Pirate Kingship

Chapter 1: Towing the keel and walking on the plank


Unspeakable pain!

Byron felt as if an iron spike had pierced his chest, cold and weak, as if something precious was rapidly slipping away from the hole.

So that every nerve was twitching violently, wailing and screaming under the heavy load.

But he himself could not wake up at all, and was trapped in a long dream.

And in that dream, there were two of him, and two completely different lives.

The first one was born in an orphanage, trapped in reality but with a dream of traveling around the world.

Unfortunately, he had just worked for a few years, and before he could save enough money for the trip, he suddenly suffered from a rare disease - ALS!

Starting from the upper limbs, he lost all his body functions little by little. In just a few years, he could not move, speak, swallow, or even breathe independently.

Until the body turned into a cage to imprison the soul, he died alone, helpless and desperate.

Although the other self lost his mother at birth, he had a strict and kind father and a large and harmonious family.

An uncle who was troubled by intermittent mental illness but was wise and kind most of the time;

A beautiful and gentle aunt who treated him like her own son;

A cousin who often took him hunting, practicing swordsmanship, riding, and sailing; A childhood sweetheart who chased chickens and dogs together all day long;

There were also many united and friendly family members; loyal vassals, vassals, and guardian knights.

What was annoying was that the two lives in this dream were like thick frosted glass, blurry from the beginning.

It was like seeing flowers in the fog, so Byron could not recall any details no matter what.

He only vaguely remembered that he seemed to have suffered a heavy blow in a huge accident not long ago.

The huge "memory palace" that constituted the personality in his mind was missing a crucial piece out of thin air, and fell into a chain collapse.

The accidental exposure of his first life, which had been the foundation, helped him barely hold up the "palace" from falling, but also completely fell into chaos.

He was now like a boat that had lost its [anchor], drifting in the torrent of broken memories, at a loss.

In addition to deep-rooted instincts and common sense, even self-awareness was about to blur.

I don't know how long it took, but Byron's mind was left with only one most memorable picture:

On a stormy night.

Under his feet was a towering ship with a blue dragon [figurehead] on the bow, as big as a mountain.

The father of this life said something to him anxiously, but he could only see his mouth opening and closing, and could not hear any sound at all.

Then the cold and deep sea water completely submerged everything.

Byron subconsciously felt that this might be the key to the incident.

But the more he tried to hold on, the faster these memories disappeared.

"Who am I? What happened on that stormy night? Where did the rest of the family go?"

At this moment.


A large basin of cold sea water splashed on his face, waking him up suddenly from his nightmare.

But he didn't notice that the moment he opened his eyes, a tiny light flashed in his right eye, which was as blue as the sea.

Slowly raising his head, Byron was shocked to find that he was tied up with ropes with a group of "drowned chickens" who were soaking wet.

Lying on the deck of a wooden sailing ship in a very embarrassing posture!

Several ragged and fierce-looking sailors were standing in front of him.

The leader was a burly man with a height of two meters, a sailor's scimitar and a flintlock pistol hanging on his waist, and a cold and bloody smell all over his body.

He took a big gulp of rum from a bottle and said impatiently:

"Don't lie on the deck and pretend to be dead, you pigs.

The captain's babies don't like to eat motionless corpses. Get up and don't cause us trouble."

Hearing this, Byron, who was hiding in the crowd, felt a sinking heart and glanced around obscurely.

The traces of knives, axes and bullets on the half-man-high bulwarks were very fresh, and the golden bronze cannons on the open deck were particularly thick with the smell of gunpowder.

The gaps in the deck were left with dirty blood that had not been wiped clean.

As far as the eye could see, ragged but strong sailors were busy re-tying broken sails, repairing the damaged hull after the naval battle, or rescuing the wounded.

And on the top of the mast of this sailboat, there was a pirate flag with a black background and a white skull riding a shark!

There was no doubt that this was a pirate ship that had just experienced a tragic bloody battle.

No more than one nautical mile from the stern, in the hazy milky white fog, a shabby merchant ship that had been ravaged by artillery fire was burning and sinking into the sea.

It seemed that after launching a stubborn counterattack against the pirate ship, it still could not escape the fate of being robbed and massacred.

The bloody flag hanging high on the mast of the pirate ship also proved this.

It was a sign of bloodbath of enemy ships without leaving a single one alive!

In theory, in order to deter those merchant ships that dared to resist them, this bloody execution would be resolutely carried out by the pirates, with almost no exceptions!

Combined with the words of the pirate leader, Byron's heart suddenly jumped, and he realized that something was wrong.

"I became a prisoner of a group of pirates? What pets will I be fed to?"

Most of the merchant sailors around him who survived the looting were old sea dogs who had been on the sea for many years, and their sense of crisis was more acute than his.

It also became clearer how ferocious and violent this pirate gang named [Man-eating Shark], which was active in the North Sea, was.

Regardless of the bloody wounds on their bodies, they all knelt down and begged for mercy:

"Mr. Bone Broken, it was the captain who ordered the resistance. We have all surrendered. Please, don't kill us!"

"Spare me! I am the gunner of the Pelican and a technical crew member. I am willing to join the Man-Eater Shark!"


The leader of the pirates, who was also the first mate of the pirate ship, "Bonebreaker" Miles, was not moved at all.

He took another big sip of rum snatched from the merchant ship and showed a cold and scary smile:

“It’s really unfortunate.

Except for the cook on your ship who is said to have served the nobles, he stabbed your captain in the back and got a chance to prove his worth.

