Pirate Kingship

Chapter 204 Miss Fairy, you don’t want Bruch to fail, do you?

The song played by the goblin Regrel at this time is called "Desert Night".

Accompanied by the melodious sound of bells on her wrists, ankles and waist, this beautiful dancer danced in flying steps without even touching the ground.

While dancing, the white, smooth and moist skin in the red dance skirt flows from time to time. Every flash of red and white makes people's hearts skip a beat.

Her feet are light and nimble, but her eyes are passionate and unrestrained. Combined with the gorgeous dance skirt on her body, Rigreel's whole body seems to be burning with a blazing flame.


The rhythm of the body communicates with the sea of ​​essence, and the pink flame burns from the hearts of everyone present, burning more and more, almost erupting from the eyes.

The effect of this dance music is obviously to greatly enhance the desire of the viewer.

The special effect of the title [Absolute Charm] would have made all the men, women, old and young, humans and animals who saw her fall in love with her, but now it was enhanced to the extreme.

Moreover, it is different from the ordinary dancer whose neck was easily broken by Byron relying on her special quirk last time.

The dancing posture of this [Fairy] has reached the point where it can directly attack the enemy's spirituality through the resonance of the essence.

Even if you close your eyes and plug your ears, the charming and sultry dance is still being instilled into everyone's brain through invisible channels.

It gradually pulls people into an illusory and beautiful world, making people indulge in it wholeheartedly and unable to extricate themselves.

“Colorful domes, exquisite garden courtyards, and luxurious carpets woven with gold thread and wool.

That magnificent dancer may be sad or happy, resentful or angry.”

Byron also used this illusion to passively see her appearance clearly.

Not as immature as a girl, nor as mature as a married woman, this is when a woman is most attractive.

In addition to her long fiery red hair, her beautiful eyes also have strange heterochromatic pupils.

One eye is a light blue as transparent as the sky, and the other eye is a gorgeous amber.

"This very iconic appearance seems to be that of the Kimpsis, another wandering ethnic group as famous as the Remites."

Red hair and amber eyes are their standard features.

People with heterochromatic eyes like fairies are rare.

The Kimpsis are also a wandering people without their own country, but their development direction is completely different from the upper-class route of the Remites.

They are natural dancers, singers, magicians, fortune tellers, and even have a mysterious profession [traveler] that is only passed down within the tribe.

It is said that his abilities in various aspects are unique compared to [Navigator] and [Navigator].

Because this ethnic group originated from the Star-Moon Empire, the dance style and costumes also have the shadow of the West Coast.

Jacqueline, the [Chameleon] who was always lustful, almost had a real pink color in her eyes, and shouted:

"Byron Tudor, I'm going to fight you, ah——!"

The unique dolphin sound suddenly rose in pitch, and a ring of air exploded in his mouth.

Fortunately, Byron, who was holding the back of her neck, had quick eyesight and quick hands, and forced her to turn her head, causing the high-speed ripples caused by the sound waves in the air to fall on the wooden house nearby.


Wall panels exploded and sawdust flew.

This turned out to be a sonic bomb that was difficult to detect with the naked eye.

If Byron hadn't been protected by [Son of the Storm], he might not have been able to catch the trajectory of the sonic bomb, and even if he had caught it, he wouldn't have had time to dodge it.

You can question the quirks of this cheap cousin, but you can never question her strength.

However, when she had sex, her brain was obviously not working very well, and she forgot that she was still being pinched in someone else's hands.

With just a slight exertion of his fingertips, Byron immediately knocked out this guy whose melee ability was only "5" at most.

The brows did not relax:

"Jacqueline is easy to deal with, but the 'goblin' opposite is a little more difficult to deal with."

That kind of substantial charm has completely surpassed the normal love between humans.

Even Byron, a heterosexual who had almost no feelings for pure human girls and was completely unfazed by his two beautiful sisters, could not bear to harm her in any way.

Every time I want to summon a strong wind to sweep this [Dancing Girl] who doesn’t have much frontal combat power into the sky, or draw a gun and shoot, to open up some holes in her mind or eyes.

