Pirate Kingship

Chapter 194 Holy Relic: Sword of Damocles!

A few days later, the Royal Port of Jamestown was decorated with lights and colors.

The melodious bagpipe sounds from the hometown of Hattings filled the streets and alleys, and the residents of the city were laughing and talking everywhere.

The Governor's Office also allocated funds to bakeries throughout the city, allowing them to distribute soft and delicious white bread to civilians throughout the city for free today.

Merchant ships are exempt from port entry fees within a week, and beer and rum in taverns are also 50% off

All extraordinary people can enter the Governor's Office to attend banquets and enjoy fine wine and food, and enjoy the circus performances of magicians, clowns, and dancers in the Hall Sequence.

There will even be a knight competition, regardless of origin, and the winner can get a third-level wonder as a reward.

One welfare after another ignited the entire colonial city.

"Congratulations, Governor, the Governor's Mansion is about to have a happy event."

"Congratulations, General, Mr. Bill and Miss Tilly are made for each other, there is no better match than them."

"Thank you, thank you"

On the neatly trimmed lawn of the Governor's Mansion, the Newman brothers, Governor Jefferson Newman and Major General Elsie Newman, personally welcomed the endless stream of guests.

However, both of them looked much thinner, and even their eyes were bloodshot, and they obviously did not sleep well in the past few days.

The audit team from the Tax Inspection Bureau, who came with bad intentions, put a lot of pressure on them.

But on the surface, they could not let people see that they were guilty.

The two brothers even had to prepare houses, carriages, and good wine for the tax officials who came to inspect, pretending to be happy and welcoming the "angel".

In this tense and depressing atmosphere, they welcomed the original engagement day of Bill and Tilly.

At this time, the faces of the two Newmans looked more bitter than that of "Bill" who was forcing himself to smile and accept the blessings of the guests in the crowd.

And the two of them looked up at the empty sky from time to time, as if there was something there that made them feel uneasy.

Suddenly, Major General Newman's eyes fixed on a figure who was leisurely enjoying food in the crowd, and apologized to the guests around him:

"Sorry, I have to leave for a while."

He strode towards Byron who was sitting alone in the corner eating and drinking.

Byron had already seen Major General Newman, and hurriedly asked him to sit down, and stuffed a note into his hand:

"Major General, you came at the right time, please ask your quartermaster to help me complete the goods on the list.

I can take it with me when I leave Royal Port.

I plan to start the furnace immediately after the copper smelting metallurgical plant is built, and I can't delay the construction period."

The main business of the Torrent Fortress in the future will definitely be steel production, but the good associated copper mine cannot be wasted.

Moreover, compared with steel smelting, the most primitive fire copper smelting has almost no threshold.

As long as a large pit is dug in the ground, charcoal and other fuels are laid on the bottom layer, and a layer of crushed copper ore is laid on top, the most primitive bowl-shaped furnace is built.

When the craftsman raises the temperature in the furnace to 1084℃ through a blower, the copper element in the copper ore will melt and separate from the ore, and then condense into particles.

After cooling, the slag can be removed to find granular copper.

The modern process that has been improved many times is not difficult.

In comparison, the advantage of cast iron is that it is cheap, not that its performance is better than copper.

Whether brass or bronze, although expensive, has good plasticity, is tough and durable, and is not easy to explode.

After the arsenal is built, the first batch of arms produced will definitely be equipped with artillery for flagships such as the New Golden Deer and the heavy cruiser.

Since we are determined to go for the [Holy Relic], there is no need to consider the cost issue at all.

If we really have a mine at home, do we still need those three melons and two dates?

Only the glittering bronze cannon can be worthy of the holy relic.

Newman, who was already anxious and angry, was choked when he saw Byron still caring about his equipment as if nothing had happened. Then he glared at him and whispered:

"Mr. [Sea Hunter], is it time to discuss the bill of goods now?

It's urgent, why do you still have the leisure to eat here?

Since we were restricted here by that damn thing, you promised that even if you didn't go there in person, you could find someone else to find a way.

Where is the progress I want?!"

Although he was extremely excited, he still didn't dare to shout at Byron.

He pulled his collar uncomfortably, as if there was a sword on it. If he moved a little, cold sweat would flow down his cheeks and neck.

No, it's not as if, but there is really a sword hanging over everyone's head!

"Don't worry, drink some wine to calm your nerves."

Byron poured a glass of wine for the other party, and silently activated the [Storm Signet Ring] symbolizing the royal power of Hastings, and opened his spiritual vision to look at the sky.

He saw a silver network of laws covering the entire island.

And right above the Governor's Mansion, there was a golden illusory long sword that seemed to be suspended by a slender horsehair.

The sword light was cold and sharp, and it seemed to sting people's eyes as long as you looked at it.

The logbook had long recognized its identity, it was a former zero-level holy relic [Sword of Damocles]!


"King Dionysius, an ancient king before the Silver Age, in order to satisfy the greed of his favorite Damocles and teach him a lesson.

He entrusted his palace to him and gave him full power to realize any of his desires.

However, Damocles, who pursued vanity and was keen on snobbery, was at the grand celebration banquet.

Suddenly, he looked up and saw a sharp sword with a cold light hanging heavy and upside down on the ceiling directly above where he was sitting.

