A loud crash resounded in the sea, and the birds on the sea were frightened and scattered.

The flying Dutchman slammed into the Big-mom IX like a mad bull.

"Damn bastards! Dare to take the initiative to attack us! Baron

jumped up from the ship and waited for him to react.

The hull of the Big-Mom IX has been split in two by a broken ship that looks like a tomahawk, and the bow and stern are separated.

In less than a minute, it sank into the sea along with the supplies inside.

Seeing this, Baron Eggman stepped on his straight long legs, stepped on the scattered wooden boards like a dragonfly with water, and easily shuttled to BIG-MOM No. 10 two hundred meters away.

As a fruit ability, he is very taboo about seawater, and once he really falls into the sea, then his egg is really finished.

After falling to ship number ten, Baron Eggman's eyes narrowed slightly, staring at the broken ship that collided with ship nine, but was surprised to find it.

A large number of wooden blocks were scattered from the tattered bow, and it was unbelievable that the wooden blocks, which looked like they were about to fall into the sea, began to magically float and return to their original positions.

Boat...... Repaired automatically?

"Is this the legendary ghost ship... Rumor has it that the ghosts will hunt the living and curse them to become ship slaves..."

At this time.

On board the Flying Dutchman.

"Good fellow, this ship is really strong enough, and there is no damage in such a big collision."

Lofan must give the flying Dutchman a five-star review, it is simply resistant!

If it's not good, he will have to spray the system with a word of Zhnyima and return the money!

As for why he chose to bump into, or because this gang yelled at him, there is a saying that the more you call me, the more excited you are!

However, when he came back to his senses, the ghost ship that had originally stopped because of the collision.

At this time, it began to sway with the wind, and gradually made a crunching sound.

"I'll go! Won't it, start moving again?

Luo Fan felt a headache, and finally made the ship stop, but now it began to move again.

Moreover, the flying Dutchman was very terrifying, like a giant beast struggling to get out of trouble, and instantly gained enough strength and rushed forward again.


The people of the Big-mom 11 boat, which was less than three hundred meters ahead, were smashed to pieces by the flying Dutchman before they could react.

Another treasure ship sinks!


Seeing the materials of the second ship crashing into the sea, Baron Eggman panicked for a while, this is the material to supply his mother.


A yellow phone bug hidden at his wrist suddenly rang.

"Well? Was it Brother Peros Pero calling? After

connecting the phone, a urging voice came from inside.

"Hey, Baron Eggman, are you back now? What about the expropriation? "

At this time.

Far away on the cake island of all nations.

Perospero spat out his long tongue and was sitting in the cake palace, contacting the fleet leaders who went to various possessions to collect supplies.

When asked about the supplies, Baron Eggman looked at the materials scattered everywhere on his face, and his body was half cold.

Their ship No. 9, the one that holds the most supplies, has now been sunk by a strange broken ship.

Worried that his mother would kill her, Baron Eggman could only say truthfully: "We were attacked by the ghost ship on the way back, and the materials on the ninth and tenth treasure ships have all sunk..."

As soon as these words came out, Perospero frowned, his face full of displeasure and anger: "What do you say!" Don't you know that Mom's birthday is coming up? If supplies can't be delivered back in time, you know how serious the consequences are!

In order to prove that he was not lying, Baron Eggman took out a telephone bug camera from his arms that was specially responsible for taking pictures and showed the scene in front of him to Perospero.

In the next moment, Peros Pero, after receiving the photo, was suddenly shocked: "I have to tell my mother about this immediately."

"No matter, it's better to be killed by the ghost of the ghost ship than to be deprived of your soul by your mother."

In contrast, the eggman baron is more afraid of his angry mother.

So, he jumped high on one foot, and his light figure cut an arc in the air, and then landed firmly on the bow of the flying Dutchman.

At this time, Luo Fan, who was standing at the helm, glanced up at the comer.

With a good memory, some information came to my mind.

