

Okay, let's go in too, don't keep you waiting.

Fabuti chuckled again and strode into the temple.

There was nothing in the temple, it was very empty, and it was clear from the footprints on the ground that no one had been here for a long time.

However, in addition to Robin's footprints, which were apparently Robin's, Kuta also saw the giant's footprints.

Obviously, before they came, there should have been a giant here who came first.

Looking up at another door in the depths of the temple, a gleam flashed in Kutai's eyes.

That's where he can't sense it.

"Elbaf's breath.

At this moment, the red pattern on Kongtai's eyebrows flickered, and the voice of the other side sounded in his head.

"Well, there's a little guy in there. "


" "What's wrong?" asked

Sora strangely.

"Hmm..."The other side thought for a moment, and then said: "It should be the awakening of the giant clan, but it is different from the little guy below" "It's different


"Hmm!" The other side nodded and continued, "Behind this gate is obviously an artificially built awakening place, through some kind of power, forcibly awakened, of course it is a good thing to be able to awaken, but if you can't awaken, then there is only one way to die."

"And the little guy in Mo Luo is different, he is naturally awakened, so that his innate strength and talent are stronger than the little guy behind the door. "

That's it!".

There was a hint of realization in Kongtai's eyes.

I have to say that there is an old man in the family, if there is a treasure, many things that are too incomprehensible to the other side, after having the other side, can be seen through by the other side of the essence, and give him the answer.

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