The sea is so beautiful, but Lake is still so beautiful.

"Ah~ the sea! Thank you for giving me today's encounter, ah~ love! Just laugh at me who can't bear this pain, as long as I can be with you, I am ready to become a pirate or a devil!"

This amazing statement came from their next partner, chef Sanji. When Lake saw this crazy guy, he couldn't help but twitch his mouth.

The expressions on the faces of the remaining partners also showed that Lake had the same idea, but at this time, the voice behind Sanji interrupted his crazy.

"Since it's already done, then you can just go out to sea with them as a pirate. This restaurant doesn't need you anymore!"

"What are you talking about, old man!"

"Anyway, the chefs here don't like you. You might as well go out to sea as a pirate. Get out of this restaurant!"

"I won't refute you, but don't push it too far, old man!"

"You actually treat the boss like this. Who do you think you are... a little brat!"


The two of them were arguing and even wanted to fight, but Zeff was also sensible. He just cleaned up Sanji and left.

Seeing this, Lake stood up and said to his friends: "I have to leave for a while. You guys eat first."

Although the friends were very curious, they didn't say anything. Before leaving, Lake came to Nami and threw a small bag to her and said.

"Pay what you have to pay. Don't let anyone bother you because of a few meals. I'm leaving."

Although Nami was a little confused, she immediately put the bag away when she heard it was money, and then Lake suddenly disappeared.

After a while, Lake appeared outside Zhepu's room. Before Lake could knock on the door, Zhepu's voice came from inside.

"Come in, the door is not locked."

Lake also smiled and then pushed the door open and said, "Excuse me, boss."

Zhepu was not surprised to see Lake, as if they had already talked about it, and said, "The domineering color before was you, kid."

Lake nodded without refutation. Seeing this, Zhepu continued, "Huh~ The kids nowadays are really scary. They have such strength before entering the Grand Line."

Lake responded with a smile, "Compared to a former pirate like you, I am still far behind."

Zhepu also laughed after hearing this and said, "Hahaha~ kid, excessive modesty is pride. I can feel that the power in your body is much more terrifying than that of an old man like me. Tell me, what do you want to find me for?"

Lake did not deny Zhepu's words. After all, even he himself did not know his current strength. Lake went straight to the point and said that he wanted Sanji to be their chef.

Zeff had expected this a long time ago, and after thinking for a moment, he said, "Sanji has too deep feelings for this restaurant now..."

Lake said directly, "I can see this, but I think he feels more guilty about you than this restaurant."

Zeff fell into deep thought again after hearing Lake's words, and then he began to tell Lake the story about Sanji, and finally left a sentence.

"He is still very young and has his own dreams. He should not stay in this restaurant for his whole life. If you can take him away, then go ahead. I agree."

After saying that, Zeff turned and left the room. Lake also got the answer he wanted, and left the room and returned to the restaurant.

Some things happened during the time Lake and Zeff were chatting. First, Sanji came over to show his courtesy, and Nami instinctively wanted to tease Sanji and let him get a free meal.

As a result, she suddenly thought of the bag of gems Lake gave her before, and Nami instantly understood something and did not take the initiative to cater to Sanji.

Silently eating his food, with a slightly rosy smile on his face, he muttered: "Really... do you know me so well, annoying guy~"

Although Nami no longer paid attention to Sanji, Sanji was not affected at all and continued to stick to Nami, but soon this atmosphere was interrupted.

A man with a headscarf and a exhausted face walked in. As soon as he came in, he looked very arrogant, but he spoke weakly.

It seemed that he had been hungry for a long time, and the identity of this person was also recognized by the people eating around him, the captain of the Pirate Fleet of the Creek Pirates, the demon Akin.

However, Akin, who looked weak now, had no power to resist the chef of the sea restaurant. He was beaten and thrown out of the stern.

After being beaten, Jin, who was already weak, became even weaker. He almost had no strength to get up, but soon his savior appeared.

Sanji appeared with a plate of seafood fried rice. Jin burst into tears after eating this meal and was very grateful to Sanji.

Luffy happened to see this scene. At this moment, Luffy had made up his mind to make Sanji their chef.

Sanji naturally refused. After that, the conversation between the two was almost always Sanji refusing, but Luffy refused Sanji refusing him, just like that.

It was not until Jin interrupted and asked about Luffy's purpose that the topic began to change when they talked about the Grand Line. He only heard the words "Grand Line".

The fear on Jin's face appeared without concealment, and his whole body began to tremble. At this time, another voice joined them.

"You're so scared after just a little setback. You're not a competent pirate at all."

Looking in the direction of the voice, it turned out to be Lake, who was eating the dessert that Nami had just taken from the table and talking.

Luffy saw Lake and immediately said happily: "Lake, you're back. This is my new partner, a good cook!"

Completely ignoring Sanji's shouting rejection, Lake looked at this scene and smiled helplessly. At this time, Ajin spoke.

"Are you also his partner? Then your goal is also the Grand Line. I sincerely advise you..."

Lake ate all the food in one bite, and even stopped Ajin from talking, and changed the subject.

"You were saved by him, right? I just heard someone talking about your identity. Since you said you encountered a shipwreck on the Grand Line, you must not be the only one who is hungry."

Akin understood what Lake meant when he heard what he said, and immediately said, "Betraying your benefactor! I'm not that kind of person! Please rest assured."

Lake nodded and responded, "I hope so. After all, we don't want to meddle in other people's business. Let's go, Luffy."

Luffy heard Lake calling him and said unhappily, "But the chef hasn't joined yet."

Lake directly dragged Luffy away and said, "Don't worry, the owner of this store has agreed to let Sanji go with us, he can't run away."

Luffy was immediately happy again when he heard it: "Great! Lake, you are so smart, now we have a chef!"

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