Suddenly, Lake appeared out of thin air and sat next to Chopper, although Chopper was startled. But when he saw Lake, he remembered how Lake treated him before, and soon he was no longer afraid, but looked at Lake quietly. At this time, Lake said, "I heard about you from Dr. Kuleha, Chopper. Your life was very difficult before." Chopper didn't know why he wanted to cry when he heard Lake's words, so he lowered his head as if he was going to hide, and nodded his little head. Lake continued to say, "Do you know why I wasn't surprised when I first saw you?"

When Chopper heard Lake's words, he immediately looked up at him with a puzzled look. Lake continued to explain, "Because there are a lot of guys like you in this sea."

Chopper asked in confusion, "Are they all reindeer that can talk?"

Lake was amused, and smiled and touched Chopper's head and said, "Devil Fruit, you became like this just because you ate a devil fruit, and you have always had a blue nose, I think this is a characteristic that belongs only to you."

Chopper looked at his little hoof and repeated, "My...characteristic..."

After a moment of silence, Lake said directly, "Hey~ Chopper, join us, become a pirate, how about going on an adventure on the sea together?"

Because of the previous preparations, Lake's invitation did not scare Chopper away, but looked into Lake's eyes and considered it seriously.

However, it can be seen that he still has lingering fears, and repeatedly tells Lake that he is a monster, a talking reindeer, and has a blue nose.

But in the end, Lake said that these are not problems at all. The key lies in whether Chopper is willing to do so. Don't care about other people's views and live for yourself.

This is what Lake said to Chopper. Chopper, who had not communicated with humans much before, was shaken after being baptized by Lake's words.

At this time, Luffy also found them. After seeing Lake, Luffy also smiled, and then shouted directly to Chopper.

"Hey! Reindeer! Be my partner!"

Compared with Lake's kind words, Luffy, a guy with charisma, has a very big direct invitation effect. This sudden tenderness.

Little Chopper couldn't hold it back and cried. In the past, except for Dr. Kuleha, only Dr. Hiruluk would look at him like this, but the pirates who came today were the same.

They were not like those people who were afraid when they saw him, and they showed disgust and told him to die. Instead, they chatted with him gently and wanted him to join.

Finally, with Luffy's help, Chopper was finally moved and agreed to join Lake and the others. This was the first time Lake took the initiative to intervene in his partner's affairs.

Because Walpo had been killed by Lake in advance, he would not have brought people to make trouble, and Luffy would not have desperately protected the flag.

So if Lake did nothing and let it continue, it is very likely that Chopper would not have boarded the ship with them. There is still a great need for a doctor on the ship now.

This scene was also seen by Sanji. He silently lit a cigarette and said with a smile: "It seems that I have to find another supplement for Vivi-chan."

Dr. Kureha was also aware of everything that happened outside. He smiled and said to himself: "Stupid son..."

Because Vivi still needs to rest for a while, they decided to leave later, at least to have a meal first, and Sanji had a good meal.

Chopper also frankly told Dr. Kuleha that he wanted to go to sea with them. This time, Dr. Kuleha did not act to drive Chopper away.

Instead, he talked to Chopper seriously and asked Chopper to be himself and become an excellent man. Chopper also said goodbye to Dr. Kuleha in tears.

At night, Lake and the others waited outside with Vivi, who was still a little weak but had basically recovered. Soon Chopper came out with his blue backpack.

Dr. Kuleha was in the castle and had no intention of coming out. Chopper was a little disappointed to see this, but since he had said goodbye properly.

It was time to go. After that, Chopper asked everyone to sit on the sled, and then he turned into a normal reindeer and pulled them away from the iron rope.

After returning to the village to pick up the remaining companions, everyone headed towards Mei together.

The Li set off, and just as it arrived at the Merry, suddenly.

Bang! Bang! Bang...

The sound of cannons resounded throughout the Drum Kingdom, and the dark night sky was suddenly covered with a touch of pink, and the white snow in the sky turned pink.

The castle they left seemed to have turned into a huge cherry tree at this time. Chopper looked at this scene and couldn't stop crying.

He shouted in that direction, as if he was saying his last goodbye. Lake was very moved by this scene, because it was so beautiful.

In the end, everyone left the Drum Kingdom with such a special farewell. Dr. Kuleha on the top of the castle looked at the fluttering cherry blossom pirate flag and said with a smile.

"Dr. Hiluluk, you, a quack doctor, can be relieved. The disease of the Drum Kingdom has been cured, and Chopper has grown up."

Dalton, who was next to Dr. Kuleha, looked at the distant Merry and didn't know what he was thinking. At this time, someone suddenly shouted while running.

"Mr. Dalton! Oh no! I forgot one thing, look at this."

After Dalton took it, he found that it was a bounty order for Straw Hat Boy Luffy, and then the man continued: "A few days ago, a man with freckles on his face gave it to me. He said that if the person on the bounty order comes, tell him that he will wait for him in Alabasta for three days."

After hearing this, Dalton silently put away the bounty order and said: "They have already set off, there is nothing we can do. I believe that if they are really important people, they will meet again."

Back on the Merry, Lake was seriously introducing Chopper to everyone. Everyone was surprised to hear that Chopper was a reindeer who ate the human-human fruit.

But then Lake said that Chopper was a very good doctor, and he also studied the blue ball himself, which allowed him to perform seven different transformations.

This also made everyone admire Chopper very much, and all kinds of praises also made Chopper shyly twist his body and refute with a happy face.

"Asshole~ Even if you guys praise me like this~ I won't be happy at all~"

Afterwards, in order to celebrate Chopper's joining, the Merry soon became lively. Chopper, who was attending the party for the first time, was quickly led astray by Luffy and Usopp, but he looked like he was having a lot of fun.

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