Pirate Kingship

Chapter 109 New Boss, Black Gloves

Night falls.

The large fleet, which had successfully spent the first two days in the first circulation zone, continued southward along the current without stopping.

The captain's cabin of the fleet's flagship fourth-level ship [Support] was brightly lit.

Only the fleet commander, Rear Admiral Elsie Newman, and Byron, who had been summoned, sat opposite each other across a dining table.

“Come, Captain Byron, try this bottle of Captain Morgan’s rum from the Bantayan Islands.

See if it suits your taste.

To say that rum has to be the most authentic one from Bantaan. "

I saw a mid-level major general pouring wine for himself.

Byron was like a little pirate who had never seen much of the world except for daring to fight and fight. He immediately stood up again "flattered".

"Sit down, sit down quickly, don't be nervous.

As the commander of the fleet, I would also like to thank you for stepping forward and killing that double-gun squid yesterday.

You are our hero, and countless beautiful girls in the fleet are fascinated by you now, Mr. Sea Hunter, haha."

It can be seen that Elsie Newman is very satisfied with Byron's respectful attitude and has a warm smile, just like a very talkative uncle next door.

The new pirate captain indeed matched the information he collected overnight.

It's not the kind of guy he's most worried about, the stupid green guy who's fearless and has no fear of anything.

It also means that there is still significance in continuing the meeting.

Sitting down again, Newman did not go straight to the topic, but first asked Byron a question:

"Mr. Sea Hunter, do you know which country is the unequivocal overlord in the Bantaan Islands and even the entire sea?

How can he dominate? "

Byron thought for a moment and answered according to the knowledge of a new pirate captain:

"Your Majesty General, this is my first time on an overseas route. I have only heard that the Kingdom of Castile is very powerful here.

But why can they become overlords? Isn't it just because they have the biggest fists?

Maritime proverb: The only purpose of artillery is to measure territory.

The winner is naturally the strongest one. "

But I secretly thought:

‘How could I not be clear? I'm afraid I know better than you, the general. ’

Bantaan Islands, also known as the Spice Islands.

In the past hundred years or so, the outlying island country Hetings first fought a hundred-year war with Iris, and then Red Rose and White Rose fought a thirty-year throne war.

During this period, the Kingdom of Castile took the lead in launching the Age of Discovery and became the first to try something new.

At that time, Prince Henry of Castile established the first navigation academy on the mainland and began to train sailors and various experts.

A meteorological observatory was established to recruit geographers, cartographers, mathematicians, astronomers, and naval engineers from all over the mainland at that time.

All scholar-type extraordinary people in the tower sequence are welcome to come.

That kind of grand occasion can be seen by just looking at the current artist gathering in the emerald green, led by Ferdinand of the wealthy family.

Prince Henry allowed them to study together in the academy.

Extensive collection of geography, meteorology, trade winds, ocean currents, shipbuilding, navigation and other literature and materials, analysis, organization and drawing of new nautical charts.

In this way, an era of great navigation that changed the fate of the entire Old Continent, and even the whole world, officially began under the leadership of that Prince Henry.

More importantly, this kind of major event with an influence of at least over 50 naturally gave birth to a large number of [Holy Relics].

Navigation charts, compasses, steering wheels, and sextants. The massive [Holy Relics] in the hands of the Kingdom of Castile also make them unbeatable when exploring the sea!

In just a few decades, they have mastered a large number of gold mines, silver mines, and the main origin of spices in the Bantaan Islands.

Sufficient spices can produce extraordinary beings in batches, and gold and silver can purchase weapons to arm them. Castile's national power has thus expanded rapidly.

It has gradually grown into a behemoth that no one can shake.

Especially in the Bantaan Islands, even if the church wants to accomplish anything here, it must seek help from Castile.

Due to their suppression, other countries, including the Kingdom of Hetings, could only occupy corners of the country where material output was not abundant.

Catherine's new territory, the Taiman Islands, which is close to the boundary of human exploration, is such a place.

The major general and Byron, a novice, gave a general explanation of the situation in the Bantaan Islands, and then said with a solemn expression:

"Yes, the core of the competition in the Spice Islands is spice! It is the source of extraordinary power!

They are more important than gold and silver.

Rapidly improve spirituality; strengthen [Navigator]'s perception; serve as auxiliary fuel for lighthouses to illuminate the spiritual world and protect colonies from weird attacks

Spices were necessities and hard currency for overseas colonization.

