Pirate Kingship

Chapter 216 Horse Latitude, Calm Belt


The sea breeze whistled, filling the sails.

The northeast wind prevailing throughout the year in the Bantaan Islands provides a perfect side wind for every sailing ship that goes out to sea and continues to explore the south.

It is not a headwind, not a tail wind, but a side wind.

For every captain, there is nothing better in the world than a smooth sailing.

If there is, it must be this side wind that can blow all the time!

The world's fastest three-masted ship [Golden Deer], from the base camp Rapids Fortress all the way south, the first stop arrived at the Santa Clara Lighthouse at the southernmost tip of Yucatan Island.

This is the end of the land range of the Bantaan Islands and the boundary limit of the living range of the Taya Empire for thousands of years.

Going further south will go deep into the vast and deep sapphire sea, directly to the boundary of the "celestial circulation".

There are no indigenous city-states or towns of outsiders in Santa Clara, only a towering lighthouse standing on a huge reef.

There is a lighthouse keeper who manages it all year round, lighting a way home for all the brave explorers who rush to the sea.

Byron looked at the tall lighthouse that was getting farther and farther behind him, and the deep blue sea water that was getting deeper and deeper under the ship, and exhaled gently:

"We have arrived at the truly undeveloped wild land overseas."

The last page of the logbook in his right eye also changed.

[Secret: Prophecy, Kingship and Wild Hunt God Woden's Prophecy of Racial Revival, Historical Influence 69] The solution density jumped from 20% to 22%.

The logbook also began to automatically record the new adventure map, marking the route that Byron and the [Golden Deer] had taken and the hydrological conditions along the way.

The last time the solution density of this secret was increased because of a long voyage was when he had just set foot on the first circulation belt of the "Echidna Triangle Circulation".

Dare to be the first, explore the unknown, and practice the motto: I am a pioneer, which is what he, the [Storm Knight], should do.

Seizing territory, recruiting soldiers, industrial construction, being a confidant everywhere, etc. are just side jobs.

"Order! From now on, the Golden Deer will enter the third level of combat readiness.

The crew members of each post will rotate in three batches, and the warning taboos will be compared with the first circulation belt.

We set sail from the Iron Anchor Bay of the Old Continent last year. Today, as long as we cross the sapphire sea in front, we can catch up with the exploration progress of those predecessors who have been pioneering for nearly a hundred years."

Listening to Byron's voice clearly sent to their ears with the sea breeze, every crew member, regardless of their profession, was excited.


Especially the extraordinary people who have their backs on the sea of ​​human collective subconsciousness can clearly feel the infinite excitement from the bottom of their hearts.

That is the sense of mission and epic to participate in expanding the entire known world of mankind!

The Age of Exploration is no longer an illusory concept.

At this moment, it is not in the historical materials or textbooks, but in the steering wheel, cable, sail in their hands, and of course in the barrel of the flintlock!

"Don't worry, Captain. The best 120 sailors from the nearly 5,000 people of the Pioneer Navigation Colonial Trading Company are here.

We are fearless!"

"All the boys, get moving."

Daily sailing did not require Byron's personal command, so naturally, the first mate Bruch would do it. The guardian knight held the steering wheel tightly and led the singing of the pirate song:

"Riding the wind and waves, ten cannons; not sailing, but flying.

Terror is the name, pirate is the surname; within a hundred miles, who is not frightened?"

[Singer] Jacqueline got a tricorn hat and a black eye mask from somewhere, and followed the lead in a weird way, singing more vigorously than all the pirates:

"My warriors, sail forward; there are no enemy ships, and the sea is calm.

Selfless and fearless, invincible. Twenty slave girls, serving me"


When the word "slave girls" was heard, the lawless lunatics on the ship all laughed wildly, and joined their singing while working:

"One hundred countries, pay tribute to me. Warships are treasures, freedom is heaven, force is law, and the sea is home"

Byron was also infected by the atmosphere on the ship, and drew out the strange sword [White Frost], playing the sword and singing:

"In the sea, I am the only one.

