Pirate Kingship

Chapter 100: Homecoming, Uninvited Guests

In mid-November, strong winds and high sea conditions frequently occurred in the North Sea, and it was no longer seaworthy.

Except for the naval cruisers and privateer pirates who were anxious to escape some time ago, they risked their lives to venture into the offshore area.

Any pirate ship below the fourth-level ship that dared to sail at this time was tantamount to putting half of its life under the scythe of the god of death.

However, there are exceptions to everything.

On this day, a three-masted sailing ship with a black-bottomed blood cross flag of the Kingdom of Hettings quietly appeared on the turbulent sea.

Even riding the biting wind from the back, it split the waves and flew like an arrow at a speed that other pirate ships of the same era could not match.

Even if the iconic pirate flag was not hung.

But the unique flat deck design and horizontal and vertical sails can make colleagues who have seen it recognize it at a glance.

This is the [Golden Deer] that bid farewell to the Bay Princess Violet and set out on a new journey.

[World's Fastest Three-Masted Ship] Title Effect:

"You can increase the speed by an additional 20% on the basis of the normal speed of the design, and reduce the impact of bad weather such as big waves, strong winds, and heavy rain on it by 20% (Chapter 61)."

Big waves for others, but only medium waves for it.

At this time, the North Sea may have been a restricted area for other small ships, but it is the back garden where [Golden Deer] can come and go freely.

"The wind direction has changed, and the course is corrected by one compass point to the east, and the windward side is adjusted."

"As ordered, the sailor adjusts the windward side."

Byron personally holds the steering wheel and drives his beloved sailboat, like a knight "riding" the north wind.

Challenging the wind and waves that others dare not challenge is in line with the path and professional motto of [Storm Knight], and the spirituality in the body is growing every moment.

Although the increase is extremely small, it is a long-term process, and it has gone straight from 4.2 to the first-order limit of 5 points.

If others can be like him, experience those thrilling events and survive successfully, they can also make rapid progress by "surviving the last one standing".



Amidst the loud shouts, you can see that on the deck, in addition to the sailors who perform their duties, there is also a group of elite pirates of the Marine Corps, who are lined up in a neat queue and practice [Fisher Sword Technique] diligently.

In the biting cold wind, although they all took off their shirts, their strong chests were bare, and their heads were still steaming and almost formed white mist.

The knife in their hands was sharp, like white waves, and the piercing murderous aura was colder than the north wind.

During this period, Byron was not idle in Anchor Bay.

Taking advantage of the vacuum period when many captains died and the pirate ship capsized, he supplemented the sailors on his ship to the full complement of 100 people.

The Marine Corps, which accounts for half of the total personnel, has finally taken shape.

Moreover, Byron repeatedly confirmed that there were no spies planted by any other forces, and the initial loyalty was all above the passing line.

[Echoes of History] Reading a person's history is not to read his thoughts directly, but to give a quantitative evaluation based on what he has done.

It can also be called: judging by deeds rather than heart.

The quantified data is not static.

For example, if you secretly cursed the captain, or turned a blind eye to something that harmed the captain's interests, etc., it will be reflected in the numerical value.

There is no such thing as a compulsory lock of loyalty.

In addition, although there are still no extraordinary people among these pirates, most of them are talents that can be cultivated and have the possibility of spiritual awakening.

Byron looked at them and nodded with satisfaction:

"In addition to myself, there are [Guardian Knight] Iron Wall Bruch and [Phantom Blade] Gus on the ship, who will not disappear suddenly only if he anchors to me.

With these two extraordinary people who will never betray me to escort me, we will form a core team with the highest military force.

No matter how many new crew members come, no matter how rebellious their personalities are, they can't make any waves.

Moreover, the transmutation blood refined by the third-level judge is indeed extraordinary.

Just by adding an extra drop to the original [Angel's Kiss], the honest man Eight Fingers, the native gunner Wyandotte, and the carpenter Little Hans have achieved spiritual breakthroughs one after another.

The next thing to do is to help them complete the promotion ceremony."

After the war, Byron used the taboo knowledge he mastered to continue "snowballing".

Transform the gains in Anchor Bay into real power.

Kill the enemy, brew blood wine, strengthen the group's strength, and then hunt stronger enemies in turn to brew higher quality blood wine.

The strength of the [Golden Deer] suddenly ushered in a period of rapid explosion.

Becoming a transcendent requires three prerequisites: spiritual sublimation, prerequisite knowledge, and inauguration ceremony.

But these three guys took three different career paths, one [Wanmin Berserker], one [Artillery Expert], and one [Craftsman].

The ritual media required are different.

The simplest one for Eight Fingers is to use a [Pirate Ten Commandments] and a Wanmin battle axe that has killed at least ten people as a medium.

Wyandotte needs a book of his own artillery notes, which condenses all his insights from studying artillery and reflects his own experience and insights.

