Pirate Kingship

Chapter 124 Leopard Warrior, Shadow Reappears

Just when Byron and his party had just arrived at their own fiefdom.

In the western part of the Bantaan Islands, on an inconspicuous island that has penetrated deep into the indigenous tribe's ruling area, a "Crown War" for obtaining human sacrifices has also come to an end.


In the Bantaan tribe, which is called indigenous by the colonists and actually calls itself Taino.

A large number of long houses with grass and wood structures on the periphery are burning.

Women and children in simple clothes are running and crying, trying to escape from the tribe and escape into the tropical rainforest, but they are driven back by a group of ferocious colonists holding muskets.

Most of the men are holding simple stone weapons, and a few are holding precious steel swords obtained from the spice trade, roaring and rushing towards the invaders.

The seemingly tragic resistance is meaningless.

Among the colonists, a strange man who was still wearing a gray cloak even in the tropical jungle stood out and said in a somewhat shrill voice:

"Poisonous plague insect swarm!"

Spreading his wide sleeves.

Buzz buzz buzz.

A group of strange insects that looked like wasps but carried a foul smell all over their bodies flew out from his sleeves and covered the entire crowd in an instant.

One by one, the natives, regardless of gender, age or status, screamed and foamed at the mouth, fell to the ground and completely lost the power to resist.

This is the "Crown War" that is often launched between indigenous tribes.

Not for the purpose of killing, but simply to obtain sacrifices for living sacrifices!

Among the natives, there was only one female senior warrior who was obviously a transcendent. She held a pair of daggers that seemed to be polished from the fangs of fierce beasts and danced like the wind.

The blade flashed, and all the bees flying towards her were cut to the ground.

Staring at the cloaked man, the leopard tooth necklace on his neck emitted a faint blue flame that wrapped his whole body.

A pair of eyes suddenly turned into the dangerous animal pupils of a leopard.

The wheat-colored skin also had golden and black leopard patterns, two triangular ears stretched out from the top of the head, and a long tail swung behind the hips, whizzing.

It seemed like she had really turned into a muscular female leopard, beautiful and dangerous.

Under her satin-smooth skin, her muscles flowed smoothly like water waves, providing her with extremely strong explosive power.

Let the female warrior rush towards the cloaked man who was obviously leading the way.

"Outsiders, you all deserve to die!"

The colonists were familiar with this extraordinary ability, knowing that it was a unique extraordinary profession among the natives of Bantaan - [Leopard Spirit Warrior].

Hunted a mature wild leopard with his own hands and made an amulet with its teeth.

During the battle, he could instantly transform and gain the powerful power of a certain beast.

If placed in the Old World, this very primitive witchcraft would of course be taboo knowledge without a doubt.

But in the overseas world, it is a common universal ability.

[Bear Spirit Warrior], [Eagle Spirit Warrior], [Frog Warrior]. Just like the knight professions that are spread across various sequence systems in the Ladder of Glory.

The price is that he will be full of wildness and desire raw food from then on.

And once the animal spirit possesses the body for too long, the leopard ears, leopard tail and leopard pattern that grow out may remain on the body forever and never disappear.

In the slave market, many so-called non-human races actually come from this.

It is said that in the colonies of the Kingdom of Castile, a black industry chain has even been formed to meet the special fetishes of domestic nobles.

Not only the most common cat girls and tiger girls, but also mermaids.

However, before the female leopard spirit warrior who burst out with all her strength rushed to the side of the cloaked man, three rows of muskets had already opened fire together.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

In the interweaving of the fire lines, the hair on her leopard tail exploded, and the whole person almost formed an afterimage. She dodged at an incredible angle, but was still shot in the shoulder and thigh.

Blood spurted out, and then she fell to the ground with a whine.

She found that the cloaked man walking towards her was staring at her ears and tail, so she begged for mercy in the somewhat awkward continental common language:

"Outsider, let my people go, I, Yasmina, am willing to serve you from now on."

The cloaked man glanced at the leopard ears on her head that were slowly retracting and the leopard tail behind her buttocks, and his shrill voice was calm:

"If it was the former 'Bloody Mary Sect' in the Thirsty Blood Cult, they might have treated you differently.

But you have neither a shell nor tentacles, and even only a pair of feet.

Why are you so confident that I, the 'Giant Insect Book Sect', would be interested in the opposite sex like you?

My hobby is not here at all."

He raised his hand to lift the hood on his head, revealing a pale face of a very young man.

But he had two long tentacles on his forehead like a centipede.

He stretched out his arm and the cuffs slipped off, and an arm with a chitinous shell stretched out like a centipede's body.

The edge was actually covered with blood-red tentacles that looked like blades.

Seeing his appearance clearly, even though this female warrior was a battle-hardened extraordinary person.

But her instinctive fear of the big bug still made her scream.


Then she was bitten on the neck by the mouthparts on the arm, and the venom was injected, and she fainted like her own people in an instant.

As the last senior warrior fell, it seemed that this ancient tribe was about to be completely destroyed.

The last skinny shaman who had been kneeling under a totem pole in the center of the tribe stood up silently, and resolutely hit his head against the colorful totem pole and died.


The brain burst, mixed with hot blood, and all poured onto a very exaggerated human face at the bottom of the totem pole.

The totem pole, which was more than ten meters high, suddenly glowed with spiritual light.

A cheetah's roar suddenly resounded throughout the tribe.

"Hey, is it a guardian spirit? This small tribe has few people, but it actually worships a guardian spirit that can manifest power?

It is also possible that they were defeated in another "Crown War" and many warriors were captured, and then they migrated to this island.