There are no royal laws, no borders, no national flags, only us.

Those who follow me will prosper, and those who go against me will perish!

The king of the sea is cruising here. All prey will be distributed by me. Equalize the money and leave the beauty"

A "Pirate Song" created by the Castilians, the overlord of the sea, unexpectedly fits the identity and state of mind of everyone on the Golden Deer.

Next to him, Violet did not have any extra thoughts about Byron's singing "Leave the Beauty".

Even her father, Jack Harold, the whale hunter, who was so serious and busy, had so many lovers besides her mother that she couldn't count them on one hand.

What's more, he was the last Lancaster?

If the Red Rose family hadn't suffered a disaster, Byron would have been arranged to marry by the royal family after his coming-of-age ceremony.

He couldn't go out to sea without having offspring.

The girl just looked at the young pirate captain who was showing his domineering aura quietly, with a slightly blurred look in her eyes.

She firmly believed in her heart that he was destined to become the man of the pirate king.

'As for my ideal? Well, it is to follow in the footsteps of my father, the whale hunter, and become the first female pirate king. '

Of course, after singing, the serious business will not be forgotten.

For this team whose average age is only in their early twenties, although they are young and energetic, they should be vigilant.

There is a principle that all navigators know: "Clear water is shallow, deep water is green, wide water is blue, and deep water is black."

The sea of ​​monsters in the Echidna Triangle next door is dark all year round, just as deep as the sea of ​​source materials at the edge of human collective subconsciousness, as if it is a bottomless abyss.

For people with deep-sea phobia, I am afraid they will be scared to death at a glance.

Although the sapphire sea here is far less dangerous than the sea of ​​monsters, it is not a place where ordinary merchant ships with weak firepower dare to set foot.

At least not before the expedition ship establishes a new colony and explores a relatively safe sea route.

However, if they can find special products comparable to spices or more valuable in the new world, then any obstacles will no longer be obstacles.

Even if fireballs and sharp knives rain down from the sky, they will never stop the colonists from coming one after another.

"Look, there's a big whale over there, and there are traces of suction cups on it.

A single suction cup is bigger than a carriage. What kind of deep-sea monster left such a trace?

Reality is even more amazing than the limit of my imagination."

"There's also a moving island over there. No, it's a giant clam covered with barnacles and algae."


After going deeper into the Sapphire Sea, the further south you go, the more active the source tides become. Various monsters and sea monsters frequently appear in the deep sea, and the danger level rises sharply.

Moreover, this place is already on the edge of the "World Serpent·Celestial Circulation". If the navigator is not professional, it is very easy to get lost in it.

It is well known that the farther away from the Old World, the farther the ecological system is from the real world and the closer it is to mythological stories.

According to the adventurers who were shot in the knee by an arrow in the Celestial Circulation and had to retreat back to the Bantaan Islands.

The creatures active there are infinitely close to the legendary mythological era.

Creatures that had long been extinct in the Old World before the Silver Age also appeared from time to time:

Beautiful [Siren] that could confuse sailors with their beautiful singing and eat their flesh and blood;

[Harpies] that liked to kidnap strong sailors in groups to find breeding partners for themselves and continue the population;

[Mouth of the Abyss] that could create a whirlpool in the sea water and swallow everything as long as it opened its mouth.

Some people even claimed that they had witnessed a giant dragon standing on top of a mythical creature!

The sea turtles, crabs, and starfish that can be seen everywhere on the Taiman Islands are not even worthy of carrying shoes compared to them.

However, the most dangerous are not these extraordinary creatures that can be seen and touched.

After going deep into the Sapphire Sea and getting closer and closer to the appearance of the "celestial circulation" and Treasure Island, Byron routinely summoned the reserve officers he was responsible for teaching and starting classes.

"Everyone knows that it was the Castilians who first opened the Age of Exploration.

But the name of 'World Serpent·Celestial Circulation' came from us, the Beidiwan people, and originated from the earthly giant python that circles the world.

