The old man was very happy.

"The island in the south is so warm~ the pineapple is delicious, the head is hot~ stupid white idiot..." is from Luffy's singing.

At this time, it was the night of defeating Enel. Originally, the Shandians and Gan Ful were still preparing to continue fighting for the holy land, that is, the territory of Arpayard.

But after Luffy rang the golden bell, neither side had the intention to continue fighting. In the end, the two sides reached a settlement and cleaned up the mess of Arpayard together.

Under Nami's command, Lake once again expanded his small treasury to a very wealthy level. Nami wanted to take it away, but Lake couldn't take it away.

After all the companions gathered, Luffy took the lead and a huge banquet with all the people of Sky Island began, which led to Luffy's singing session.

However, this song almost drained Lake's brain stem. Lake didn't hate this lively atmosphere, but he wouldn't join in like Luffy and Usopp.

Usually he would watch the fun quietly with his favorite desserts. Who would have thought that these guys were so energetic and stayed up all night for four consecutive days.

Lake began to doubt his life, but fortunately, these guys finally stopped on the fourth day, and Lake was also going to get down to business.

Everyone fell asleep, and Lake came to the Merry alone. As expected, he heard the sound of a hammer hitting a wooden board and walked onto the deck.

A child wearing a raincoat and whose face could not be seen was repairing the Merry bit by bit with a hammer, and Lake's appearance did not affect him at all.

It was not until he finished the work in his hands that Lake said, "This is the first time we meet, Mary."

"Well, I can feel that you have been working hard to protect me all the time. Thank you, Lake." Mary's words almost broke Lake's defense.

Because Lake remembered Mary's ending in the original plot, combined with Mary's words just now, Lake's tears were already rolling in his eyes, and he quickly changed the subject.

"Merry, are you willing to go on an adventure with us?"

"I don't understand. I've always been with you."

"No, I mean to use another form, step on the beach with your feet, feel the temperature with your hands, and become a normal person."

"Lake, I have witnessed all the adventures of everyone along the way. I know you are a very magical person, but I am a ship spirit and can't be a normal person."

"Let me ask in another way. If you have the strength, will it affect you if something happens to the Merry?"

"Well... I don't know..."

"Then I will give you this opportunity to choose for yourself. Take this."

As he spoke, Lake reached out and handed Merry a blue transparent crystal. It looked very beautiful. Merry instinctively prepared to refuse because she was a spirit and couldn't touch anything.

But in a hurry, Merry caught the crystal. She didn't expect that she could actually touch this thing. The first time she had such a feeling, Merry was deeply involved.

Feeling the crystal in his hand silent for a long time, Lake stood quietly by the side without disturbing her. Looking at the patched Merry, Lake felt uncomfortable.

Along the way, he tried his best to prevent Merry from being hurt. The limit of Merry was from the East China Sea to the New World. This was the limitation of the ship itself.

After a while, Merry said, "I want to try it. If possible, I also want to go on an adventure with my friends."

After hearing Merry's answer, Lake smiled and said, "You won't regret it, Merry, because there are too many beautiful things and interesting adventures in the real world, and you can experience them in person in the future."

Merry was full of longing and yearning when she heard Lake's words. Then the crystal flashed a dazzling light, and Merry's body was wrapped in a burst of white light.

After a while, the white light dissipated, and Merry's originally blue and transparent body began to change. His hands and feet showed the color of skin, and his body turned into a blue raincoat.

Finally, the white light faded away, and Mary stood on the deck of the Mary in a daze. She looked at her hands and her body began to tremble with excitement.

Suddenly, Mary opened her hat and looked at Lake with excitement. Lake also looked at Mary carefully at this time, and suddenly Lake took a breath.


Merry looked a little bit foul, with a white apple face, big eyes with beautiful eyebrows, and eyes that seemed to hide the Milky Way.

Deeply trapped in it.

It can only be said that everyone who sees it will be filled with paternal and maternal love. Mary suddenly threw herself into Lake's arms excitedly. Lake hurriedly caught her and thought to himself.

"Sorry, Chopper, the team's favorite may have to be replaced in the future."

After calming Mary's emotions a little, Lake put her down, because there was still something important to ask, the first of which was the question Lake mentioned before.

Now Mary has materialized her own feelings and can answer Lake. Although Mary has calmed down a lot, her little face is still red, and people want to pinch it when they see it.

"I can feel that the Merry and I have become two completely independent entities. Even if the Merry cannot continue to sail, it will not affect me.

And I can also use the magic of the ship spirit to fight. This is what I thought of after my body was materialized. I never thought that the magic of the ship spirit could be used to fight.

Also, I can store the Merry in the space of the ship spirit at any time. This is also the ability of the ship spirit, but it can only store ships, not other people's ships, because storage requires a connection with the ship.

Also, and..."

Merry said a lot of things in one breath, and she was still talking even when she was out of breath. Lake interrupted her and said.

"Okay, okay, let's talk about these later. There is plenty of time. I believe everyone wants to see you very much. I will take you there."

As he said that, he put Merry on his shoulders. Hearing that she was going to meet her friends, Merry was also very excited at this time, and the joy on her face never stopped.

Because he was with Merry, Lake did not use his ability, but walked slowly with Merry along the way, just like a father taking his daughter shopping.

At this time, Meili was like a curious baby. Everything around her was new to her. She looked at this and touched that.

Lake was watching from the side. His expression had unconsciously turned into that of a kind old father. Just like that, the two of them, one big and one small, staggered towards the location of their companions.

Lake had sensed before that Luffy was going to run away early, so he woke up his companions, but how could this group of guys be so quiet.

Waking up inexplicably turned into a quarrel and fight. Everyone who was sleeping around was woken up, but Luffy and his companions were still fighting without knowing it.

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