Pirate Kingship

Chapter 207: Chao Fan's ability, the target of public criticism

Six knights in shining silver armor, each of them is nearly three meters tall.

Their bodies are covered with exquisite silver armor, and they have a pair of metal wings on their backs, which allow them to glide in the air at high speed, from far to near in an instant.

The outlines of the visors on their faces are all very similar to Byron.

This is the signature ability of the Mithril Knight of the Golden Yuan Sequence at the third level - [Mithril Guard].

The Regent obtained a temporary blessing through the [Golden Law], and his rank was instantly upgraded by one level.

The first two knights held knight lances, the two knights in the middle held giant swords, and the two behind held heavy crossbows shining with silver light.

Before they landed, two arrows comparable to siege crossbows had turned into a line of silver light and flashed in the night sky.

When they appeared again, they had already nailed the weaker flying knife clown and bomb clown to the wall.

Their agile skills that could leap and fly in complex buildings were completely useless in the face of absolute power.

"Haha. Haha!"

The two invaders who were so arrogant just now continued to laugh horribly and then swallowed their last breath.

At the beginning, Catherine could only summon three mithril guards.

Now it has suddenly increased to six.

It is obvious that the financial resources have increased greatly.

In fact, the property of the Pioneer Navigation Colonial Trading Company has more than doubled, but there are too many places to spend money.

Most of the limited wealth has been reinvested in unlimited industries.

The only benefit is probably to grab a piece of fat meat in your hand. After a pass, it seems that nothing is missing, but there will be one more thing in your hand-oil and water.

The same is true for mithril.

As a companion mineral of silver, it never exists alone. The stock of extremely rich minerals is about one thousand to one, and even in the silver circulating on the market, there are trace amounts.

It is difficult for ordinary mortals to refine it.

But for the [Mithril Knight], it is no problem at all.

It happens that many unrefined silver ingots on Yucatan Island will be transferred at the Pioneer Bank.

Especially for those small retail investors who simply save money and have no ability to refine, collecting a "transfer fee" for mithril can make much more money than lending.

These multiple-level mithril golems are not only as fast as the wind, but also extremely powerful.

They are also divided by Catherine into different long-range, medium-range and short-range arms, which cooperate with each other in combat, and even artillery can do nothing to them.

It is true that one fortune can break all laws!

This is also the first time that Catherine, who has been blessed by the status of the Golden Law, has made a full-scale attack in front of people since the opening of the International Port.

"Marine creatures, call!"

Her tall figure wearing the same close-fitting silver armor also appeared on the edge of the battlefield.

She raised a bone amulet high in her hand, and the aura of water color rippled.

The giant giant clams, turtles, starfish, and whales active in the nearby waters gathered on the shore and sprayed large columns of water to the fire point on the shore.

The fire in the nearby buildings was quickly extinguished.

This is one of the exquisite amulets made by Violet herself, the [Whale Bone Amulet·Tide Surfer] (Chapter 179).

The effect is that it can temporarily control the fish and even low-level monsters in the sea like a [Beast Tamer].

It is also one of the amulets that this disaster-prepared witch is best at making.

Of course, if they have already obtained the [Rain God] Chak among the thirteen crystal skulls, there is no need to spend so much effort.

Holding the complete royal power of the Golden Law to control people, land, and sky, it only takes a thought to make heavy rain in the royal territory.

Even if it is just to catch a few water-attributed natural spirits, it is more efficient than summoning fish.

At this time, under the moonlight.

The girl who resolved the crisis in an instant was as beautiful as a Valkyrie, breathtakingly beautiful and terrifyingly strong.

The onlookers from all forces around the port were surprised.

"This countess is so strong?"

"When did she advance to the third-order middle sequence? How could I not know about it when I was stationed at the International Port?

With this strength, if she fights ordinary third-order, even if she fights two, there will be no problem, right?"

"Besides, how much mithril does it take to fight these six three-meter-tall mithril guards?

