“A call for help has been sent, and it should arrive soon.” The chief guard said uncertainly.

The closest to here is the G-83 naval branch, but not long ago, the G-83 branch was attacked, so it couldn’t send too many people, so Sengoku let nearby Saoris go.

According to the requirements of the world government, there will be a naval presence near each member country to protect the member country.

Seeing that the navy did not know when it would come, Valando XIII could not help but be anxious, he was afraid that those pariahs would break through the gates of the palace.

“Father, kill these untouchables, it just so happens that I have been practicing guns these days, and it is too enjoyable to practice with those slaves, these untouchables are just right.” A bear child next to him, probably only in his teens, said with a pistol.

“This… Then kill them, just to warn others. Valando XIII only hesitated, and then agreed with a fierce face.


Snap! Snap!

Fierce gunfire rang out through the Palace of the Kingdom of West Valando.

Screams, scolding, and screams mingled.

However, although the palace guards killed a large number of civilians, they aroused the anger of the civilians even more.

They are still trying to storm the palace!

At this time, Saoris came to the kingdom of Sivarando, and what caught his eyes was that the kingdom guards were slaughtering civilians.

This scene made Saoris frown, he was ready to stop the massacre first, and then find out what was going on!

At this moment, the long-lost task prompt appeared.

[Stimulate random tasks that water can carry boats and capsize boats.] King of West Valando, Valando XIII was greedy, wantonly looted the wealth of the people, robbed the civilians under his rule for a long time to dig mines, and tens of thousands of civilians died in the mines, which finally aroused the resistance of the civilians. 【Help

Valando XIII quell the rebellion, reward physique plus 1 star, kendo ability +1 star, fruit ability +1 star! 【Help

the civilians of Sivarando get justice so that they can live and reward the Corrupted Seed +1.] The

system gave him two choices!

If he chooses the first item, I am afraid that his strength will directly reach S level from S-!

Pity…… Saoris was not destined to live for some upper class.

Here, Saoris did not find the figure of the revolutionary army, and this riot should be the outbreak after the civilians of Sivarando could not bear it.


Saoris came to the walls of the palace of Sivarando.

“Stop me!” Saoris burst out.

The sudden appearance of the sound startled the guards on the walls of the palace, and when they saw Saoris dressed in a navy attire, they couldn’t help but stop.

Only one little fat man shoots all the time.

“I said… Stop, didn’t you hear? Saoris said darkly.

“Your Highness, stop!” A guard advised.

Upon hearing this, the little fat man said disdainfully: “You say stop, stop, your navy has to listen to us, I want you to kill all those untouchables, just like killing pigs, kill one and I will reward you with 100,000 Bailey.” Saying

that, the little fat man fired another shot, leaving a blood hole in a civilian below.

“What an infuriating person, bear child… Most damn it! ”


Looking at this high-toed, high-flying bear child, Saoris couldn’t bear to kick him down, and fell into the pile of dead people below.


And the civilians below were also stunned when they saw the falling bear child.

“Yes… It’s the little prince! “Someone recognized the bear child.

These civilians slowly approached the bear child.

“Ah, don’t come here, save me!” The bear child pointed a gun at the civilians who surrounded him and shouted.

“You… You dare to harm our little prince? The chief guard of the Sivarando palace pointed at Saoris in anger.

Bang! Click

, Saoris kicked again, and the huge force directly kicked the waist of this chief guard.

This frightened the guards on the city wall, and the organic guards quietly ran into the palace to find their king.

“Look at the dead companions below, they are executioners, murderers, they don’t deserve to be your leaders, what are you waiting for? Do you think they’ll let you go? Saoris looked at the civilians who gathered around the bear children, but did not dare to make a move, and said calmly.

This situation is that the royal majesty accumulated over the years makes these commoners a little afraid.

Following Saoris’s words, they looked at their companions who were lying in a pool of blood around them, and someone instantly became excited and kicked the bear child down.

Then everyone scrambled to move, and then the bear child screamed.

“Ahhh… Don’t, it hurts, Father, save me!

And at this moment, Valando XIII hurriedly walked over with the Grand Prince.

“What are you doing? You dare to murder the noble royal family, I must report your crimes to the world government and to the five old stars. “As soon as Valando XIII came up, he threatened Saoris with the world government and the five old stars.

This trick, when he negotiated with other navies, tried it a lot.

When Valando XIII came to the city wall, he saw his young son screaming below, and a pair of small eyes glared viciously at Saoris and said:

“Navy, now go and kill all those untouchables and save my son, otherwise I will definitely make you pay.”

“What price are you going to make me?” Saoris asked calmly.

Everything must be about right and wrong, and Valando XIII lavished the commoners in order to contribute heavenly gold, while his own treasury did not move. As a result, ordinary civilians cannot survive.

Wrong, just in the royal family of Valando, if you do it wrong, you naturally have to pay a price, and no one can be an exception.

“I’ll call your Marshal of the Warring States now.” Valando XIII said and pulled out a pink phone worm.

“Navy, let’s each take a step back, my brother, you don’t need to save, you just need to kill those pariahs and help our royal family of Valando survive the calamity, other things can be regarded as if they did not happen, you must know that your navy should serve us, and we give gold from heaven every year.” The eldest son of Valando XIII on the side, the middle yellow hair, also said at this time.

For him, it is better if his brother dies, and no one competes with him for the throne, but these daring pariahs must be cleaned up.

Listening to the other party’s whimsical words, Saoris was dumbfounded.

“You are sinners, the kingdom of Sivarando does not belong to you, but to all the people of Sivarando, you are only administrators, and now you are no longer worthy of this position.”

Saoris said, “bang” two feet, kicking Valando XIII and his son down.

Subsequently, along with the light of the sword, all the palace guards died under the sword of Saoris.

Not only that, but other royals hiding in the palace, Saoris did not let go.

But although the king was dealt with, the headache was still ahead!

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