No wonder I thought these longhouses were a bit too new at the beginning."

The cloaked man of the Bloodthirsty Cult frowned when he saw this scene, and even the speed of the tentacles on his forehead moved a little faster.

In all indigenous tribes that believe in animism and immortality of souls, totem poles are indispensable.

The carvings on the top of the pole are generally animals or plants such as eagles, bears, killer whales, thunderbirds, crows, beavers, wolves, and frogs.

The natives believe that each clan has relatives or other special relationships with a certain animal or plant.

This animal or plant will become the totem of the clan, symbolizing the guardian of the tribe.

Further down, the style of the pillars is generally human, and this image usually represents the ancestors of the tribe.

Continuing down, different images and different combinations constitute different legendary deeds of a tribe.

Usually, small tribes will carve varying numbers of totem poles.

Large city-states and countries will build magnificent pyramids and temples on the top of the square pyramid.

Connected by ladders, the lowest level is four floors and the highest is thirteen floors.

Each totem pole and each temple will form an island in the spiritual world to protect the tribe from source tides and various weird invasions.

It can be understood as a substitute for the human [Silver Law], but it is far less large than the [Silver Law].

The natives major in black witchcraft, and obviously need to have their own [anchor].


In the blink of an eye, a leopard spirit as big as a small house, burning with blue flames, jumped out of the totem pole.

Its body is that of a cheetah, but its head is that of a standard human male.

This is because the strongest warriors in the tribe will choose to merge with the ancestral spirits after death and become the guardian spirits of the tribe.

Having both human and animal characteristics, it represents the natural force beyond human control.

In the eyes of some high-level extraordinary people in the Old World, it is more like a combination of "divinity" and "beast", with the same roots as the Old World, but more primitive.

At this time, the cheetah guardian spirit was obviously scarred, covered with bullet holes and sword marks, and some places were still flowing with transparent blood.

It obviously verified the cloak man's guess.

It had experienced a fierce battle with another wave of colonists not long ago.

If the tribe had not been in a dangerous moment of life and death, the shaman would never have summoned this guardian spirit with his life.

But before this half-human, half-beast guardian spirit could kill the invader.

In the distant sky, there was another buzzing sound of wing membrane vibration, and then a large black "dark cloud" suddenly fell.

It turned out to be thousands of palm-sized black locusts.

They opened their countless pincer-like mouthparts and gnawed at the tribal guardian spirit from head to toe.

The extremely shrill screams that seemed like lingchi suddenly resounded through the sky, but stopped abruptly in an instant.

In just a few breaths, this powerful spiritual creature was gnawed clean.

The locusts gathered in a ball in the air and gradually formed the shape of a person.

Then a blood-colored spiritual light flashed, and it turned into a black-robed figure slowly floating to the ground.

The crisis was instantly resolved.

However, locusts would occasionally drill in and out from under the black robe of the figure, which made people's scalps numb.

"Capture the prisoners and plunder the spoils. Try to rob another native tribe before nightfall."

"Yes, Mr. [Zerg]!"

The armed colonists rushed into the native tribe with shining eyes, and there was another chaos.

The gray-robed cloaked man at the beginning stepped forward and said respectfully:

"Teacher, you are here.

After completing the second ritual, completely abandoning your mortal body, and sublimating the essence of life, your power has become even stronger.

Even facing the concentrated fire of battleships, you can remain unscathed.

Among all the third-level extraordinary people, you are also enough to be among the strongest."

Hearing the compliment from his disciple, the black-robed man called [Zerg] by the colonists sighed in the same shrill voice:

"I am just the will of the Zerg now. Although the essence of life has been sublimated, it will eventually decay.

Only the [Scarlet Holy Grail] represents eternal life.

It's a pity that although our 'Giant Insect Book Sect' successfully defeated the 'Bloody Mary Sect' and monopolized the holy land that can communicate with that existence.

We still haven't been able to decipher the legendary ritual [Scarlet Holy Grail] and can't brew a cup of [Eternal Blood]. "

Hearing his words, the gray-robed disciples were also a little indignant:

"That's eternal life only under the divine domain!

We want it, the York family of Hattings wants it, and even those so-called servants of God in the church, who are righteous on the surface, are secretly spying on the power of God.

They always let us charge in the front.

The dirty work is all ours, but the benefits are all theirs.

And those idiots actually lost the ‘Touch of the Kraken’.

The first time that natural disaster helped us defeat the ‘Bloody Mary’ faction (Chapter 91) in the internal strife of the Bloodthirsty Cult; the second time it helped the York family defeat Lancaster in the War for the Throne.

The third time was aimed at the Anchor Bay, and the originally foolproof thing could make the ‘Touch of the Kraken’ go out of control and become a real natural disaster.

Still want us to clean up the mess?

Do we look like ‘honest and trustworthy’ people? If we go to the North Sea, won’t we be swallowed up by that existence with a sixth-level body?

What a joke! ”

[Insect Swarm] waved his hand to interrupt the disciple’s words:

“There is no need to say more about those useless words. In order to obtain the [Scarlet Holy Grail], we now need living sacrifices, more sacrifices.

The Cult has received reliable intelligence that the maritime overlord, the Kingdom of Castile, will soon launch a fatal blow to the dying Azik Empire and Taya Empire.

Everyone’s chance has come.

This is a feast for lions and a carnival for hyenas.

The Bantaan Islands will soon be in turmoil.

Digory, issue an order to mobilize our slave ships, pirate captains, and collaborators of the Kingdom of Hattings. ”

The gray-robed man lowered his head and touched his chest:

“Yes, teacher. ”

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