No one else is qualified to bask in the kindness of Captain [Blood Eyes].

Stop talking nonsense, those little things should be waiting impatiently, let’s send them down! "

After saying that and waving his hands, a group of ferocious pirates immediately stepped forward and dragged the prisoners who were about to wet their pants from the deck.

Sentenced to death mercilessly by the pirates, many sailors suddenly suffered a nervous breakdown.

"You maggots on the sea, and that despicable traitor will not end well!"

"I pray to the legendary ghost ship to take away my soul. The undead on the sea will one day take revenge on the living!

God will not forgive you! "


Some yelled, some cursed, and some took the time to pray to God.

The old sailor walking beside Byron had his teeth chattering:

"O Almighty Creator! We should not obey the captain's order and go to sea at this time.

What does the war for the throne of the Kingdom of Hattings have to do with little sailors like us?

Even if Red Rose's Lancaster family is defeated, our Pelican Chamber of Commerce will only be their vassal.

With your powerful protection, the White Rose York family that has successfully ascended to power will definitely not do anything to us."

Byron, who had been confused about the situation, finally pieced together the whole story from the emotional catharsis of these sailors before they died.

This ordinary maritime robbery took place in the North Sea off the coast of the Old Continent.

In the nearby island country of the Kingdom of Hetings, two major families with red and white roses as their coat of arms have been fighting a throne war for thirty years.

Some time ago, these two great nobles with the right to inherit the throne once again brought their respective vassals to fight with blood on land and sea.

In the middle of the night five days ago, a rare strong storm suddenly hit the battlefield of the naval battle between the two sides - the Dover Strait at the southernmost tip of the North Sea.

The battle for the throne between White Rose and Red Rose was thus completely decided.

All the male members of the Red Rose Lancaster family, which originally occupied the throne of Hattings, disappeared in the storm!

Even the first-class ship [Blue Dragon King] on which the previous king Henry VI was aboard sank in the sea.

The nobles and merchants who were originally attached to Lancaster were worried that they would be liquidated by the new king and kept fleeing.

Some fled to other countries on the continent along the North Sea, while others simply went to overseas colonies that were in full swing.

The merchant ship Pelican had set out from Hattings two days earlier, carrying part of the family fortune of Lord Crawford, a Lancastrian.

The destination is the colonial Bantaan Islands in the south.

However, he unexpectedly encountered the "Man-Eating Shark" here, and was suddenly robbed by this group of brutal pirates, and his escape journey came to an abrupt end.

Byron himself was a "wrecked man" fished out of the sea when the Pelican passed by the outer waters of the Strait of Dover, the original battlefield.

No one knew his identity, including the captain, who had perished with the ship.

At this moment, I became a prisoner of pirates together with the crew of the Pelican.

"Red and White Rose, Blue Dragon King, Lancaster"

Listening to this information, Byron's eyes gradually became distracted.

The chaotic and wandering memories in my mind seemed to be anchored by these few words.

Faces, either clear or blurred, gradually appeared in front of his eyes.

Especially among the intertwining of blood and fire, a blazing red rose emblem is particularly eye-catching.

Warmth, admiration, love, regret...all kinds of intense emotions surged up, making his heart throb.


In his ears, a shrill scream suddenly shook his eardrums.

Byron shook his body and came back to his senses.

He suddenly looked up and saw that the bloody execution on the pirate ship had begun!

On the forecastle of the pirate ship, a group of burly and fierce pirates were working together to drag a strong long rope from the starboard side to the port side.

A bare-chested sailor was also dragged from the bottom of the water through the keel covered with sharp parasitic barnacles, and then was violently pulled out of the water from the other side.

The whole process was like being cut into pieces by a thousand cuts, with countless bloody and bone-deep horrific wounds all over his body.

The sailor just screamed, and before he could take a breath, he was dragged from the water to the other side.

After going back and forth two or three times, the body was in tatters and out of shape, and even the water near the bow of the ship was filled with a thick blood color.

This is one of the most terrifying punishments for sailors at sea - dragging the keel!

What's even more horrifying is that, as if summoned by the smell of blood, a large number of black shark fins like blades suddenly rose from the sea!

They drew white lines on the sea and swarmed in the blink of an eye.

Obviously, this is the pet raised by the captain of the "Man-eating Shark" mentioned by the first mate Miles.

At the same time, a long wooden board stretched out from the side of the ship.

A group of pirates wielding scimitars drove several merchant sailors with their hands and feet tied up, and moved to the end of the board little by little.

They did not forget to cut bloody wounds on them.

Whether praying or cursing, the sailors finally stepped on the air and fell into the surging waves with screams.

After a bloody scramble, they all disappeared on the sea.

Seeing their companions buried in the shark's mouth one after another, despair spread among the remaining sailors.

This kind of helplessness of waiting for their own execution is simply crazy.

The experienced old sea dogs have realized that this group of pirates is not simply executing them, but holding an extremely cruel blood sacrifice ceremony!

"Compared to that rubber boy who is just playing house, this is the true face of pirates!"

Standing at the end of the sailors, Byron, who also looked ugly, subconsciously said something that made others, even himself, a little confused.

He was pushed roughly onto the narrow gangplank by the pirates.

Just a few feet away from his feet, there were surging blood-colored waves and dozens of bloody mouths with sharp teeth!

Smelling the pungent smell of blood, Byron's scalp numbed.

If nothing unexpected happens, he is afraid that he will never have the chance to regain his memory and discover the lost truth.

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