Hattings needs spice, His Majesty needs spice, the Navy needs spice, and we, the Newmans, need spice too! "

When he said this, the major general's voice was as seductive as the devil:

“Byron, you may not know that.

Although Bantaan's colonies are outside the direct territory of the kingdom, they are also divided into company colonies (belonging to development companies), owner colonies (belonging to nobles), and autonomous colonies (belonging to private individuals).

But in the largest colony directly under the Kingdom, the new governor who has just taken office also has the surname Newman.

I believe that a soldier who doesn't want to be a general is not a good soldier.

Although the Newman family cannot give you the title of pirate general like His Majesty, I can support you with personnel, ships, arms, funds, and docks.

I wonder if you are willing to help me? "

The smile on his face is impeccable.

The etiquette of the nobles can never have any deviation.

In the eyes of ordinary people, these nobles' iconic red tape has almost become a habit of life in their practice for more than ten years or decades.

No noble in a social occasion will find it cumbersome.

The kind of violent and wanton nobles in the story who can't help but laugh or step on civilians when they see them, and scold and beat servants at will are extremely rare.

Their contempt and prejudice against civilians are only hidden in polite smiles and almost impeccable etiquette.

Even if they kill people, they must be smiling with a knife hidden in their hearts!

'So, sometimes these superiors are obviously asking questions, but if the listeners really take If they are asking for your opinion, you will definitely be in big trouble.

Many people think they have the right to choose, but in fact they don't.

It's like there are two candidates on the stage for you to vote. No matter who wins, it doesn't affect the interests of those "thread pullers".

Talents are good, but if they can't be used by me, they are useless.

It is obvious that the Newman family wants to use their positions to suck blood from the kingdom system to support themselves, which is a good calculation. '

As a qualified royal heir, Byron is of course well aware of this and can fully hear the other party's hidden meaning.

Without disappointing Major General Newman, he stood up, clasped his right fist on his chest, and solemnly promised:

"General, since I am a Hastings man, I have no choice but to serve the country!

Just tell me if you have anything. "

But he knew it clearly in his heart.

General Newman actually needed a black glove to do some things that the official and the Newman family were not convenient to do directly.

Once things got out of hand, it was foreseeable that the dirty black glove would be thrown out to put out the fire.

As usual, he signed a strict "indenture".

"Very good, Mr. Byron, you are destined to have a bright future! "

The smiling major general raised his glass and clinked it with him.

Both of them laughed heartily at the same time.

They all thought it was a successful meeting.

The Newman family gained a capable general who had no background, was loyal and reliable, and could do dirty work, and Byron gained a new boss worth remembering. They both have a bright future!

It's just that this new "confidant" identity needs to be cultivated slowly, and it can be used to transfer crises after a period of time.

'Why don't you give him a copy of the treasure map of Treasure Island?'

While Byron was still thinking about it, Major General Newman had raised his hand and handed him a note with a coordinate on it.

Seriously reminded:

"Your first task.

There is a small island rich in spices here, on the border of the kingdom's colonies and Castile.

It is not large in area and has a small population, but it can always continuously output high-quality spices.

It was only by chance that the Newman family discovered that there seemed to be some secrets hidden here.

I sent people to the island several times, but those with high ranks got nothing, and those with low ranks never came back.

I now need a team with unfamiliar faces, low ranks, and absolutely top-notch strength among the same ranks to help me figure out what happened there.

If the mission is successfully completed, perhaps the feat of large-scale artificial production of high-quality spices may be realized in our hands.

Before we reach Bantaan, you and your pirate ship need to leave the team in advance and sail away from the first circulation belt to do this quietly. "

Byron took the note and slowly read out the name of the island:

"Tymanbrak Island? "

His face could not help but darken slightly, and countless curse words that he wanted to curse suddenly surged into his throat:

'***, if I remember correctly, Taimanbulak is actually one of the affiliated islands of the Taiman Islands that I just asked for from my sister, right?

Although it is indeed on the border adjacent to Castile.

But you actually used the disputed territory actually controlled by the overseas overlord to perfunctorily deal with your grandfather?!'

I still remember that during the day, he also said that in this territory exchange, the York family's eating style was not too ugly.

Young, really too young.

This familiar recipe, familiar taste, the taste is really too good!

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