The two of them were in a state of panic, and the two sides were in a state of panic.

Under Lao Sha's control, the huge sand scorpion stabbed Luffy with its tail stinger on its back, and Luffy's dark arm of armed color burned with flames to meet it.

After the two attacks collided, a loud bang broke through the sky, and a large amount of smoke blocked them. After a moment, the wind blew away the smoke.

Luffy was bleeding all over, but he still stood in the same place, holding his hat with one hand, while Lao Sha had fallen in a pool of blood.

However, looking at the heavy breathing, the person was still alive and conscious, but he was completely unable to move.

Lao Sha looked at the sky and obviously knew the fate he was about to face. Before Luffy left, he coughed up a mouthful of blood and said.

"Straw Hat Boy, is your target also Pluto..."

Luffy said in a bad tone: "What Pluto? I said I'm here to help Vivi defeat you!"

Crocodile suddenly laughed: "Hahaha! Ahem... Pirates actually want to be heroes... It's ridiculous..."

Luffy ignored this guy and turned away. In the desolate desert, only Crocodile was left lying in a pool of blood.

Back to Lake, when he arrived at the capital, he actually happened to catch up with the scene of Luffy beating Crocodile, but he didn't do anything.

It was originally meant for Luffy, and he had something important to do here. After Luffy took Crocodile to fight outside, Lake showed up with Robin.

After Lake's explanation as the middleman, and the fact that they were also benefactors of this country, Vivi's father agreed to Lake's request.

He took Lake and Robin to the secret base of Alabasta, where the historical text that Robin had always wanted to know was placed.

And here really tells the information about Pluto that Lao Sha dreamed of, but unfortunately he will never know it in this life, but this result makes Robin very disappointed.

Because this is not what she wants, what she wants to pursue is the real history, that is, what happened in the blank hundred years, and the truth of this world.

Looking at the disappointed Robin, Lake stepped forward to comfort her: "What's so sad about this, this thing is not a rare thing, you will encounter it in the future, you will find what you want, believe me."

Robin looked at Lake on the side and suddenly smiled and said: "What does it have to do with me if I find it in the future, I didn't say I want to join you~"

Lake was full of black lines, Robin was still the black-bellied Robin, Lake decided to play the trick and said nonchalantly: "It's up to you, it's a pity that the few places with historical texts I know seem to be useless~"

Robin was stunned when she heard Lake's words. She was about to say something, but when she thought of what she had just said, the cold and royal sister broke her defense again.

After a snort, he turned and left, saying as he walked: "I'll go back to your ship and wait for you... You... You keep your word!"

Lake smiled and responded: "Don't worry, I always keep my word!"

Robin did not respond to Lake and left directly. Lake also thanked Vivi's father and helped evacuate the people in the capital.

After a while, the companions arrived one after another. None of them had any injuries. It seemed that the battle was quite easy, and the navy was also late.

The navy this time was also an old acquaintance. Lake didn't go with everyone before, so he didn't know, but he knew it when he saw that it was Dashiqi who led the team.

After the navy came, they immediately caught the people from Baroque Studio who were defeated by their companions. After a while, Luffy finally returned to the team, but he looked a little miserable.

Chopper was so scared that he called for doctors everywhere and forgot that he was the doctor. After that, Chopper bandaged Luffy. Lake saw Luffy coming back and went directly to find the navy.

Soon he appeared in a smoker's office. Smoker was also frightened by Lake's sudden appearance, and he wanted to attack without saying anything.

Lake helplessly taught Smoker a lesson again, turned into smoke in the same way, and then held him down with Smoker's weapon and said.

"It's been a while since we last met, and your temper is still so bad. If you want to fight me, at least you should practice your Armament Haki, brother Smoker."

Although Smoker was very angry now, he had no strength in his body. The top of his weapon was made of seastone, and this would happen to people with special abilities.

Seeing that Smoker was not going to continue the attack, Lake stopped pressing him and found a stool to sit on casually, as if he was at home.

After Smoker got up from the ground, he looked

Seeing Lake's look, he clenched his fist and gritted his teeth and said, "What are you doing here? Don't think I'm afraid of you just because you're stronger than me."

Lake smiled and said, "No way, brother Smoker, this time we helped your navy to solve a Shichibukai who was preparing to steal the country~ It's fine if you don't thank me, but you still have this attitude."

Although Smoker and his team were a step slower, they had almost all the intelligence, and he naturally knew Crocodile's plan.

But in the end, they were all solved by the Straw Hat Pirates, which made him very unhappy. Their people could only come to clean up, so Smoker didn't show up before.

"Tell me, what are you going to do." Smoker said to Lake after his emotions stabilized.

"Two things. Crocodile has been defeated by Luffy. You should be able to find him by walking west of the capital. I suggest you go there quickly. Second, I have helped you so much. It's not too much to ask for a reward."

"Reward? You, a pirate, come to me to ask for a reward? Are you kidding me!"

"Don't get excited. I'm not asking for money directly. Do you have a treasure map or something like that? Or do you know the location of any treasure?"

"Treasure map? Treasure? You are actually interested in these. According to my information, the Straw Hat Pirates are a very wealthy pirate group."

"Who would dislike having too much money?" "I'll ask for you, now get out of here!"

"Well, don't be so irritable. If you want to become stronger, you must first have a good attitude~"

"Go to hell, Lake!"

"Slip away! Bye~ Remember my reward!"


Smoker looked at the cigar on the table, smashed the table with an angry punch and said to himself: "What does this guy think of me! Where is Dashiqi, call her back immediately!"

Lake's work was done, and when he returned to the Royal Castle, Luffy had been wrapped up like a mummy by Chopper, and kept eating the mountain of food in front of him.

Lake was not surprised by this, and he hurried to Nami's side to stick to her. Now their relationship is not the same as before.

Nami did not push Lake away, but took the initiative to stick to him, asking Lake about his situation with concern. The two held hands and chatted, which made Sanji on the side grit his teeth.

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