Eggman Baron, a combatant of the BIG MOM Pirates, an animal line and egg fruit ability, with a bounty of 429 million Bailey!

When Baron Eggman saw clearly the person standing at the helm, he was a very handsome young man, with his right hand resting on his crutches, in a posture that could fight at any time.

"It's actually a person! But how come I've never seen this face on a poster? "

Baron Eggman is very cautious, after all, in this new world full of strong people, there are all kinds of people, from seven old and eighty to childish, they may be a strong person who does not show mountain dew.

Can a guy who dares to drive a broken ship to actively attack the Four Emperors Pirate Group be simple?

Maybe it's another newcomer with a little strength, hot-headed and dares to challenge the Four Emperors.

"Boy, why are you attacking our fleet?" Baron Eggman asked tentatively.

To this, Luo Fan responded lightly: "You are blocking my way."

"In that case, then take your life to compensate!"

His face quickly sank, and the figure of the Eggman Baron flashed, and he came to Luo Fan's body at a speed no less than a shaving, and then centered on his upper body, his feet quickly rotated and kicked, and he kicked Luo Fan's face violently.

"Benedity legs!"

Seeing this, Luo Fan's eyes sank, and he grabbed his left hand without hurry, and even if he pinched Baron's legs, he couldn't move the slightest.

"What a lot of strength! Sure enough, it's not an ordinary newcomer. The

egg-and-egg baron was about to kick and get out, but he didn't expect that in the next second, Luo Fan grabbed his leg with a slight smile and slammed a full moon.


A crisp sound sounded, and I saw that the eggman baron was smashed heavily on the floor, cracked lines on his body, and some egg white flowed out of it.

Apparently, the egg is broken!

"Hmph!" Baron Eggman looked at the broken body, his face did not have the slightest panic, but instead showed a triumphant expression.

I saw that in the next second, his broken body actually hatched a chicken.

This is directly into the second form, Viscount Chick!

"Has it evolved?"

Luo Fan's eyes flashed, looking at the egg-egg baron whose appearance had changed dramatically, stretched out a pair of chicken wings, and took out two small knives.

"Stop first, briefly introduce yourself, my name is Baron Eggman, I am a member of the Big-mom Pirates, I came to collect the materials here on behalf of my mother, and I happened to have some misunderstandings with you, I think we can have a good chat."

Baron Eggman did not dare to underestimate Luo Fan at this time, and the other party defeated his ordinary form with just one blow, indicating that the opponent's strength was far above him.

Therefore, as a last resort, he still chose to talk to the other party.

After hearing this, Luo Fan paused: "What do you want to talk about?" Seeing

that there was no movement, Baron Eggman knew that sure enough, Big-mom's prestige was still very heavy in the new world.

So, he continued: "Maybe you don't know, our mother is a sea thief on this sea, and everyone calls her the Four Emperors. She doesn't have a good temper, and I'm afraid I'll be angry if you know that you crashed her ship, but if you are willing to give this ship to us, we can not blame it.

"Back then, people from one country robbed us of our things, and my mother killed the whole country, which only dissipated the anger."

After all, this ghost ship is very weird, not only has extremely fast speed, but also can repair itself!

If you can bring this ship back to your mother, not only can you make up for the two sunken supplies, maybe you can also invite a good job.

Moreover, he has already photographed the appearance of this ship to Brother Perospero, and it is absolutely impossible for this ship to leave this sea area safely without accident, after all, this is the jurisdiction of all nations.

"Oh? Is it?

After hearing this, Luo Fan smiled indifferently, and with a snap of his right fist, a layer of ink-black armed domineering entwined purple thunder and lightning covered the surface of the skin.

Seeing this, the eggman baron suddenly felt bad, his breathing stopped abruptly, and he trembled: "You dare..."


A domineering aura was released through the air, rushing towards the Eggman Baron like a sharp sword, followed by a sound that swept back and forth.

"Lao Tzu did the Four Emperors!"

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