There will be a strong sense of guilt in my heart, and I can't do it at all.

Tried several times, all ended in failure.

In the past, it was this "Musket Swordsman" and "Drug Swordsman" who relied on his [Title] ability and flexible bottom line to bully others.

Now I finally suffered from the special effects of someone else's title.

Sometimes, soft knives may not be as useful as real knives.

If this continues, [Fairy] Regrel won't be able to hurt Byron, and Byron won't be able to defeat her in a short time.

What's even worse is.

If the time drags on for too long and the Newman family in Port Royal notices something unusual, the worst possible outcome is that the lurking mission will fail.

It's still easy to run away.

But his efforts to fully take over the Newman family's legacy and Bruch's sacrifice were all in vain.

If one person fails, it is not impossible to turn against the Newman family in advance and let others take advantage.

On the other hand, he was never worried about the issue of life gems. The original owners of the skins were all transformed into a special kind of weirdness, which would not trigger the gem warning.

Otherwise, the skin-wearing people who are accustomed to using other people's identities to hide themselves would have been exposed on a large scale.

Just when Byron was in a dilemma.

"Bill", who thought he had been completely enchanted by the fairy and ignored by both of them, suddenly woke up from a dream.

He activated the [Holy Sword of the Sun] with a bang, and his body was shining with golden light, turning into a brilliant warm sun.

His speed and explosive power were instantly increased to the limit, the light under his feet exploded, and he jumped up like lightning.

He hugged Regrell who was dancing passionately from behind.

"Ah——! Bill, what are you doing?

As long as you kill that guy, the company will be yours, why are you stopping me?"

Her rhythmic dance was forced to stop, and the spell was naturally interrupted.

Bruch even took off his military uniform in advance and wrapped the entire upper body of the [Fairy] who was much smaller than Tilly.

Only a few strands of fiery red hair and a pair of strange eyes of different colors were revealed from the gap.

Regrell thought that this man had already devoted himself to her.

Even "Tilly" dared to kiss her, now seeing her fairy-like self, wouldn't she faint with joy?

Caught off guard, she was controlled in an instant.

After being hugged tightly by the man, no matter how she struggled and kicked, Bruch remained motionless like an iron golem.

The soft fists and feet were more like giving him a close massage.

"Stop it, don't hit me anymore."

As he said that, he also took the initiative to cancel the [Cognitive Correction] borrowed from Byron, and turned back to the real appearance of [Iron Wall] Bruch.

Two-meter-tall stature, a broad and strong chest like a shield, and a heroic face as cold and hard as granite.

Especially Bruch is only one year older than Byron, and his appearance is much better than Bill, who is already in his thirties.

Young, strong, rare profession, and extraordinary origin, he is more suitable for the peerless [Fairy] in his arms.

"Why are you also.?"

Now it was Rigel who was shocked again.

She could no longer struggle, and she opened her mouth slightly, muttering to herself:

"I am a fake Tilly, and you are also a fake Bill?

And you are a young [Oath Knight] with a hidden identity?"

Looking at Byron who was walking slowly next to her without any surprise, combined with the information she had, she suddenly understood.

It seemed that she understood many secrets hidden under the water at once:

"So, you two were actually in the same group from the beginning.

The loyalty and righteousness of Anchor Bay that many pirates talked about with relish were actually fake.

All the conflicts and struggles for power and profit within the company were actually performed for the Newman family?

It's ridiculous that they actually wanted to alienate your relationship and secretly planned to swallow up the Pioneer Navigation Colonial Trade Company and the Earldom of Greenville.

Who knew that the real hunter would appear as the prey.

You two clearly wanted to use the identity of 'Tilly' to legally inherit the Newman family's business."

However, when she said this, her body suddenly froze.

"No, why did you show me your hidden appearance?"

As a smart person, I have realized that there is no need for my "fiancé" to reveal his secrets. What does this mean?

With a one-tenth of hope, I prayed:

"I don't know anything.

I will put on Tilly's skin again and find a place that will never involve you, so that she can disappear reasonably.

Let me go, just pretend that we have never met here, okay?

