The situation was very complicated.

Without using the Divine Vision, if compared with the navy, it is only at the level of a vice admiral, of course not like Garp, because any other admiral can handle the same situation more easily.

However, Lake's previous handling method was the limit of his strength, so it was confirmed that Lake's own strength was still a little bit behind this admiral.

After the crisis was over, the companions were sitting and lying on the deck. Lake remembered that he had not noticed Robin's situation just now, and turned his head to see.

He found that Robin was taking some fragments to piece together a skull, and this scene was also seen by Usopp and Chopper. The two were so scared that they hid behind the pillar, but Chopper hid the other way again.

Nami suddenly cried out, "Oh no! The record pointer is broken! It's always pointing to the sky."

After hearing Nami's words, Robin put down the skull in his hand, looked at the record pointer on Nami's wrist and said, "No, the record pointer can't be broken. There is only one reason for this, that is, the magnetic force is attracted by the next island, which is Sky Island."

"Sky Island?!"

All the companions shouted in unison, and Lake was very calm. Then Robin explained the rumors about Sky Island because she herself had never been there.

The island in the sky sounds incredible, but there is only one iron rule for sailing on the sea, that is, no matter how strange the phenomenon is, you only need to believe in one thing, that is, the record pointer.

So Nami, the navigator, should not think of the broken record pointer first, but should think of a way to go to Sky Island.

After saying that, Robin continued to fight the skull, and Nami looked at the injured record pointer with a distressed look. Seeing this, Lake also stepped forward and hugged her and said.

"Don't worry, there will always be a way. If there is really no way, I will take the Merry to fly up."

Nami turned her head and looked at Lake and said unhappily: "You just tease me."

Looking at the sweet look of the two, Sanji said that he felt uncomfortable all over, so he went to watch Robin put the skull together, while Luffy and Usopp went to explore the large pieces of ship wreckage floating on the sea.

It didn't take long for Robin to put the skull together as it was originally, and then analyzed various information from the skull, and even said what the person's name was.

Lake also exclaimed. After Robin's analysis, this ship was an expedition team from the South China Sea two hundred years ago, and Robin even found confirmed information from the book.

When the boat was discussing business, Luffy and Usopp started to make trouble. The two fell into the sea, and Usopp pulled Luffy and couldn't swim at all.

The cries for help from the two interrupted the conversation on the boat. Nami had already clenched her fists and was waiting to beat them. Lake no longer needed to turn himself into the wind.

With a wave of his hand, the fruit power was activated, and Luffy and Usopp were dragged up by a cyclone and returned to the ship.

Luffy, who had just been rescued, had no other emotions at all. He excitedly took out a map he had just found, because it said Sky Piea.

It means Sky Island, which means that Sky Island does exist. The excited Luffy and Usopp and Chopper immediately started dancing and cheering.

Nami was also a little surprised when she looked at the map. Her first reaction was to say that it might be fake, because there are indeed many fake maps.

But seeing Luffy and the others excited, Nami held back and didn't say anything, not wanting to hit them. Then Nami naturally handed the map to Lake.

Lake put it into the space ring. This is already normal. In Lake's current space ring, in addition to various gems and treasures, the rest are Nami's things.

Various clothes, daily necessities and some messy things. The two are almost inseparable, so this is mainly for convenience, and it is also convenient to change clothes and play at night.

Now that everything is done, it's time for them to set off. They followed the pointer before, but now the pointer is pointing to the sky, so they can't go there for the time being.

They still need to collect intelligence, so at this time they can only explore around and find out if there is any place nearby where they can get some intelligence.

Just as they were thinking about this, they heard some strange sounds, like shouting slogans.

"Salvage well! Salvage well..."

Accompanied by an ugly slogan, a banana and monkey decorated boat, this guy called himself the salvage king, saying that they were all here

The territory of the Ape Pirates.

That's right, this guy is an ape. Lake just feels that in this world, he won't find anything strange. There is even a reindeer on their ship.

Soon their ship met the Merry. This guy is also the type who doesn't need to be praised. After a nonsensical conversation with Luffy, he decided to let Luffy and his friends see his strength as a salvage king.

Then they started salvaging. It must be said that it was quite spectacular. In the end, it was actually this ape who blew up and floated the salvaged ship.

To be honest, this is a bit unbelievable. This guy must have an amazing lung capacity to do this, but it turns out that he can do it, but there was an accident at the last moment.

A huge and outrageous turtle-shaped monster suddenly appeared and swallowed the sunken ship in one bite. The size of the monster is deeply rooted in people's hearts.

Lake feels that he will never forget it in his life. This feeling of witnessing it with his own eyes is really shocking, but because the sunken ship is also connected to the ape's equipment.

So their ship also began to be dragged by the sea beast. Normal people's logic would definitely be to quickly cut the connecting rope, but it was obvious that they were not normal people.

This group of idiots actually wanted to snatch the sunken ship back from the mouth of the super giant turtle. Thinking that they would need their help to go to the Sky Island later, Lake sighed helplessly and said.

"I'll go help those idiots, you keep an eye on the ship."

After saying that, Lake turned into the wind and disappeared. The companions on the ship stared at each other in confusion. Help those idiots? Doesn't that mean they have to take action against the super giant monster!

Lake reviewed all the moves he had mastered now. The naming magic performed by his own strength would definitely not work. At least the world's ceiling combat power could pry open that guy's mouth.

And the world's top power that Lake mastered in his panel was only Hawkeye's black knife, but unfortunately it was only a weakened version of the black knife, which still did not meet the requirements. It seemed that Lake could only do that.

Soon Lake came to the ape's ship and said, "I'll help you, but I want to share some of the treasures on the sunken ship. Do you have any objection?"

The ape instinctively refused when he heard about sharing the treasures, but when he saw the confident man and the giant turtle in front of him, he gritted his teeth and agreed.

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