There was only a piece of horsehair tied to the hilt of the sword, and it was about to fall on his head. He was so frightened that he ran away from the table in a panic.

At this time King Dionysius stepped forward and said:

‘This sharp sword is a symbol of danger that threatens the king every moment. As for the king’s happiness and well-being, it is just an appearance. ’”

This holy relic has three symbols and three effects:

“First, it symbolizes restriction and divine punishment.

Second, it symbolizes the ultimate of all rights and interests: divine power.

Third, it symbolizes the divine status and power of the holder. It is a sword with divine power that can kill the king at will. "


It is the same as the [True Cross], [Lance of Longinus], [Shroud], [Holy Grail], [Holy Foreskin], and a series of other powerful holy relics. They were all involved in the unknown incident at the beginning of the era. Medium collapse.

Only an unknown number of incomplete fragments were left, scattered into the hands of different forces, and even the church had no chance to recast them.

But just one of the fragments still possesses the powerful power to kill the extraordinary beings in the sequence.

In conjunction with the [Iron Law of Royal Power], for example, when the law is triggered, it is equivalent to actually putting a knife to the neck.

It's still the kind where if the king wants his minister to die, he has no choice but to die.

The only drawback is that it only works internally and not externally.

It is a powerful weapon against the subjects within its own ruling system, but it has almost no lethality to the outside world.

Only if he can be restored to his whole body can he gain the power to kill any king in the world.

Moreover, the person who holds this holy relic now is not King Edward IV, but the [Kingmaker] Earl Warwick.

Including other Yorkists, no one knew that he had such a treasure, and they did not take it out until he successfully seized power.

How similar is this new powerful official of the Kingdom of Hetings to the original Damocles?

Perhaps his rules of conduct came from the destiny of this holy relic.

"Plans don't change as fast as they do. A few days ago, before I could set out, Warwick suddenly issued an order through the legal network.

The Hattings Colony and everyone who came with the ocean fleet last time are required to stay in Port Royal and are not allowed to go out.

In fact, it is a trap to prevent accidents.

It caught us off guard.

The Newman family had no time to react before their personal freedom was restricted.

As long as the audit team gets here, they can see through those fake accounts that are fake at first sight.

The [Sword of Damocles] hanging above their heads will crash down and chop off any of their heads.

Whether it is Major General Newman or Governor Newman, their proud status and third-level extraordinary abilities will have no effect.

It has no necessary connection with whether the audit team has the strength to kill two third-level people. "

Now, except for the two chief officers, the Newman brothers, and Byron, who has backdoor authority, no one else even knows that there is a Sword of Damocles hanging above their heads.

Byron can also make a bold guess about what Warwick wants to do:

“The Newman brothers were just minor players in his eyes.

The reason why the [Kingmaker] started such a big battle was obviously not only to check the accounts, kick out the Newman brothers, and consolidate power, but also to investigate the [Wild Hunt]!

Passengers on the ocean fleet, except those originally present at Transcopan, were subject to a rigorous review process.

If there were no orders from above, the Newman family would not be so kind, providing free bread and wine, and providing rare items to reward extraordinary people.

But it was all to uncover the Wild Hunt and the 'Last Lancaster' who might be hiding in the crowd without alerting the enemy.

This guy who made the greatest contribution to the York family is indeed an old fox, and he completely disrupted our original plan as soon as he made a move.

Fortunately, I still have a backup plan, otherwise it would be really dangerous this time. "

Compared to Byron's calmness.

Major General Newman stared at a pair of bloodshot eyes that had not slept well for several days, and growled at him:

"How can I be in the mood to drink? You can just talk.

You keep telling me not to worry, but there has been no news for so many days. Is your person gone? Have you taken action against the audit team?

Counting the time, they will soon leave the first circulation zone.

We are all grasshoppers on the same rope. If they really come, you, as the buyer of the corruption case, will never be able to escape. "

Seeing Major General Newman's unsettled look, Byron couldn't help but shake his head inwardly:

“Don’t I know that once they arrive safely in Hong Kong, everything I have worked so hard for will be gone in an instant?

But when it comes to major events, you should remain calm. The more panic and chaos you have, the easier it will be for the enemy to seize the loopholes.

The Newman family was just an upstart who seized the opportunity to cling to the York family. They were promoted to earls only a few months ago and lacked the composure of a great noble.

Really, mud cannot hold up a wall.

He is still a little too young to fight with an old fox like Kingmaker Warwick in a distance.

Besides, the auditors of the Chancellor of Finance are nothing. I will kill them for you another day when the King's envoy comes. "

At this time, he also found that on the blade of the [Sword of Damocles] in the sky, a pair of eyes that obviously belonged to the [King Maker] Earl Warwick slowly emerged.

This means that the other party has already locked his attention here.

Byron knew that the time had come. No matter what happened in the fleet over there, it would no longer be related to his "York confidant".

He smiled and patted Major General Newman on the shoulder:

"Sir, please pour me a glass of iced wine.

There is an art feast a thousand miles away that is about to begin."

At this time, Governor Jefferson Newman, who also walked to his side, although he didn't understand.

But he still grabbed the wine pot and poured him a glass of wine that was still a little cold with a dark face.

Under the gaze of the two, Byron held up the wine glass and shook it slightly, but his consciousness had already arrived a thousand miles away in an instant.

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