I will never do anything to hurt you."

As he said, a white and tender foot like a crescent moon slid along Bruch's trouser leg and gently stroked his iron-like strong calf.

The expression was pitiful, just like a weak and helpless kitten.

It was obvious that he had already noticed his dangerous situation and was subconsciously saving himself.

It has appeared too many times in the stories of the bard, and the hostages who saw the true face of the kidnappers would be violently killed.

But he didn't realize it.

After the curse was lifted, he was full of goodwill towards the man in front of him who wore "masks" and had only been in contact for less than ten days.

It was as if they had known each other for many years, and they were soulmates.

Not only did she not want to hurt him at all, she also did not want to be separated from him for a moment.

Bruch did not rush to answer her, whether it was good or bad.

Instead, he introduced his real name first.

Then he briefly told the story between the Sun Knight Gawain and the Fairy Rigrael.

"In the Kingdom of Hattings a thousand years ago.

An ugly fairy appeared in front of people and asked a knight of the round table to marry her in exchange for helping the [Knight King] solve the problem.

Gawain, out of loyalty to his lord, volunteered to marry the ugly fairy.

On the wedding night, the fairy asked him to choose when to turn himself into a monster:

'If I am a monster during the day, you will be ashamed in front of the world. But if I am a monster at night, you will be unhappy in your own home.'

In the end, Gawain gave his wife the right to choose and completely broke the curse.

So the love between the [Fairy] and the [Sun Knight] is mutual.

Husband and wife do not force one party to control the other, but respect each other, tolerate each other, and support each other.

Otherwise, marriage is just a burden to both parties."

After reading the script, Bruch showed a simple smile to his "fiancée" in his arms.

"This is all what the ancient hero [Sun Knight] Gawain told me during my telepathic communication just now.

But it feels right to me.

I like you and should fight for your right to make free choices. "

Hearing this, Regrel's pair of enchanting eyes of different colors were filled with surprise and increasingly ardent love, and she said emotionally:

“Bruch, what you’re saying is that you’re only being honest with me to be honest with me.

Allow me to make my own choices? I can be free anytime, right?

Dear, you are so kind! "

In this world, free love has never been mainstream, especially for the upper class.

She has seen too many women living as vassals of men, and even Beatrice, the famous third-level wizard in the sect, is not immune to this.

In order to be able to stand out, he hangs around a group of men all day long and entertains them with sex, but in the end he doesn't end well.

While talking.


A thick anchor chain has firmly anchored the two people's spirituality and even their destiny together.

This is a "marriage oath chain" derived from the "Elf" and "Sun Knight", a model couple thousands of years ago.

It is also one of the most powerful contracts in the world. It is blessed by human history and the law of silver and is unbreakable.

No matter what the subjective consciousness of both parties is, whether they truly love each other, from now on they can never hurt each other for personal gain.


Even when he was most deeply charmed, Bruch's thought was not to betray Byron and completely fall into the arms of his fiancée Tiril.

But if the master is unwilling to let go of "Tillier", a descendant of his enemy, and is prepared to die with him in order to preserve loyalty and love.

The same goes for being open and honest at this time.

Even though the effect of the "Wedding Vow Chain" allows the goblin to make her own choice, what she chooses is not "submission" and "freedom".

It’s about “surrendering” and “die together”!

They, the Hattings royal family, know more about the title [Fairy] than the dancer herself.

Before Bruch, the steely man, could tell the cold reality and completely destroy the atmosphere between the "husband and wife", Byron, who knew what he was thinking, suddenly interjected:

"I have something to say.

I know that when inheriting a title, the name of the original owner of the title will generally be inherited.

Even if you are lucky, you can get part of the memory of the successive heirs of the title.

But after all, you have your own name. Your real name and past can be shared with your husband Bruch slowly in the future.

For now, let me continue to call you Miss [Fairy] Regrel. "

Byron looked directly into her strange eyes and said solemnly:

“Of course you have a choice.

But, Miss Goblin, you don’t want Bruch to fail, right?

For his sake and your future, how about reaching a cooperation with us? "

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