Amazon Lily has arrived.

The disappearance of the bubbles in the bear's paw is proof of this. There is no way the bear will have any problems.

Since the bubbles have fallen down and hit the ground, it means that Wang Chen's journey has reached its end.

However, at this time, Wang Chen didn't care about this at all.

As if it was a good time, when he fell from the sky, his body began to feel wrong.

Fatigue began to surge.

Then, there was a deep sense of emptiness from deep in his bones.

When he fell to the ground, his injuries began to flare up.

However, what really made him scream in pain was not the injuries he had suffered, but……

"What did Ivankov inject into my body? Why was it that before the adrenaline injection, I just felt tired, but now that the effect of the adrenaline has worn off, I am in so much pain!!!" The piercing pain made Wang Chen grit his teeth.

He finally took out the [Sekkisei] and applied it to the wound on his body, and the bleeding stopped. However, the pain in his body did not disappear.

Just when he was about to curse because of the severe pain, suddenly, a sound of footsteps came.

"Come again"

"What’s going on? Why are there so many people falling from the sky and landing on our Amazon Lily these days?"

"Hurry, hurry, catch the invading enemy. We in the Nine Snakes do not allow outsiders to enter, especially men... Of course, except for the prince!"

As they said this, a special operations team from the Nine Snakes Kingdom soon appeared at the scene.

Drawing their bows and strings, the girls were ready.

They approached carefully and were about to shout"Don't move, put your hands up", but they heard Margaret, who was leading the way, suddenly exclaimed:

""Your Highness!""

Your Highness?"

Wang Chen, who had been grinning

, was stunned. When he looked up, he saw Margaret leading a group of female warriors from the Nine Snake Kingdom at the edge of the bear paw pit. They were wearing cool clothes and looking at him in surprise.

Wang Chen was stunned, then smiled at them:"Hello, how are you?"

""Your Highness!"

A bunch of little girls rushed over immediately.

They surrounded him, looked him up and down, and chattered.

"Your Highness, you are back!"

"Your Highness, you are finally back. Lady Snake has missed you so much!"

"Your Highness, where have you been? Why do you look so embarrassed?"

"Your Royal Highness……"

""Okay, okay, don't ask any more questions. Help me up first." Wang Chen said with a grin.

Immediately, a group of girls noticed something was wrong.

""What, what happened, Your Highness, are you hurt?!"

The girls looked panicked.

Margaret, on the other hand, had a serious face. She stepped forward and helped Wang Chen up,"Your Highness, be careful."

Wang Chen still felt pain at this time.

He clearly felt that there was nothing wrong with his body, but damn, it hurt.

However, he was not a coward.

The pain at first was because it was sudden and he was not used to it.

Now, after getting used to the pain a little, he felt that it was not unbearable.

With a few muffled groans, he pursed his lips and gritted his teeth. No matter how much pain he swallowed, he shook his head at Margaret and others, squeezed out a forced smile, and said,"No, it's okay. It's mainly because I had a big battle with that guy Kizaru. Now, I'm a little tired.……"

Before he could finish his words, his head tilted and he fainted.

"Your Highness!!!"

Margaret and the others were in a mess.


Wang Chen had a dream.

In the dream, he seemed to be fighting with someone. He was unarmed, without a knife, just fist against fist, leg against leg.

One moment he beat Kizaru, the next moment he beat Akainu, the next moment it was Aokiji, and finally, Marco, Joz, Vista, Whitebeard, even Big Mom and Kaido showed up.

A group of people beat him up.

One punched him, the other kicked him.

One kicked him in the belly button, the other hit him in the eye socket.

And as soon as one finished beating, another would come up.

The fight was like a landslide, the earth cracked, and the sky and the earth went dark.

Wang Chen couldn't remember how many punches or kicks he had received, but he was beaten all the time, and he felt pain all over his body

"Damn it, Akainu and Kizaru are fine, but why did you guys hit me, Marco and Jozu!"

"And Whitebeard Daddy... I just don't want to call you 'Dad', so why do you want to punch me? I'll go back, don't think I'm afraid of you because you're Whitebeard. If you hit me again, I'll fight back!"

"Auntie, get out of here and eat your sweets!"

"Damn Kaido, I didn't go to Wano Country to find you, but you dared to show up in front of me first! You took my punch first... Ouch!"

"It hurts, it hurts... Fuck (a kind of plant), are you reasonable or not? So many people beat up a young man like me, do you have any shame? Do you have any martial ethics or not?"

"Aaaahhh... Stop hitting me, stop hitting me, brothers and sisters, uncles and aunts, please don't be so cruel, if you keep hitting me, I'll make people stupid!"


The dream was very real.

So real that when Wang Chen woke up, his face was still distorted, and at the same time, he was grinning.

"Where is this……"

His eyes looked hazy.

It was as if he hadn't woken up yet, or as if he had been knocked out in a dream.

"Chen, are you awake?!"

A voice sounded.

The next second, a figure rushed over and cried.

"Great, great, I thought something happened to you.……"


Wang Chen came back to his senses a little.

The main reason was that the touch at this moment was different from that in his dream.

In his dream, he was beaten all the time and in pain all the time.

However, at this moment, his body not only did not hurt, but also felt a little fragrant and soft.……

"Hmm... Hancock?"

The brain that had been shutting down finally started to work.

Looking at the guy who was hugging him and trying hard to get into his body, Wang Chen narrowed his eyes and immediately jumped up:

"Oh my god!

He really jumped up.

Maybe he was not fully awake, or maybe he was hit in the dream and had a problem with his head. In any case, he had no time to switch between hell mode and heaven mode. He made a subconscious movement and threw Hancock out.

Yes, he threw her out.

He seemed to be really frightened. He didn't go crazy, but he really threw Hancock, who was holding him in his arms, out.……


At this time, they were in the main hall of the Nine Snakes Palace.

In the main hall, in addition to Hancock and Wang Chen, Granny Zha, the two Boa sisters, and several core figures in the country, the warrior commanders, were all there.

Seeing Wang Chen talking in his sleep, gritting his teeth, and even mumbling and cursing incoherently in his coma, everyone felt distressed and prayed for their own prince there with worry.

Then, Wang Chen woke up.

The moment they saw Wang Chen wake up, everyone was so happy that they cried.

However, before they could say anything happy, they saw their own queen pounce on him.

This... should be a good thing, right?

After all, the prince woke up, and he was the husband of Lady Snake Princess. It was normal for Lady Snake Princess to lose her composure when she was worried, right?

Just as everyone was thinking this in their hearts, they saw that the prince, who seemed to have just woken up, threw their Lady Snake Princess out as if throwing away a hot potato.

At this moment, everyone was petrified.

Dear... Your Highness, what are you doing?!

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