Pirate Kingship

Chapter 179 Welcome to the Great Pirate Age

"It's miserable, it's really miserable."

Byron took one last glance at his superior, Major General Newman, "Bill's" father-in-law, and then withdrew his gaze from the [Fat Dragon] who had eaten the geoduck and was fighting in a bloody battle.

Returning to the [Golden Deer], I couldn't put it down and rubbed the contracted conch.

"Look at you, not only did you not retreat behind everyone at the beginning, but you kept rushing forward, especially when the Barbary pirates still had trump cards.

Major General, I really didn't want to trick you so early. Now you have fallen into a trap and can't get out, right? "

As a qualified behind-the-scenes mastermind, after setting the stage for the two protagonists and the unexpected supporting characters, I don’t have to see the ending with my own eyes to know that it will definitely be a good show.

Byron didn't have the eccentricity of a criminal returning to the scene of a crime to admire his craft.

If he was caught by the master of suffering, wouldn't he become a clown just like the villain who died from talking too much?

However, he also knew that in this kind of melee, unless he was surrounded by everyone, as long as he concentrated on escaping, the extraordinary person in the middle sequence would most likely not die.

It is quite possible that the strength of his men will be lost.

Byron felt that now, perhaps not only the West Wind Express, but also the business of the Pioneer Pilot Military Dispatch Company could be started.

At this time, there was also a commotion in the suddenly changed combined fleet.

"The Barbary pirates just said that their large forces also went to the Bay of Campeche. Doesn't that mean that the two overlords of the Old World have started a war?"

"The general is not here, what should we do now?"

"Are you still going to the colonies to pick up bargains?"

The remaining naval fleet of the Kingdom of Hattings and the privateer fleet of the pirate generals also lost their backbone and were somewhat at a loss.

One of the pirate generals in the fleet [Slitthroat] suddenly suggested:

“Now that the overcooked duck of the Barbary pirates has flown, we will make up for the loss with the Castilian-occupied island of Tayman Brac.

Everyone, the current situation is a once-in-a-lifetime situation, and it is much better than our original plan of sneaking in and picking up bargains.

Now that the Star-Moon Empire has started a war with Castile, one of the two tigers must be injured when fighting each other, or even both.

This is a good time for us to wait for an opportunity to rise. "

His proposal was immediately responded to by everyone, and they all turned to attack Tayman Brak, which was the forward base of the Castilians and had a large amount of supplies.

There was no suspense in the battle, and the remaining personnel in Castile watched the wind and surrendered.

Immediately, Byron, the nominal lord, was allowed to take over the place again, and the land was distributed on the spot with the transfer fee of one gold coin as agreed.

During this period, they also received information from senior officials of various companies.

“The Armada was attacked by Barbary pirates who had planned it for a long time. The Castilians suffered heavy losses and were at an absolute disadvantage.

It is only a matter of time before they retain a certain amount of strength and flee collectively.

It is estimated that over a long period of time, the control and defense capabilities of the colonies in the Bantaan Islands will be significantly reduced.

The new overlord may be the Star-Moon Empire represented by the Barbary pirates.

But they can't be considered a complete victory either.

[Blue hair] Barbarossa Haldin was attacked by Velazquez, the angry Governor of Havana, and his injuries are unknown."

The information spread, and before the battle in the Gulf ended, all the major forces that had been suppressed by the Castilians for a long time celebrated a carnival.

Everyone knows that in the past, neither the Kingdom of Castile nor the Star-Moon Empire were easy to mess with.

Now that his strength has plummeted, countries don't mind adding insult to injury and taking advantage of his illness to kill him.

Starting from Taiman Brac, the combined fleet never stopped and continued eastward to plunder the colonies along Havana Island.

At the same time, the sapphire sea where the Bantaan Islands are located is too large and has no intersection with the east-west route. There are still countless forces that have not participated in the combined fleet.

Perhaps the warships did not dare to send out directly, but the privateers belonging to the major forces had no scruples and swarmed the colonial points and even the military ports of the Kingdom of Castile.

Don't bother too much, just grab it and run away.

From Media Luna to Betientes, from Trinidad City to Pinos Island, from Zapata Swamp to Batavano Bay. Most of the Bantayan Islands have been beaten into a pot of porridge.

When all the snowflakes start shaking, nothing can stop an avalanche from happening.

When the frenzy of war sweeps through every individual, even the will of the higher-ups will be completely subjugated.

Once the chaos begins, even if Castile's military strength is restored to its original state, it will be difficult to intimidate all parties as before.

Byron had long since returned to the Tayman Islands, eating buttered popcorn and watching the show.

“The premise for all this to happen is that most of the fourth- and fifth-level players left their comfort zones and went to the southern seas in order to take themselves further.

This left an interest vacuum that they looked down upon.

Both me and the original [Conqueror] Cortez, and the Barbary Pirates' [Blue-haired] Barbarossa Haldin, all want to seize this opportunity to do something big. "

He also clearly realized that what was lost was only a small part of the strength of the two overlords, the Kingdom of Castile and the Star-Moon Empire.

The main force of the Armada is at least a third-level ship, and there is not one here. At most, there are only a few more fourth-level ships than others.

The king's left hand in [Throne of Oceania] is in a similar situation.

A fifth-level legendary beast trainer, most of his strength lies in his sea monster army, and the pirate ship is just a foil.

The short-term vacuum of force does not mean that the two families have been seriously injured.

Returning to the essence, Byron is still just an ordinary second-level pirate.

He has never been a conspirator who has added fuel to the flames and pitted the two forces in one fell swoop.

But during this vacuum period when both sides have lost a lot of strength, Castile's merchant ships and colonies lack protection, and the strongest group of pirate forces lick their wounds.

It will surely usher in a golden period of rapid expansion of the power of various countries.

"What I have to do next is to seize this fleeting God-given opportunity and manage this international port well.

Once the established facts are achieved and the interests of enough people are swept up, even those fifth-level [Kings] will find it difficult to change the status quo.

Only when the big tree falls can the small tree growing under his feet get enough rain and sunshine.

Now is also the only chance for a small force to soar into the sky."

No one knows that everything just comes from Byron's big lie that the Taino people are about to become extinct through the hands of the [Bird-beaked Plague Doctor].

He, the [Storm Knight], has once again successfully turned the tables.

The spirituality also broke through the 8-point mark.

Several mountains were moved away from his head at once, and Byron's heart suddenly became bright.

"Since the Golden Hind arrived at the Bantaan Islands, it has been passively swept into the colonial torrent and pushed forward all the way.

I haven't had time to stop and taste the food, enjoy the scenery, explore the countless secrets overseas, and pursue taboo knowledge."

Facing the sea, spreading his hands, he whispered to himself and the world:

"When a whale falls, all things come to life.

Welcome to the great pirate era where all up-and-coming people have the opportunity to make a name for themselves!

Although this is serving the public and allowing all oppressed people to share the benefits equally.

But no need to thank me, I, Byron Lancaster, am just a troublemaker out of interest."

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