Strangely, no naturalist or historian can tell the name of the original namer.

Let's not dwell on this issue today.

Instead, I want to ask you, what is the biggest danger near the celestial circulation, besides those monsters and evil spirits?"

"Is it the ghost ship responsible for sending the dead to another world?"


"Is it the elusive blue hole?"


"Ghost King Tide? Broken Head Wave?"

"Still no."

Just when a group of young reserve officers were still pondering, nature had already answered the question for them.

The northeast wind that had been prevalent in this sea area all year round suddenly disappeared without a trace.

The [Golden Deer], which was sailing at full speed, had to gradually stop after losing wind power.

"What's going on?"

The crew members were confused and leaned on the sidewalls to look around the sea, but found nothing.

Only Byron, who had the [Weather Intuition], had expected it. He clapped his hands and revealed the mystery to them very straightforwardly:

"This is the most dangerous thing in the celestial circulation - the doldrums!"

The reserve officers chewed on the word:


Compared with the scene that just happened around them, they immediately understood what kind of horror it represented.

"It is the doldrums.

Within 5° north and south of the equator at the center of the celestial circulation, there is an 'absolute doldrums', which is the grave of all wind-powered sailing ships.

There is no answer from heaven or earth, and once you mistakenly enter it, you can only wait for death.

Unless you can fly."

At this time, Captain Byron, who really can fly, is not nervous at all.

Transformed into the [Meteorologist] of the High Tower Sequence, he smiled and explained in detail the principle of the formation of the doldrums to the crew members who were about to be scared to death.

"The Calm Belt refers to the narrow strip of land between 5° north and south latitude near the equator, which coincides with the celestial circulation and circles the world.

Because the sun shines almost directly here all year round, it is the area with the highest annual average temperature on the surface of the entire spherical world under my feet.

The horizontal distribution of temperature is too uniform, and the horizontal pressure gradient is very small, so it will not form the east-west, south-north winds necessary for navigation.

Instead, it is dominated by rising air currents, so it is called: Calm Belt."

In fact, according to meteorologists' inference, whether it is southern or northern latitudes, there is also a windless zone within 5 degrees above and below 30 degrees.

Also known as "horse latitude" or more vividly "dead horse latitude".

This is because the earliest adventurers felt that it was too inconvenient to have large livestock in the Bantaan Islands, so they carried large livestock such as cattle and horses with them on every voyage.

But once there is windless weather on the way, other goods don't matter, but the cattle and horses that consume huge amounts of feed can't stand it at all, and they die in pieces.

Because the cattle and horses in this place died of old age, it got such a weird name.

It wasn't until they discovered the "First Circulation Zone" that they were able to use this maritime traffic artery, and the impact of wind was no longer so terrifying.

The name "Dead Horse Latitude" was gradually forgotten by sailors.

But no one can get around the equatorial windless zone.

“The equatorial calm zone is probably one of the most tidally active places in the world.

Affected by this, this windless zone not only exists absolutely without gaps or gaps, but also suddenly expands in certain areas from time to time, reaching up to 15° north latitude.

Fortunately, this expansion lasts for a very limited time, and it will return to its original state within an hour or two at most.

This time it should only last half an hour. "

It is not that there is no wind at sea now, but there is a large-scale updraft.

This is what Byron is least afraid of. As long as he turns on [Storm Son] to counteract gravity, he can ride the updraft straight into the sea of ​​clouds and stand side by side with the sun.

As for other sailing ships that dare to go deep into the windless zone and try to cross the "celestial circulation", they will find a way to catch a sea monster no matter what.

When there is no wind, you can let the sea monster pull you away, so you won't be trapped in the sea.

The location where Treasure Island is scheduled to appear is on the edge of the "Celestial Circulation", so the risk is still within control.

However, just when the crew members were infected by Byron's calm mood and prepared to wait for half an hour, they saw their captain's expression suddenly changed and he solemnly ordered:

"First-level combat readiness, everyone enters the combat position, each artillery assembly is loaded, and the deep sea jump is started!"

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