The two of them went out to sea for three days, but they didn't encounter any big waves that would swallow their boat.

Naturally, there was no plot of a bucket at the beginning, but Lake still miscalculated one thing, that is, Luffy's appetite.

In addition to the gems and the treasure map, the remaining space in his space ring was almost all used to store food, almost all of which were fruits and bread.

At that time, Lake thought that even if Luffy had an amazing appetite, he should be able to last for ten days or half a month, but he didn't expect that the food in the space ring had run out in just three days.

Now the two are still drifting on the sea, without a goal, without a navigator, and without a direction, and they will soon run out of food. Thinking of this, Lake's face gradually darkened.

Luffy still looked heartless and lay on the bow, weakly saying: "When can we see the island~ It's so boring~"

Lake resisted the urge to beat Luffy and said: "If we don't find an island again, we will probably starve to death on the sea."

Luffy jumped up and shouted: "What! Lake, there is no food in your incredible ring!"

Lake finally couldn't help it, jumped up and punched Luffy's head and then shouted: "It's all because of you! You starve until you find the island!"

Luffy covered his head and shouted without remorse: "Ah! No! I can't live without food... Speaking of which, Lake, I'm hungry..."

Lake took out the last food from the space ring without watching, and Luffy immediately turned into a foodie. The speed made Lake's mouth twitch no matter how many times he saw it.

He silently took a piece of bread and sat aside to think about what to do next, and suddenly...


A loud noise came from not far away. Lake and Luffy looked in that direction at the same time, and saw a dark shell moving rapidly towards them.

Seeing this, Luffy, with his mouth full of food, mumbled: "Rubber... rubber..."

Lake shook his head helplessly and stood up. Facing the shell that was about to hit him, he said calmly: "That's the feeling, right..."

The next scene made Luffy open his mouth in surprise, because the shell was directly bounced out after touching Lake's body.

That's right, it bounced out. Luffy was very familiar with that look. He immediately came to Lake and shouted excitedly.

"Lake! Are you also a rubber man? How did you do it just now? I wanted to use a rubber balloon to bounce the cannonball away!"

Faced with Luffy's question, Lake looked at Luffy and explained: "This is all the power of my eyes. It can copy all the moves."

After hearing Lake's explanation, Luffy noticed Lake's eyes. At this time, Lake's pupils had turned into a red hexagram, which looked very special.

Just as Lake and Luffy were talking and laughing here, the two buddies who had just fired the cannonballs on the other side were now dumbfounded.

They used a telescope to clearly see the scene just now. The two turned their heads and looked at each other with cold sweat and said at the same time: "Monster!!!"

After Lake said a few words to Luffy, he also looked at the location where the cannonball was fired and confirmed that it was a pirate ship.

The bow is in the shape of a swan. The whole pirate ship is mainly pink. There are heart-shaped patterns printed everywhere on the pirate flag. Even the swan on the bow has peach hearts in its eyes.

Lake, the pirate ship in this image, had already guessed the identity of the other party, so he said directly to Luffy: "Since the other party took the initiative to attack us, it should not be too much for us to take some food from them."

When Luffy heard about food, he immediately nodded and said: "Yes, yes! Go full speed towards that ugly ship!"

The two who had just fired saw the other party coming towards them, and hurriedly ran to the deck shouting.

"Miss Alrita! It's bad! Monster! A monster is coming!"

Coincidentally, when the two rushed to the deck, they just interrupted Alrita who was training Coby, and the fat woman was very unhappy.

Without listening to the two people's explanation, a mace sent the two people into the sea, which led to the fact that Lake and Luffy had already touched the other party's food storage room and no one knew it.

Lake staggered and selected a wide variety of fruits and some dried meats and put them into the space ring. There was no way they could only eat before there was a chef.

There are these.

Luffy once again turned into a foodie. Although he had just eaten up all the remaining food in Lake's space ring, for Luffy, food is energy, and he consumes energy just by breathing.

Lake was already used to it. Just when the two were busy with their own things, a pink-haired dwarf opened the door and appeared in front of them.

After the three looked at each other for a moment, Coby was the first to be unable to bear it and immediately curled up and shouted in fear: "Don't kill me! I didn't see anything! Please!"

Luffy mercilessly laughed at the timid Coby, while Lake slowly looked at the pink-haired dwarf, according to Lake's memory of his previous life.

He didn't have a good impression of this "deserter king", so Lake didn't take the initiative to talk to him, and still concentrated on doing his own things.

Luffy on the side was not at all thoughtful and directly got rid of their situation in full, and Lake didn't care much about it.

Their conversation was interrupted until the wooden board above their heads suddenly cracked and an unsightly fat woman appeared.

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