The craftsman, Little Hans, needs to personally make a "micro-creation" that is different from his predecessors and more useful.

Or make a contribution to a newly invented thing and complete the mission it carries with this thing.

"The good news is that the [Golden Deer], as a pirate ship, can fully satisfy the promotion ceremony for all of them.

Then we just need to complete an overwhelming robbery.

Let the honest man Eight Fingers come up with a hearty five-man kill; Wyandot hit the enemy ship with three shells in a row, and the discontinuity needs to be recalculated;

Little Hans doesn't have to do anything. When others are working, he just needs to stay on the ship and make sure he is not killed.

As long as the Golden Deer can successfully make a profit and play the role of a pirate ship, he can be promoted at any time.

Next, there should be no chance to hold a ceremony in the mainland of Hastings, and we can only find another opportunity on the way to the Bantaan Islands when we form a team."

Byron took out a letter from his pocket.

It was the reply with the seal of the Admiralty after he applied for a privateering license in the name of [Executioner] Bill.

It required all privateers and quasi-privateers that have not yet obtained privateering licenses to converge at Felixstowe, the port closest to the capital Kingston.

Then, they will join the navy warships, kingdom merchant ships, colony ships, and nobles who will take office in the territories to form a joint fleet to go to the Bantaan Islands.

And by then, the Navy will also determine an indefinite number of pirate generals and grant them the right to form a personal privateer fleet.

With the prestige of [Executioner] Bill in the Red Beard Fleet and privateers, there is a great hope for him to win the status of a pirate general.

"Change sides with the wind!"

The Golden Deer went south all the way. After several changes of sides with the wind, it soon passed the Markel Fraga Lighthouse in the northernmost part of the Channel Islands and completely entered the offshore waters of the Kingdom of Hastings.

They also hung the flag sent by the Navy with the letter on the bowsprit.

As long as there is this flag, the pirate ships going to meet up will not be attacked by any navy, whether they are wanted or not, and they are qualified to enter the capital circle with a swagger.

Of course, it also means that your ship is the mobile territory of Hastings, and the [Law Masters] have the power of life and death!

Dogs must be put on leashes. The York family is not a philanthropist, and they are afraid that they will be attacked by these lawless guys.

Unfortunately, the criminal group [Golden Deer] led by the lawless maniacs is a wolf with a black heart.

Arriving here, close to the land, the wind and waves have finally subsided a lot, and other merchant ships engaged in short-distance transportation between ports on the island can be gradually seen.

Continuing to move forward, it was almost noon and gradually approached a landmark prosperous port in the north of the Channel Islands.

Even if the speed is always maintained at 13 knots, it will take a whole day to reach the capital from here.

However, Byron suddenly ordered:

"Stop the ship, brake the sailboat!"

Pulling the turning rigging, all the sails maintained wind balance, allowing the [Golden Deer] to stop quietly on the sparkling sea.

Byron walked to the bulwark wearing a cashmere cloak, quietly looking at the scenery on the shore, with a distant gaze.

In his eyes as blue as the sea, the port city in front of him and the mountains behind him were reflected, and he was reluctant to move away.

In the nostalgia, he muttered to himself with memories:

"The Gelt Highlands are full of mountains and forests, with endless forests, and low green grass and mosses that gently undulate.

In summer, the sun always likes to stay for a long time at the moment of sunrise and sunset, with the most beautiful sunrise and sunset in the world.

In winter, the day becomes a short moment that only connects dawn and dusk, and it cannot be retained no matter how hard you try."

Bruch also walked to his side silently, also a little absent-minded.

Because the land on the shore is not anywhere else, it is the Prince of Sorenburg!

It is also the place where Byron and Bruch grew up together.

Although their family has lived in the capital most of the time in recent years, even the busy Prince of Sorenburg will return to his territory every summer.

There are towering castles, bouncing ponies, and lush green pastures that can't be seen at the end.

But things have changed, and my uncle, father, and cousin Edward who often came here to play are all gone.

There is only one last relative left here!

And the childhood sweetheart who cried to the adults: "Why does Byron have a little Chuchu? I want one too. I want one too."

Byron was beaten for nothing, and from then on he never took a bath with him or walked his bird with him.

If the violent woman whose childhood nicknames were "Dog Sees Sorrow" and "Kid King" could also be called a childhood sweetheart.

Byron's memories are full of endless beauty, but what is right in front of him is only their hometown that they can never return to.


"Captain, look at the ship in the port."

Byron looked in the direction that Bruch pointed.

Among the many ships anchored outside Sorenburg, one stood out from the crowd.

A silver cross with a crown on its head was painted on the huge white sail.

That was the symbol of the church.

This is nothing strange. As the most powerful force on the entire continent, the tentacles of this behemoth are naturally everywhere.

The key point is that the flag hanging on the mast is a burning stake with iron nails!

"Is that the Inquisition? How did we run into this group of lunatics?!"

Byron's heart skipped a beat.

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