She is beautiful, rich, and powerful as her reputation says, but her situation is different from what the black market intelligence says."

"Yes, I also bought intelligence, and they also said that the International Port is a fat pig.

The easiest place to get the treasure map is here.

If the [Bone-eating Clown] hadn't taken action first, I might have been the unlucky one."


Various voices were collected by the Golden Law and sent to Catherine's ears, making her realize at the first time that the clown's behavior seemed not accidental.

"Someone is instigating the Bone-eating Clown, or at least inducing or misleading.

It is likely that some force is eyeing us!"

Who is the most dazzling pearl in the Bantaan Islands during this period?

That must be her, the lord of the International Port, [Mithril Dragon], [Flower of the North] Catherine.

What is the most popular topic?

That must be the Treasure Island, which symbolizes boundless wealth!

Byron already has an original nautical chart in his hand, but it does not mean that this chart is not precious to others.

After receiving the news, countless forces, big and small, overseas all want to get a treasure map and get a share of the Treasure Island.

Many people also bought intelligence from various channels.

The general idea is similar. The International Port has a mixed staff and weak defense force, but because the transactions are free enough, there are many people selling treasure maps on the black market.

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

With the help of the mastermind behind the scenes, the lucrative International Port seems to have become the target of public criticism.

So much so that most people think that the International Port is just a sand castle piled on the beach, which cannot withstand any wind and rain.

A wave will turn it back into sand and be eaten by predators who have been waiting for a long time.

But now, reality has given them a blow.

Many people quietly retreated.

When the Marines entered the city to maintain order, they immediately took advantage of the situation and hid again.

Catherine did not have time to care about what these guys were thinking.

After putting out the fire and saving the property she had just worked so hard to develop, she was still furious and waved her hand suddenly:

"Kill them all!"

Afraid that the two low-level clowns nailed to the wall would pretend to be dead, a greatsword knight chopped off their heads with a sword.

The red blood was slightly tinged with green and orange, which puzzled Catherine and the nearby onlookers.

The other five knights immediately surrounded the last third-level clown, the leader of the "Clown Pirates" [Bone-eating Clown] Koraskin.

Auras exploded on the armored body.

[Extreme Speed], [Sharpness], [Bull Strength].

Even if the third-level ability [Clown Tricks] has mysterious and extraordinary effects, it can achieve five magical tricks: disappearance, change, prediction, suspension, and perspective.

Kraskin could only be suppressed.

Even that sharp and terrifying laughter was no longer so coherent.

"Gaga. Gaga."

The body swelled like a balloon, and a big hole was immediately pierced, deflated on the spot; or shrunk like a mouse, and the tireless snow-bright sword storm could also leave him nowhere to hide

If he wanted to fly into the air, the Mithril Guard would fly faster than him

The flying sword-like playing cards could cut through steel, but were powerless against Mithril.

Even if he kept taking out various explosive "gifts" from his bottomless trouser pockets, he could not hurt the Mithril that could directly resist the bombardment.

Obviously, reality is not a game, and there is no such thing as a balance of combat power between professions.

Some professions are stronger than others.

What's more, "money ability" itself is one of the most powerful extraordinary abilities in the world, which can achieve 99% of the miracles in the world!

But even if the situation is so bad, [Bone-eating Clown] Koraskin is still laughing.

The sharp laughter penetrates the eardrum and is extremely creepy.

"Haha. Do you think the clown has failed?

No, the clown will never lose!"

If he could not still speak and communicate like a human, the onlookers would have doubted whether this guy had turned into some kind of evil freak.

Until he laughed loudly and was grabbed by five Mithril Guards, who suddenly exerted force and tore him into pieces in an instant!

When colorful paints instead of blood fell down, this suspicion reached its peak.

"What's going on?"

At the same time, one of the gift boxes scattered everywhere behind Catherine was quietly opened, and two pale hands suddenly grabbed her calf.

"Haha, I got you."

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