The weather was very cold, but the weather was very good.

On the Merry, Lake put a thick coat on Nami and said, "The weather is getting cold, don't stay outside for so long."

Nami smiled and leaned on Lake's arms and said, "It's okay, I just came out to confirm."

The two of them are now just one layer away from breaking the window paper, and their relationship is very good. After staying for a while, Nami went back to take care of Vivi.

Lake jumped to the top of the watchtower. Since Vivi fell ill, the watchtower has been occupied by Usopp all day, and the sniper has the best vision.

It is convenient to find the surrounding islands, so Usopp has lost some weight in the past few days. The dark circles and bloodshot eyes show that this guy has not been lazy at all.

Lake was also very relieved to see this and said: "The weather is getting colder, which means we may be near the Winter Island. Just pay attention to the sea surface. There may be fog in the distance. Don't let yourself get sick."

After hearing this, Usopp nodded and responded: "Don't worry, Lake. I am Captain Usopp who commands 80 million subordinates! This is nothing."

Lake smiled and patted his shoulder and said: "I believe you."

After saying that, Lake left. Usopp immediately began to be serious again, constantly observing the surrounding sea surface, so much so that he forgot that the weather was getting cold.

Back in the cabin, Luffy and Kalu were talking with their heads on the side of Vivi's bed.

"Vivi~ You've been lying down for several days, it's time to get up~"

"Gah! Gah~"

"Sanji said, when you get up we'll have a party, all meat!"

"Gah gah gah!"

"Vivi, aren't you hungry? Sanji's patient meals are really delicious, but I see you don't eat much every time, is it not to your taste?"

"Gah gah! Gah gah gah~"


Lake stepped forward helplessly and pulled the two guys aside and said, "Okay, if you have nothing to do, go help Usopp keep watch and observe the situation on the sea, don't bother Vivi here."

Luffy heard what Lake said and immediately rushed out with Kalu, but Luffy came back as soon as he went out, and shouted that he was cold, then put on thick clothes and rushed out again.

Lake looked at Vivi on the bed and sighed, saying, "What I said to you before is in vain. I know you are anxious, but you have to distinguish the severity! You are still hiding the situation. If I had known, I would have checked you in person! You will know how powerful I am!"

Lake thought Vivi was asleep, so he just talked to himself, but he didn't expect that Vivi on the bed opened her eyes as soon as he finished speaking, and smiled reluctantly.

"If Nami heard these words, she would definitely punish you..."

Lake also scratched his head in embarrassment, but who is he? He is thicker than iron, so he continued directly.

"Then I have to say it too. Don't think that I dare not punish you because you are a princess. The prince is guilty of the same crime as the common people, and the princess will be spanked if she is disobedient!"

Vivi looked a little shy, closed her eyes and didn't look at Lake. After a while, he heard her even breathing, and Lake knew that Vivi should be asleep.

So he started to sit on a stool nearby and picked up a book to read quietly. Because Vivi was sick during this period, Lake had developed a habit for himself.

That is reading. Lake started to read various medical books from the day Vivi fell ill. He even prepared medicine twice in the middle, but both ended in failure.

The first time Lake tried the medicine himself, he almost died on the spot. Fortunately, Sanji was there and prepared vomiting food to keep Lake alive.

The second time Lake secretly asked Kalu to try the medicine, but Kalu exploded on the spot, turned green and began to transform. Lake kicked it into the sea before it grew bigger.

When it was fished out, Kalu was fine, which made Lake temporarily give up the idea of ​​preparing medicine, although it felt unreliable.

But Lake's serious study and desire to help Vivi were seen by his companions, so no one disturbed him and they were all doing what they could.

Another night passed, and Lake studied and researched for 24 hours without sleep, because today was the fourth day.

Lake is still unsure whether Vivi has the same virus as Nami in the original plot. If so, it is really dangerous now.

Caschia, also known as the "5-day disease", is caused by being stung by a poisonous tick called "Caschia" that lives in the hot jungle.

The bacteria will enter the wound and lurk for 5 days. The patient will first appear

A high fever of more than 40 degrees, which then caused symptoms such as myocarditis, arteritis, and encephalitis, was so painful that he died five days later.

Although everything was still going according to the original plot, Lake could not guarantee when he could find the magnetic drum island, and he did not dare to gamble with Vivi's life.

So after more than 30 hours of torture, the violent Lake successfully prepared the third potion, and this time Lake had tasted it in advance.

There were no side effects or effects, but it was a little bitter. Good medicine tastes bitter but is good for the disease. Lake believed that he would definitely succeed this time.

So with the witness of his companions, Lake fed Vivi the potion he prepared. After a while, it can be seen that Vivi's face looked much less painful.

The temperature also dropped a little, which was a good sign. Everyone was cheering, but only Lake was still frowning. After all, he was now a little successful in studying medicine.

He knew that the potion he prepared could only have a short-term inhibitory effect and could not really cure it, so it was not time to rest yet.

Seeing Lake turning around and preparing to immerse himself in research, Nami also considerately tidied up his messy clothes and hair, and then stood on tiptoe.

She lightly touched Lake's lips and said with concern: "Don't be too tired."

Lake was stunned for a moment, and his heart warmed when he saw Nami's caring look. He nodded and returned to his room to continue researching.

Not long after returning, Lake suddenly heard Luffy's voice outside.

"Look! There's a man standing on the sea! That man looks so strange!"

Hearing Luffy's words, Lake flew out like a flash, and then immediately asked where Luffy was. It was the first time that Luffy saw Lake so excited.

Pointing in that direction and about to say something, Lake suddenly disappeared. After a while, his companions came out to ask about the situation, and suddenly.


There was an inexplicable loud noise from the bottom of the sea, as if something exploded. A moment later, a huge ship that was destroyed and could no longer see its original image floated up.

Lake was right there, holding a fat man in his hand.

"I'll say it one last time, the permanent pointer of Drum Island."

"You devil! Who are you? You just want a pointer! I'll give it to you!"

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